Contraceptive row: Girl, 13, reveals why she had Nexplanon implant at school

  • It gives me peace of mind when I’m with my boyfriend, 13-year-old insists

Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 12:01 AM on 9th February 2012

Side effects: A 13-year-old girl said she 'felt like having sex' after having a contraceptive implant fitted at school without her mother knowing

Side effects: A 13-year-old girl said she ‘felt like having sex’ after having a contraceptive implant fitted at school without her mother knowing

A 13-year-old girl today said she had a contraceptive implant fitted at school without her mother knowing because she ‘felt like having sex.’

The teenager is one of 33 schoolgirls who have been fitted with the device in Southampton as part of a controversial government initiative to drive down teenage pregnancies.

Now she has broken her silence to defend her actions, saying she believes she acted responsibly by taking measures to stop herself getting pregnant.

The girl said: ‘The implant works really well and I think it is a good service.

think it has really helped me because if I am with my boyfriend and we
feel like having sex, I have the peace of mind knowing that I am OK.

‘At the time I didn’t want to tell my mum because there are some things you don’t want to talk to your parents about.’

Eventually the young teenager decided to tell her horrified parent.

Her mother said performing a minor surgical procedure at school without parental consent was ‘morally wrong.’

The contraceptive implant Nexplanon is 4cm long and is inserted under the skin. A parent was outraged after it was implanted in her 13-year-old's arm

Controversy: The contraceptive implant Nexplanon is 4cm long and is inserted under the skin. It can stop a girl from ovulating for three years


The only contraceptive implant in use in the UK is Nexplanon.

It consists of a 4cm thin flexible tube that is inserted under the skin of the upper arm by a specially trained nurse or doctor.

It releases the hormone progestogen to stop the release of an egg from the ovary, thereby preventing pregnancy.

It also helps prevent sperm passing through the womb and makes the
lining of the womb thinner so it is unable to support a fertilised egg.

implant works for three years before it needs to be replaced and is 99% effective.

It doesn’t rely on remembering to take a
pill at the same time each day.

However, it can disrupt periods during the first year or even stop them completely while it is implanted.

Some women have complained of headaches, acne, nausea and breast tenderness in the first few months of use.

Some research has suggested it may slightly raise the risk of breast cancer. Studies are ongoing.

The daughter said: ‘If
I was told I couldn’t have the implant unless I told my mum, I probably
would have gone away to think about it and would have eventually got my
mum involved.

‘But I think there should be the option to have full confidentiality because some children just can’t speak to their parents.

‘I do get where my mum is coming from and maybe it shouldn’t be done in school.’

added that she spent an hour discussing the issues of an implant with a
health expert at the school and was told to speak to her mother.

was fitted with the Nexplanon device at a meeting a week later and told
she could book a follow-up appointment if she had any worries.

Her mother said she was proud her daughter has taken responsibility to protect herself.

But she is demanding an apology from health bosses at the Solent NHS Trust and a review of the service in schools.

She said: ‘I believe they have neglected my daughter by not making sure she had a follow-up appointment.

‘I want an apology. I know I may not be able to stop this surgical procedure being carried out on school grounds altogether.

‘But, I at least want changes to be made to ensure every girl that has one is given a compulsory follow-up appointment.’

chiefs have defended the scheme, saying letters were sent to parents at
all nine participating schools in Southampton when the service was

It was then
left to individual schools to inform parents of all future students
joining, either by letter or in the school prospectus.

NHS Southampton and Solent NHS Trust has said the number of teenage
pregnancies has dropped since the sexual health service was introduced.

spokesman added: ‘We have a responsibility to provide a confidential
service that ensures young people have access to professional advice and
information as well as contraception, if appropriate.

‘Full assessments are undertaken to ensure young people are mature enough to understand their choices and are safe.

settings offer an opportunity to engage young people in sexual health
and relationship information, as part of their overall health and

They added that the service is fully compliant with national safeguarding legislation and guidance.

As many as 770 pupils have used the sexual health service since 2009.

Teen mother: Solent NHS Trust said the scheme had cut under-16 pregnancies

Teen mother: Solent NHS Trust said the scheme had cut under-16 pregnancies. However family campaigners said it encouraged promiscuity

Campaigners from the Family Education Trust said the implant initiative would give girls licence to have underage sex.

Wells, director of the trust, told Mail Online: ‘Schemes like this are
giving girls as young as 13 a licence to engage in illegal sexual
activity and denying them the protection that the law on the age of
consent is intended to give.

inevitably lead to boys putting pressure on girls to have sex. They can
now tell their girlfriends, “There’s nothing to worry about. You can
get the school clinic to give you an implant, so you don’t have to worry
about getting pregnant. You don’t have to face the embarrassment of
going to see your doctor, and it’s all confidential so your mum doesn’t
need to know a thing.”

send their children to school to receive a good education, not to be
undermined by health workers who give their children contraceptives
behind their backs.

health authorities are really interested in reducing teenage conception
rates and improving sexual health, they should be looking for ways of
discouraging young people from engaging in sexual activity in the first

‘The last thing
they should be doing is fuelling the flames of promiscuity and the
sexual health crisis with schemes that treat parents, the law and basic
moral principles with contempt.’

Simon Blake, chief executive of sexual health advice service Brook, said it was vital for younger people to have access to advice about sex.

He added: ‘Most young people under the age of 16 are not having sex.

‘But we believe it’s vital all young people, particularly those who are younger and may be more vulnerable, have a safe, confidential place to access advice, information, and support around sexual health and relationships.

‘In some cases, this may include access to contraceptive implants from an appropriately qualified professional working within strict legal protocols.

‘In these circumstances, we would include appropriate discussion and support for the young person in making that decision, during the fitting and in follow up afterwards.

‘Young people may also need wider emotional and practical support in managing relationships, particularly where they are more vulnerable either because of their age or other personal circumstances.’

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
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So it’d be better for them to not have them fitted and end up getting knocked up would it?? You can’t stop children from having sex, if they’re going to do it, no matter what their parents, doctors or the government say, they’re still going to do it! This is the most responsible thing to do. I’m pretty sure the parents involved would prefer the shock of finding out their daughter has had an implant fitted to her being pregnant. If they’re that angry about it perhaps they should be placing the blame closer to home.

Make all Girls have the implant until they are 16, it is costing the country a fortune and Girls have a Baby before the even started to live. Great Idea!
Any Parent with half a Brain would agree, saddly we have too many without, probably the result of having a baby without the Father.

What’s the bet her boyfriend is 15 or 16?

What is appalling is that 13 year olds feel it is perfectly natural to be having sex with their equally underage boyfriends – what are we teaching our potential future leaders in society? What is admirable is that this child had the guts and common sense to do something about trying to prevent an unwanted pregnancy – and that should be applauded. My goodness, as parents we should be ashamed of the rubbish job we’ve been doing in bringing up our daughters with such little self respect and such little ambition beyond the instant gratification of sexual encounters at the age of 13!

our government giving children without our permission is unheard
and we british people most make a revolution
family vs our government
we british most stand up to our government they have no right to mix into family matters

The problem is that parents overreact and scare children into not getting the contraception, thinking it will stop there child having sex, when in reality it just stops their child having protected sex.
If a parent is kicking up a fuss about not being informed, chances are they would have kicked up some sort of fuss if they had and are thus part of the problem. If a parent is going to be understanding and supportive, then chances are their child will consult them about this before they do it. That they don’t is quite telling.

How about teaching youngsters MORALS and SELF-RESPECT?
Not only that. A girl this young cannot have the least inkling of the far-reaching consequences of sex, and the need for emotional maturity. What are the odds of this relationship lasting more than a few months to a year? And then comes the next, and the next, and the next sexual relationship. By the time this girl becomes a woman she is very likely to be a drained out shell incapable of discerning between sex and love; incapable, indeed, of love itself. There is a reason why girls are advised to wait. When we become like men, having sex just because we “feel like it”, a part of us, something fine and true and loving, dies and we become just bodies having sex, insensitive and eventually crude.A teenage girl CAN be taught to wait for love — if she is given good reasons and a strong moral character. Giving into raging hormones is not strength. It’s weakness.

Can you just imagine what the STD and HIV rates will be amongst the children in 24 months?

What about condoms ??? STIs??!

Teen pregnancy is of course terrible but we need to move beyond the view that the only risk of underage sex. All of the people who say “it’s natural” and “if they want to do it, they’ll do it anyone” should try to explain the wild differences between age at first intercourse and average number of sexual partners in Western countries.

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