By Dr. Patrick Slattery
Ann Coulter has been making her presence felt over the past few months. First of all, her book “Adios America,” which apparently was read by Donald Trump, transformed the presidential election campaign by elevating the immigration issue to a centrality it would not otherwise have had. And her recent “f___ing Jews” tweets have at shone a sliver of light on the pandering of Republican candidates to Israel-first Jewish donors.
Getting attention to these issues is well and good, but now that people are looking at them we have to ask how good of a spokesperson Ann Coulter is. I would say a very poor one indeed.
In her book on immigration, she blames “the left” for the immigration problem and calls the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 “Teddy Kennedy’s immigration bill.” In 1965 Teddy Kennedy was a 33-year-old freshmen senator with no leadership role. The bill was actually introduced by Emanuel Celler of New York, a Jew who first made his mark as a Congressman opposing the restrictive 1924 immigration bill, nine years before Kennedy was even born.
And the main force behind the bill in the Senate was Republican Senator Jacob Javitz, also a Jew. In 1951, when Kennedy was still a teen-ager, Javits wrote an op-ed for the New York Times called “Let Us Open Again the Gates,” which the Times subtitled “A congressman says that we need, and can absorb, ten million immigrants within the next twenty years.”
Yes, Kennedy allowed himself to be used as the poster child for the bill, but this was Jewish initiative and was backed by 85% of Congressional Republicans.
She argues that Democrats favor immigration because once immigrants get citizenship and start to vote, they will vote Democratic. Consequentially, her opposition to immigration is largely motivated by her fear that Republicans will lose the ability to win national elections.
That argument may be persuasive in rallying Republican partisans against immigration, but it is not factually accurate and not necessarily a winning strategy.
Jews favor immigration in order to solidify and perpetuate their domination of society. The main threat to Jewish domination would be a cohesive European-American majority asserting their ethnic interests. In order to transform European Americans into a minority group resented for “privilege” that is actually exercised by Jews, Zio tribalists demand open borders, whether they are Hollywood leftists or Neocons like Sheldon Adelson. It is not a partisan issue among Jews.
Moreover, if immigration is framed as a partisan issue, you force Democrats into a pro-immigration position that is no more in their interests than it is for Republicans. Coulter says you can blame everything from gay marriage to Obamacare on immigration, because these Democratic priorities were possible due to the immigrant vote putting Democrats in power. Of course, by the same logic, we have to thank immigrant voters for keeping us out of a war with Iran (and very likely Russia), which is an obvious priority for pandering Republican candidates from John McCain to Carly Fiorina.
And that brings us to Coulter’s tweets about pandering to pro-Israel donors. If we are to take Coulter’s post-tweet comments at face value (and there is nothing in her past to lead us to conclude otherwise), then her problem is not with the candidates’ Zio-centric foreign policies and blind support for Israel (which she claims to be a “huge fan” of), but their ad nausim references to it, along the lines of their constant clap-trapping by mentioning “abortion” and “Reagan.”
In other words, she wasn’t saying that the Emperor is naked, she was saying “we know the Emperor’s clothes are beautiful, enough already!” And that is very different, and very incorrect.
So before you send her book to a friend to enlighten them about the immigration issue, stop and think. Is it really enough to stop immigration while leaving the country under the yoke of Jewish domination? More to the point, is it really even possible to do anything about immigration as long as the Jews who brought us open borders retain effective control of all the important institutions of our society, including the Republican Party?
So if you want to enlighten your friend, sent Dr. Duke’s “Jewish Supremacism” instead.
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