Daffodils bloom as signs of spring arrive a month early due to mild winter

Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 12:27 AM on 9th January 2012

The first signs of spring  are emerging weeks early as a result of the mild winter, with daffodils and snowdrops already in bloom.

The Woodland Trust, which manages Nature’s Calendar, a scheme in which members of the public record signs of the changing seasons, said it also had reports of silver birch, oak and hazel buds bursting.

And the National Trust said fields are much greener than last year when they had suffered extensive frost damage.

The first signs of spring are emerging weeks early as a result of the mild winter with daffodils and snowdrops already in bloom

The first signs of spring are emerging weeks early as a result of the mild winter with daffodils and snowdrops already in bloom (File picture)

Matthew Oates, National Trust conservation adviser, said: ‘After two cold winters, we’ve reverted back to the modern trend of mild, wet winters.

‘If you look closely in woods, valleys, stream-sides and south facing slopes in particular, there are features of late January and early February everywhere.’

In Devon, hazel catkins were out on Christmas Day – at least two weeks early – while snowdrops have been seen well ahead of their normal late January or early February schedule.

Snowdrops have been seen well ahead of their normal late January or early February schedule (File picture)

Snowdrops have been seen well ahead of their normal late January or early February schedule (File picture)

Cowslips and lesser celandine – which normally start to flower in late January – are in bloom in sites such as Leigh Woods near Bristol, while in south Devon red campion is flowering.

Robins, song thrushes and mistle thrushes are already singing while wood pigeons are attempting to breed, Mr Oates said. Red admiral and brimstone butterflies have been seen on the wing and buff-tailed bumblebees have been spotted as wildlife makes the most of the mild weather.


Mr Oates urged people who wanted to see snowdrop and aconite displays not to leave their trips until February as they may miss the flowers.

While an early spring is a ‘high risk’ strategy for wildlife, which  runs the risk of damage in a late cold spell, February had not delivered a deep freeze for a long time, he said.

The Woodland Trust urged the public to report spring sightings to determine whether this year will follow the recent trend of native plants emerging earlier. According to the central England temperature series, the longest-running instrumental record, there were just four air frosts in the last three months of 2011, compared with an average of 15 in the years between 1878 and 2010.

Dr Kate Lewthwaite, of the Woodland Trust, said: ‘Our native plants and trees are great indicators of wider changes in the natural world.

‘By recording bud burst and flowers blooming, the public can help us determine whether these changes are having a major effect on how Mother Nature functions.’

She added that in recent years it had become more commonplace to see daffodils and snowdrops in late December and early January as the climate warmed.


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So this is it! We’re all doomed to climate change hell!
Still, the daffs look nice don’tthey?

‘The u.k is freezing every day of the year compared to most countries. When are the people of Britain going to just except that the weather in the u.k is rubbish. Stop being in denial about everything people of the u.k’..harry New York.
What a silly (and untrue) comment.

My Father in law had a rose on his bush on Christmas day. Walking out of our local hospital the other day I got a shock when I saw a May blossom tree in full bloom. This is in the north of the UK.

Snowdrops flower in February in my garden and the Daffodils flower in March. During the last 20 years not a lot has changed.

Those aren’t snowdrops in the second picture, DM, they’re crocuses.
“When are the people of Britain going to just except that the weather in the u.k is rubbish.” – harry, new york, 09/1/2012 01:32

Sooner than the people of New York learn to spell, I suspect.

BTW, DM, that “file picture” of early snowdrops…. is actually crocus.

That’s nothing; my daffs were blooming two weeks before Christmas… which kind of disproves your “freezing” theory, harry of new york. BTW, some of us actually LIKE our climate, as it’s what makes our countryside so beautifully green and lush. And at least here we can actually see trees and sky, unlike in your ugly city.

Today, I’ve got daffodils bursting in the front garden …. a dwarf pear tree that’s growing green leaves for spring already, 2 potted giant daisies that should have died with the ‘first frost’ in autumn and that are still continuing to flower …. I also have a couple of miniature roses fighting their way out …. and other flowers and plants that really should have hibernated or died by now! I think winter has completely avoided the south west of england this year .,,, I’m pleased that wildlife have had an easier time but I do miss our usual frosty winter weather and snow!

The u.k is freezing every day of the year compared to most countries.
When are the people of Britain going to just except that the weather in the u.k is rubbish. Stop being in denial about everything people of the u.k.

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