COVID Vaccinated Continue to Report Bizarre, Horrific Debilitations a Year Later

As monitored phase III human clinical safety trials continue, with Pfizer’s trials complete in February 2024 and Moderna’s in December 2022, thousands of people who took the COVID vaccines report bizarre maladies which have their doctors and medical providers mystified. The number of websites reporting these is proliferating.

Tiffany Boersma, age 36 from Oregon posted on September 12, 2022 in She received her second Moderna dose on February 19, 2021. She writes:


“Soon after my first dose, I began to experience severe pain in my arm, followed by more fatigue. I went home that day, and it was business as usual until 9pm that evening. I began to have horrible body pains, chills, headache, numbness in my legs, and fever. My legs hurt to the touch. I was nauseated and could not sleep. The next day was a little better, but I had no appetite. The following weeks, I would be plunged into neurologic symptoms, such as brain fog, tinnitus, confusion, balance issues, and then paresthesia in my legs and body. I would go on to develop POTS and kidney issues, and a laundry list of dozens of debilitating symptoms. I have spent thousands of dollars on my health in the last 19 months. I can no longer work as a psychotherapist, due to debilitating fatigue and cognitive issues. I’m fighting for my life, all while most of the medical community has ignored my plea for help.

I didn’t have informed consent before receiving these vaccines. Nobody told me these were possible outcomes of getting vaccinated against Covid-19. Now I’m on the couch or in my bed 50 percent of the week, and doing basic daily tasks can be a challenge. Please share my story, in hopes it helps others out there struggling or questioning getting this vaccine.”

Chenoa Elizabeth age 41 from New York posted on September 6, 2022 in She received her second Pfizer dose on April 26, 2021, Lot #EW0175.

Chronic illness has quickly become the center of my universe, snuffing everything else out. I had to stop working, leaving no way to support myself. I’ve stepped back from the volunteer activities that I love. After a series of unfortunate events, I finally had the opportunity to return to college, but my poor health has interfered with my academic performance. Now that I am immunocompromised, I have to limit how much time I spend in public, making basic errands very challenging, and isolating because I cannot connect with friends. Physically, my body just can’t keep up with life’s everyday demands. On the most hopeful days, I feel so energized, like a full recovery is within reach, but it never lasts. Most days, I am too fatigued and sick to leave my bed. When my kidneys are at their worst, I fill up with pounds and pounds of toxin-filled water my kidneys cannot filter, being left unable to move.

The past year has been jam-packed with specialist appointments, ER visits, hospital stays, prescription costs, insurance frustrations, awful symptoms, an unbelievable amount of water retention pounds that had to be medically removed, and the brutal side effects of the Prednisone steroid treatment. I’ve been prescribed a high dosage of Prednisone for the past year. A steroid that is alarmingly known by its nickname, the “Devil’s TicTacs”, because of its 150 known terrible side effects. However, after a year of battling both the physical and emotional side effects of Prednisone, it’s now apparent I am steroid resistant. Research suggests that only 5-10% of adults with MCD are steroid-resistant. Since I’m ending steroid treatment, my nephrologist is switching me to an immunosuppressant treatment plan. Kidney transplant patients are normally prescribed this immunosuppressant medication, Tacrolimus. I haven’t started it, and not sure I will because of the damaging side effects.

At this point, I’m not sure if I’ll succumb to the illness itself, or the just as deadly financial repercussions of this adverse reaction.”

Parents of Maddie De Garay, Cincinnati, participated in the Pfizer trial for twelve to fifteen year olds in January 2021 through the Gamble Program at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Previously a “a healthy, energetic girl, a good student, kind, and social”:

“Within twenty-four hours, she developed abdominal, muscle, and nerve pain that became unbearable and over the next two and a half months, she was admitted to the hospital three times. Each stay was longer than the rest.

She developed additional symptoms including gastroparesis, nausea and vomiting, erratic blood pressure and heart rate, memory loss (she mixes up words), brain fog, headaches, dizziness, fainting (she fell and hit her head) and seizures.

She developed verbal and motor tics, loss of feeling from the waist down, muscle weakness, drastic changes in her vision, urinary retention and loss of bladder control, severely irregular heavy menstural cycles, and eventually she had to have an NG (feeding) tube put in to get nutrition. All of these symptoms are still here today and some days are worse then others.

There was nothing wrong with her. She was perfectly happy. And now, whatever happened, it has changed her.

— Steph de Garay, mother.”

To date the official CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has taken over 30,000 “early warning system” safety signals of deaths possibly linked to the COVID vaccines. Normally VAERS records around 200 possibly linked deaths for all other vaccines combined, since its inception in 1993 (see next article below.)

Other COVID vaccine injury and deaths sites:

Died Suddenly News

Jab Injuries Global

Covid Victims Portraits


Informational sites:

1250+ Peer Reviewed Case Reports and Studies Citing Adverse Effects Post COVID Vaccination

1,000+ Peer Reviewed Articles On COVID Vaccine Injuries

World Council for Health: Covid-19 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance Report


Internationally recognized pathology professors in multiple countries have concluded that there is a direct link between the COVID vaccines and many sudden, unexpected deaths, especially in younger age people not near the end-of-life years.

Two of these pathologists are Dr. Arne Burkhardt and Dr. Walter Lang.

Dr. Arne Burkhardt has taught at the Universities of Hamburg, Berne and Tübingen. He has published more than 150 scientific articles in German and international scientific journals, and has audited and certified institutes of pathology in Germany.

Prof. Dr. Walter Lang was a pathologist at the Hannover Medical School from 1968-1985. Afterwards, for 25 years, Lang directed a private institute for pathology, which he founded, specializing in transplant pathology, extragynecological cytology, thyroid tumors, and lung/pleural pathology.

Dr. Arne Burkhardt

Dr. Walter Lang

In a German pathology conference series which began in September of 2021, Doctors Burkhardt and Lang reported never-before-seen immune system attacks on the body’s own organs.

Webpage for the 2nd Pathology Conference on Dec. 4, 2021 in Berlin, Germany.

The Epoch Times reported on September 22, 2021 (click on Google translate from German to English):

“The doctors suspect autoimmune phenomena, reduction in immune capacity, acceleration of cancer growth, vascular damage “endothelitis”, vasculitis, perivasculitis and erythrocyte “clumping” as further corona vaccination side effects with potential fatal consequences…Burkhardt described it as “extreme” that among the ten deceased examined, three very rare autoimmune diseases were found, namely Sjögren’s syndrome, leukoclasic vasculitis of the skin and Hashimoto’s disease.”

The Epoch Times wrote:

“[Burkhardt] can only think of one term for what [he] has been investigating with his colleagues over the past few months – “lymphocyte amok”, potentially in all tissues and all organs.

In it’s official statement on the autopsy findings, Doctors for COVID Ethics, a co-sponsor of the symposium, writes:

“A natural infection with SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) will in most individuals remain localized to the respiratory tract. In contrast, the vaccines cause cells deep inside our body to express the viral spike protein, which they were never meant to do by nature. Any cell which expresses this foreign antigen will come under attack by the immune system, which will involve both IgG antibodies and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. This may occur in any organ. We are seeing now that the heart is affected in many young people, leading to myocarditis or even sudden cardiac arrest and death….

Doctors for COVID Ethics concludes:

We herewith present scientific evidence that calls for an immediate stop of the use of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines. We first lay out why the agents cannot protect against viral infection. While no positive effects can be expected, we show that the vaccines can trigger self-destructive processes that lead to debilitating illness and death….

Even early in the vaccine roll-out, scientists like Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor emeritus of the University of Mainz, winner of the Aronson Prize for achievements in microbiology and immunology, worried about what the spike proteins would do once turned loose in the body. In the below video Dr. Bhakdi gives a clear and lucid explanation of the mechanism by which the spike proteins might cause mischief.


Former Pfizer Chief Science Officer Files Nuremberg 2.0 Crimes Against Humanity Complaint, Names Gates, Schwab, Fauci


(View in Bitchute)

A full transcript of the third in the conference series, held in February 2022, has been published by Children’s Health Defense, HERE. Video below.

Official site, December 4, 2021, 2nd Pathology Conference

Below: September 20th, 2021, Conference at Pathological institute in Reutlingen, Germany, “Cause of death after COVID-19 vaccination & Undeclared components of the COVID-19 vaccines (view at Bitchute)


Below: Full “Gold Standard Covid Science in Practice: Interdisciplinary Symposium”December 4, 2021

Compilation on Pathology Conference Series: When Correlation DOES Equal Causation: Autopsies Show COVID Vaccines Are Killing People

CDC Fudges Data in Order to Make COVID Vaccines Appear Safer

Apparently seeking to blunt autopsy studies by pathologists, a study by scientists affiliated with Kaiser Permanente, in contrast, concludes that vaccinated persons have lower, non-COVID, all-cause death rates than unvaccinated persons.

The Kaiser study would seem to throw cold water on the idea that the vaccines are killing people. But the study employs a critical deception.

Rather than count from the time that the shot begins to have effects on the body, which would be immediately, a person who is negatively impacted is not counted as being vaccinated until 14 days after the second shot in the case of Pfizer and Moderna, or 14 days after the J&J single shot. This is particularly deceptive because 80% of VAERS reports of unexpected deaths post-vaccine  occur within 14 days after taking a shot.

A CDC advisory on breakthrough COVID infections, which means infections in vaccinated people, shows that a person is considered “vaccinated” only after 14 days have passed since the final shot:

 “a vaccine breakthrough infection is defined as the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA or antigen in a respiratory specimen collected from a person ≥14 days after receipt of all recommended doses of an FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccine.”

Children’s Health Defense reports that one-third of unexpected deaths after vaccination takes placewithin 48 hours, after receiving a shot.

This means that anyone who took a COVID vaccine shot, walks out, and falls over dead in the parking lot of a heart attack or stroke is counted as a death of an “unvaccinated” person.

Below chart source

COVID Vaccine Injury Claims in Compensation Court Now Many Times More Than For All Other Vaccines Combined, Animal Safety Trials All but Skipped

COVID vaccine injury claims have recently skyrocketed to 5400.   The CDC’s VAERS Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System now has seven times the reported deaths possibly caused by the COVID vaccines as all other vaccines combined since the reporting system was created 30 years ago.  

 The COVID vaccines are already unprecedented for bypassing the normal one to three years of animal safety trials in vaccine and drug development which are typical before a new drug ever enters a human, in human clinical trials. The average time for bringing any new drug or vaccine to general use is 10 years.

(click for larger image below)

(click for larger image below)

(click for larger image below)

(Source of charts)

Crippling COVID injection reactions (view in Bitchute)

COVID Vaccine-Injured Hold Rally in L.A (More info)

Unreported by Media, Younger People are Dying at Unprecedented Rates

Recent insurance company data for the US and other countries shows an unprecedented rise in all-cause mortality since the roll-out of the COVID vaccines, as much as 40%. This would put the US on track for 1.4 million more deaths of all causes than usual by the end of 2022. Normally about 3 million people die in the US in recent years.


Vaccine victim websites
Real Not Rare

Real Not Rare Facebook

The Vaccine Reaction

Children’s Health Defense


German Pathologists’ Findings Square with Other Pathologists

Dr. Burkhardt’s and Dr. Lang’s findings are similar to those of other pathologists.

The UK Daily Expose writes:

The director of the Pathological Institute of the University of Heidelberg, Peter Schirmacher, has carried out over forty autopsies on people who died within two weeks of receiving a Covid-19 vaccine and has expressed alarm over his findings.

Schirmacher stated that 30 to 40 per cent of people he examined died from the vaccine and that in his opinion, the frequency of fatal consequences of vaccinations is “underestimated.”…He has warned that the high number of unreported cases of vaccination deaths is partially due to the fact that “pathologists do not notice anything about most of the patients who die after and possible from a vaccination.”

German News Site Augsburg General (right-click to use Google translate from German to English):

“The doctor now wants to get to the bottom of the rare, serious side effects of vaccination – such as cerebral vein thrombosis or autoimmune diseases. The problem from his point of view: Vaccinated people usually do not die under clinical observation. “The doctor examining the corpse does not establish any context with the vaccination and certifies a natural death and the patient is buried,” reports Schirmacher. “Or he certifies an unclear manner of death and the public prosecutor sees no third-party fault and releases the body for burial.”” 

The UK Daily Expose:

“Despite the criticism, Schirmacher did receive support from his own ranks, and the Federal Association of German Pathologists stated that more autopsies of vaccinated people who died within a certain time frame after vaccination should be performed….The Federal Association of Pathologists already requested this in March in a letter to Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU), but it went unanswered.”

Another pathologist, Dr. Ryan Cole, MD,  who holds medical degrees from Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine and the Mayo Clinic School of Medicine, has made similar warnings about the vaccines. Dr. Cole shows his own lab evidence that Pfizer and Moderna mRNA spike protein injections may be quietly killing injection recipients through “micro-clots,” inflammation, and immune suppression.

Below: Dr. Ryan Cole, pathologist, on the dangers of mRNA injection in August 2021 (view at Bitchute)

Doctors for COVID Ethics last April sent letters to all members of European parliaments who were mandating the experimental vaccinations that they are committing Crimes Against Humanity. The average time for bringing any new drug or vaccine to general use is 10 years, including typically  one to three years of animal safety trials before human testing.

In June of 2021, enlisting the aid of certain doctors and scientists, the media launched into attack mode immediately after a Canadian immunologist warned that the Pfizer/Moderna injections might pose a danger to the body’s organs, in particular the heart, brain, and through blood clotting issues.

The immunologist, Professor Dr. Byram Bridle, said in an interview in May 2021 that data led him to conclude that “We made a big mistake” by rushing the drugs into mass circulation. Dr. Bridle had just received a $230,000 grant for coronavirus vaccine development.

Soon, the Internet was rife with “debunks” of Dr. Bridle’s concerns. A Reuters “fact check” proclaimed “There is no proof that spike proteins created in response to mRNA vaccines are harmful to the body, scientists have told Reuters.”

An anonymous Internet user even created a website using Dr. Bridle’s name,, and made the doctor and immunology professor out to be a “quack.” Thus an all-out campaign with unknown funding sources was at work smearing Dr. Bridle.

Dr. Bridle’s concerns were echoed by Dr. Robert Malone, one of the inventors of the mRNA technology now being used by Pfizer and Moderna. Dr. Malone said that, prior to the drugs’ emergency authorization use approvals, the FDA knew of these risks, because he himself had told them. (Full transcript of Dr. Robert Malone June 2021 interview, video below)

Summary of Dr. Malone June 2021 Interview by (view at Bitchute)

Inventor of mRNA Dr. Robert Malone, Full Interview (view at BitchuteFull transcript of interview, June 2021

Dr. Peter McCullough completed his medical degree at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, and did his internal medicine residency at the University of Washington, then went on to obtain a master’s degree in public health at the University of Michigan. He has published on a range of topics with over 1000 publications and over 600 citations in the National Library of Medicine.  His works have appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of the American Medical Association, Lancet, and the British Medical Journal.  Dr. McCullough has made presentations at the New York Academy of Sciences, the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the European Medicines Agency. 

Dr. McCullough said:

It is beyond any shadow of a doubt that the vaccines are causing large numbers of deaths…It’s unequivocal, and I’m a card-carrying epidemiologist. I’m telling you, the vaccines are causing large numbers of deaths,”

Dr. McCullough explains how scientists evaluate cause and effect:

“The epidemiological construct that we have to go through is called the ‘Bradford Hill Tenets of Causality.’ So, the first question is: ‘is it a large epidemiologic signal?’ And I’ll tell you – it’s astronomical. All of the vaccines combined in the United States per year – its no more than 150 deaths, not temporally related. 

Here [with the Covid vaccine] we are at over 21,000 deaths. So clearly its a massive signal. 

The third criteria: ‘is it internally consistent? Are there other conditions that are now acknowledged that they themselves could be fatal?’ And the answer is sure. With myocarditis, the FDA agrees – all the regulatory experts agree – that the vaccines cause myocarditis. Can it be fatal? Yes. Have there been fatal cases published? Yes… There are over 200 peer reviewed publications of myocarditis. 

How about other forms of death? vaccine induced thrombosis, blood clots, stroke, hypertension, myocardial infection – a variety of other lethal syndromes. There’s over 1,000 peer reviewed published on fatal and non fatal outcomes [in regard to the Covid vaccine]. So that criteria is met. It’s internally consistent.”

An excellent video with Prof. Norman Fenton of Queen Mary University on how flawed data and definitions are used to fool the public is HERE.

Below: “Dr. Peter McCullough: “Beyond Any Shadow of a Doubt,” The Vaccines Are Causing Death” (view at Rumble)

Dr. Lang Resigns from Professional Association Citing “Corruption” and Cover-Up

In the December 4th presentation of the series, the pathologists said they had shown their findings to the leaders of their professional organizations, but had encountered what could only be described as “corruption.” Professor Dr. Walter Lang showed his letter of resignation from the German Pathological Association, of which he was an early member, in protest of this “corruption.”

Dr. Lang concluded that the leader of the group was interested only in “burying” his findings, “along with the dead.”

Dr. Lang said the medical establishment was now “monstrous.” He said that UK data showed people who had been vaccinated were more likely to catch COVID than those who had not, referencing the chart below, and that “vaccination is useless, it doesn’t protect you.” (Other sources, vaccinated vs. unvaccinated cases and deaths)

Below: Chart presented in September 20 Pathology Conference, showing COVID positive tests in UK per 100,000 in population for a recent time period, vaccinated (RED BARS) versus unvaccinated (BLUE BARS), for different age ranges. In lowest ages range, under 18, data is limited.

Pathologists’ Findings Follow Years of Dissident Doctors and Scientists Calling for Complete Halt to COVID Vaccine Roll-Outs

The findings in the German pathology series come after doctors and scientists have long called for a halt to the mass roll-out of the substances long before Phase III clinical trials are complete, which is at the earliest the end of 2022, and say that too little is known about the mRNA spike protein”s long-term effects in the body. [Links to doctors’ calls for halts to mass “vaccinations,” partial list: 12345]

These warnings include that of Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi in July of 2021, video below. Dr. Bhakdi is Professor emeritus of the University of Mainz, where he served as the chair of the department of medical microbiology and hygiene from 1991 to 2012.  From 1990 to 2012, he served as Editor in Chief of Medical Microbiology and Immunology. In 2001 he was awarded the Aronson Prize for achievements in microbiology and immunology. 

In a video last July, Dr. Bhakdi warns of the precise type of damage to organs that pathologists are now reporting (below.)

Dr. Bhakdi warning about mRNA injections in July 2021 (view at Bitchute)

Dr. Bhakdi and Dr. Burkhardt have authored a joint statement, entitled “On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work, and irrefutable
evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaccination,”
posted at Doctors for Covid Ethics.

In October of 2021, the peer-reviewed, highly-regarded science journal Toxicology Reports published a study which estimated deaths directly caused by the vaccines “could be in the hundreds of thousands for the USA,” and stressed that long-term effects are as yet unknown.

After an uproar in the science community which resulted in the paper being formally retracted by the publisher, the authors of the paper stand by their estimate.

Below: Cover of issue of Toxicology Reports

Pfizer has requested in the past that the clinical trials data for it’s COVID injection be kept hidden from public view for 75 years. Hospitals take in an average of $160,000 extra per COVID case from the US government. And in his new book, The Real Anthony Fauci, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. reveals that high FDA officials are allowed to owns parts of patents on the very drugs they are charged with regulating, and can keep up to $150,000 per year in royalties, for life.

In closing an interview of pathologist Dr. Burkhardt this Februrary, 2022, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi said:

“There’s no word to express this. If they don’t start doing something, they’re going to be in real trouble because let us state this very clearly. These agents are in experimental stage of use. There is an iron law saying that if you are introducing a medicine or an agent into the body of a person under experimental conditions, then you must always assume that if anything happens to the patient, it is the new agent that is causing it. And you are obliged to go and find out. You are not allowed to turn away, you are not allowed to turn away.”

Best estimates are that COVID is a 99.8% recovery rate virus, similar to flu, according to Stanford epidemiologist Dr. John Ioannadis. Common flu is 99.9%.

Above Source: KUSI San Diego

Above chart source: Bloomberg News



State of state legislation limiting or revoking governors’ emergency powers.

1,000+ Peer Reviewed Articles On COVID Vaccine Injuries

World Council for Health: Covid-19 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance Report (COVID VACCINE safety)


Fauci Admits PCR COVID Tests Do Not Measure Illness or Contagiousness

Anthony Fauci has made the shocking assertion, on MSNBC, that a positive COVID test of the kind which has driven nations to abrogate their most basic constitutional rights – and divided immediate families – means nothing in terms of public health.

Fauci said just before the New Year, on Dec. 29, 2021:

“PCR doesn`t measure replication-competent virus. It measures viral particles, nucleic acid. So in other words, I could be infected, have cleared the replication competent virus from me, but I can continue to be positive with a PCR for several days after recovering and not being transmissible at all.

The only way you can tell if it`s transmissible, if you can show that there really is live replication virus in you. And the tests don`t measure that.

Thus in one fell swoop, Fauci undermined the basis for quarantine for a 99.8% recovery rate illness, which like flu strikes down overwhelmingly end-of-life elderly, and admitted that the basis for “lockdowns,” and media alarms preparing the public for more of them, are junk. Some scientists have long attempted to explain that the PCR test only shows the presence of at least a minute fragment of a virus, as someone who has long recovered might have.

In 2020 the president of Tanzania famously sent a sample to a lab to be PCR-tested for COVID, without telling the lab what the sample was. It came back positive. The sample was of a paw paw fruit.

In the MSNBC interview, Fauci confirmed the words of his most vocal critic, the late inventor of the PCR test, Nobel Prize winner Dr. Kary Mullis. In 1997 Dr. Mullis said that the PCR test was of little use in detecting viral illnesses, at that time referring to HIV.

Dr. Mullis, who died in 2019 just three months before COVID hit, also had some choice words for Fauci during their contemporaneous careers, saying:

“Tony Fauci does not mind going on television, in front of the people that pay his salary, and lie directly into the camera.”

Nevertheless, the media still sounds ominous warnings about cases of COVID “variants” rising or falling, flexing the muscles of emergency powers claimed by governments as a permanent “new normal.”

Winner of Nobel Prize for invention of PCR test Dr. Kary Mullis, Fauci “does not mind going on television” and lying (watch at Rumble)

Further resources on PCR test unreliability



French Attorney Working with Reiner Fuellmich Arrested and Released, is Working on Crimes Against Humanity Charges Against Bill Gates, Fauci, Schwab, Others

The attorney, Virginie de Araujo Recchia, is on a team of lawyers led by attorney Reiner Fuellmich, widely known for successful lawsuits against Deutsche Bank and Volkswagon. Recchia was arrested on March 22 without charges and then released days later, after international outcry.

Fuellmich has filed a complaint charging Crimes Against Humanity at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, focusing on the British government but with possible subpoena powers of nationals in other countries. The ICC has assigned the docket number OTP-CR-473/21.

Among the charges made in the ICC complaint are:

  • “The number of covid-19 cases have been artificially inflated due to the inaccuracy and unreliability of the PCR testing…”
  • “a further way that the Covid-19 statistics have been artificially inflated is by the ‘rebranding’ of the common influenza, pneumonia and other respiratory infections as covid -19. “
  • “Massive short-term damage and death from the ‘vaccines’. “
  • Proven increase in spontaneous abortion after a Covid m-RNA ‘vaccination. A recent study in the New England Medical Journal showed 8 in 10 women had a miscarriage after taking a Covid ‘vaccine’ before the third trimester (Appendix 25)
  • the suppression of safe and effective alternative treatments for Covid-19 amounts to murder and warrants a full investigation by the court.

Soon after Virginie de Araujo Recchia was arrested by French police at her home, her supporters put out the following press release.

Via Nigerian news outlet Paradise News:

“[Translation]: We are informing you that the lawyer M. Virginie de Araujo-Recchia was arrested this morning and placed in custody. We don’t fully know the circumstances under which such a measure was decided and what she is being charged with. We have been trying since this morning to determine where she has been taken. All our efforts in this regard have so far been in vain. Thanks for circulating this message, without changing a single word. We’ll keep you informed as soon as possible.

Recchia was released on March 27 after international outcry.

Text of Reiner Feullmich complaint filed at the International Criminal Court, charging Crimes Against Humanity

The Washington Standard: French Attorney Arrested For Suspicion Of Terrorism & Treason After Helping Reiner Fuellmich Prove Crimes Against Humanity By World Leaders

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Former Chief Science Officer at Pfizer Says He Fears “Massive Depopulation” Through Mass ‘Vaccinations’

Ron Paul Exposes Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and the Elite’s “Great Reset”:

Any package, pallet or container can now be equipped with a sensor, transmitter or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag that allows a company to track where it is as it moves through the supply chain—how it is performing, how it is being used, and so on….In the near future, similar monitoring systems will also be applied to the movement and tracking of people.” — Klaus Schwab, author of The Great Reset, founder of the World Economic Forum, in his book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”

US Army Flight Surgeon Is Grounding “Vaccinated” Pilots, Citing Deaths, Calls for Halt to Shots for Military

Inventor of mRNA Vax Says Fauci Killed 500,000 People by Blocking Ivermectin/HCQ

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Minnesota Woman Loses both Legs and both Hands Following Second Pfizer COVID-19 Shot

Prof. Norman Fenton of Queen Mary University on how flawed data and definitions are used to fool the public


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