SoCal Solar Energy is proud to announce that U.S. Congresswoman, Judy Chu, Pasadena Mayor, Bill Bogaard, and others are to speak at the unveiling of Calstart‘s major solar and electric vehicle project at 48 S Chester Ave in Pasadena California on June 25 beginning at 11am and ending at 12pm.
Mission Viejo, CA (PRWEB) June 22, 2012
SoCal Solar Energy is proud to announce that U.S. Congresswoman, Judy Chu, Pasadena Mayor, Bill Bogaard, and others are to speak at the unveiling of Calstart’s major solar and electric vehicle project at 48 S Chester Ave in Pasadena California on June 25 beginning at 11am and ending at 12pm. Other invited speakers include South Coast AQMD Executive Officer, Dr. Barry Wallerstein, Pasadena Water and Power General Manager Phyllis Currie, President of SolarWorld Americas, Kevin Kilkelly, and Calstart President and CEO, John Boesel.
Calstart’s solar installation is the first medium-sized type of its kind in Pasadena Water and Power’s service area, and will be a showcase for electric vehicle infrastructure with green, clean power. Calstart, Inc., a clean transportation advocacy group, partnered up with SoCal Solar Energy, Inc. to evaluate the possibilities of removing them from the Pasadena Water Power grid, save money on monthly bills, and provide a greener, cleaner environment.
During site evaluation, SoCal Solar Energy, Inc. determined that Calstart did not have enough roof space to install enough solar panels to cover their average $6,000 monthly electric bill. Installing solar panels on the limited roof space of their two-story building only would only decrease the bill slightly. SoCal Solar Energy, Inc. suggested installing 65 SolarWorld panels on the roof and building a new steel parking lot structure to so that an extra 260 SolarWorld panels could be installed, tripling the amount of solar panels that would’ve been able to be built on the building alone. Once this innovative solution was approved, the 325 solar panels were successfully installed on the newly constructed parking structure and existing roof. This 71.76kW solar installation is predicted to offset approximately 80% of Calstart’s electricity demand.
About SoCal Solar Energy: SoCal Solar Energy is a leading provider of Solar Energy in California. SoCal Solar Energy, Inc. designs and builds residential solar power systems known as solar photovoltaic energy systems, ranging in size from 5 kilowatt to 1 megawatt, for business, government, schools and homes, particularly in Orange and San Bernardino County.
Elected and other government officials, industry experts from car and solar manufacturers will be available to interview. Event commences at 11am, media set up begins at 10:30.
Lisa Iskandar
SoCal Solar Energy, Inc.
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