Couple cheat death by seconds as they watch 300 ton cliff landslide just feet away

Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 3:13 PM on 19th February 2012

A couple narrowly missed being crushed to death by 300 tonnes of rock came tumbling off a cliff in Dorset.

Tim Cambridge and partner Tamara Pollard, who is six months pregnant, were just a few feet away when the rocks tumbled down, while they were on holiday.

It was only because trainee teacher Tamara paused to pick up a shell on the beach that they didn’t walk under the mass of falling rock.

Tim Cambridge and partner Tamar Pollard were just a few feet away when the cliff tumbled down

Tim Cambridge and partner Tamar Pollard were just a few feet away when the cliff tumbled down

Some of the huge boulders that fell down the 150ft cliff were about the size of a car and would have instantly killed the couple.

The sandstone cliff that fell measured about 30ft across and was on a beach at Burton Bradstock.

‘Tim shouted “stop, stop!” and we looked at the cliffs and I couldn’t see anything,’ said Ms Pollard, 45.

‘Then all of a sudden these big boulders rolled down the cliff and out along the beach towards the sea. It all took about five seconds or so to come down. It made the most horrendous crash, I was terrified.

‘I screamed and we looked up, I didn’t know what was going to happen or if more was going to come down.

The couple were spared only because Ms Pollard stopped to pick up a shell for her young daughter

The couple were spared only because Ms Pollard stopped to pick up a shell for her young daughter

It is thought similar landslides have occurred in the past but there are no warnings to walkers

It is thought similar landslides have occurred in the past but there are no warnings to walkers

‘I had stopped to pick up a beautiful shell for my six-year-old daughter Rose at that moment. If we hadn’t done that we would have been flattened.

‘We were so lucky and it makes you aware of the power of nature.’

Mr Cambridge, a computer engineer who is also 45 and from West Horrington, near Wells, Somerset, said: ‘We stopped to look up because I felt something was happening.

‘You could hear an almighty roar as it came down right in front of us.’

After a narrow escape the couple had to wade into the chilly water around the huge pile of rock that had blocked their path on the beach.

They then sought sanctuary at a nearby cafe where they had a hot chocolate to steady their nerves.

Mr Cambridge added: ‘We were both frightened but focussed on getting off the beach.

It is thought that water falls between the large cracks in the cliff and freezes in the cold weather, causing them to fall down

It is thought that water falls between the large cracks in the cliff and freezes in the cold weather, causing them to fall down

‘Afterwards I thought I had calmed down but my hands were still shaking on my hot chocolate.’

It is believe there have been similar landslides in 2007 and 2008 on the same stretch of beach but there are no signs to warn people of the dangers.

Graham Wiffen, of the Hive Beach Cafe, took pictures of the rubble and said it was the biggest landslip he had seen in four years.

‘We have cracks in the cliff for some time,’ said Mr Wiffen. ‘The water gets in and freezes and then it all comes down.”

Philip Chappell, watch officer for Portland Coastguard, said officers taped off the scene and warned people against going near the area.


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Its frightening to see how much of our coastline we are losing in Dorset Why can othercountries reclaim land but we let the sea reclaim much of ours

It’s called natural birth control. The stupidest in the gene pool get taken out. Where’s the problem with that?
– Glad to be out of there, Crete, Greece, 19/2/2012 16:31
Nasty comment – are you really suggesting that anyone who dies, does so because they were stupid and didn’t have optimum genes ?! You sound heartless.

Yes Pedro, you are quite right. – there are far too many hazards in such areas. At the very least, people should have to fill in a risk assessment form and submit it to the local council before venturing anywhere near beaches.
Perhaps the government would pay me £300k pa to run a Cliff Risk Assessment Programme to ensure people are fully conversant with the correct procedures.

“It is thought that water falls between the large cracks in the cliff and freezes in the cold weather, causing them to fall down” —————– Errr, yes, that’s the reason for all cliff falls.

It’s called natural birth control. The stupidest in the gene pool get taken out. Where’s the problem with that?

“People should not be able to go within 1 mile of the see (sic) in order to prevent injuries occuring (sic).” This comment had drawn the most red arrows (23) at the time I read it. The interesting thing is that so many people were fooled. This just has to be a hoax. I thought it was a joke. If this opinion is for real, and if the writer actually works in Elf Safety, then there’s no hope!

In my opinion I think they where stupid for going too near the cliffs. I work in Health Safety and demand that all such cliff like walks are closed with immeidate affect to prevent such accidents occuring in the future. People should not be able to go within 1 mile of the see in order to prevent injuries occuring.
– Pedro, Here, 19/2/2012 14:55………….@red arrows, there are some gullible people out there…………

Pedro – would you like us all to live in padded room so we don’t injure ourselves at home, or have all our food pureed so we don’t choke? Part of life is living, and sometimes people get hurt. This couple are very lucky to avoid being hurt, but you can’t stop people going to the sea (not ‘see’) just because they might get hurt. How about you stop being such a jobsworth and start putting some crossings over dangerous roads where children are killed instead?

Sorry people but common sense has been bred out of the UK population by the nanny state. I’m so glad I’m not there anymore.

Similar things happened on the coast around the Vale of Glamorgan. No ammount of signs stopped people sitting right underneath the cliffs and you often got a mouthul of abuse if you told them of the dangers.

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