Counting the cost of the implant debacle

Daily Mail Comment

Last updated at 12:14 AM on 2nd January 2012


Having initially downplayed the danger posed by the faulty, French-manufactured breast implants given to thousands of unsuspecting British women, the Government this weekend belatedly ordered an ‘urgent’ inquiry.

A ‘very concerned’ Andrew Lansley took the decision after learning that the implants, which contain industrial rather than medical-grade silicone, could have a rupture rate of 8 per cent – eight times higher than the figure given by the MHRA, a quango attached to his own health department, only last week.

Understandably, women who have undergone breast enlargement operations in recent years will be extremely anxious to know what, if any, risk they have of contracting cancer or other conditions from one of the faulty implants.

Concern: The Government has ordered an inquiry into the safety of French-manufactured breast implants

Concern: The Government has ordered an inquiry into the safety of French-manufactured breast implants

It’s also imperative, should they want to have their implants removed, that they be given the best possible care and support.

But, with the exception of those given implants by the NHS during reconstructive surgery, there can surely be no justification for expecting the Health Service to pay for women to have the implants removed – at a cost of £3,000 per patient.

The private companies which provide cosmetic surgery are lucrative businesses, making large sums of money, which ought to be fully insured.

If they have given their clients a product which is unsafe, they – not the hard-pressed UK taxpayer – should ultimately foot a bill which could reach £150million.

A decade in denial

Much can change in a decade. At the dawn of 2002, the Europhile BBC announced ‘Euphoria in Euroland’ as it hailed the birth of a single currency it so desperately wanted Britain to join.

Yesterday, the Corporation – while still obsessively pro-Brussels – was sombrely leading its bulletins with news that Europe’s leaders ‘warn of grim 2012’.

With the situation in Italy and Greece going from bad to worse, EU politicians spoke of the road to overcome the sovereign debt crisis ‘remaining long and not without setbacks’.

Yet, despite forecasters yesterday saying there is a 99 per cent probability of eurozone break-up in the next decade, Angela Merkel still felt able to claim that ‘at the end of this path Europe will  re-emerge stronger from the crisis than it was when it entered it’.

Given umpteen summits have got the EU no closer to finding a way out of a mess which threatens to engulf the entire global economy, Chancellor Merkel’s words sound hopelessly optimistic.

But then the Brussels elite have never been any good at living in the real world.

Cameron’s challenge

David Cameron, bolstered by huge public support for his decision to veto an EU treaty which would have been bad for British business, begins 2012 on a high.

In his New Year message, the Prime Minister strikes an impressively tough and purposeful tone, promising to reform schools, police and hospitals which ‘aren’t up to scratch’; challenge ‘excess’ in the City; and tackle the insidious culture of welfare dependency.

Inevitably, Mr Cameron must steel himself for a huge fight with the unions, bankers and other vested interest groups if he is to achieve his laudable goals.

Equally, he must get on with one pressing issue he did not mention in his New Year address: fulfilling his commitment to reduce net migration (the difference between the number of people arriving in the UK, and those leaving) from an unsustainable 250,000 a year to the ‘tens of thousands’.

The Mail wishes the Prime Minister every luck over the next 12 months. No newspaper will be watching more closely.

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