Confusion About North American Booms and Man-Made Quakes

Confusion About North American Booms and Man-Made Quakes

© 2012 by Linda Moulton Howe


“If it turns out booms are coming from a mile or two deep,
yeah, it’s small earthquakes. But if the cause is determined to be
only about 100 feet deep, then something else is happening.”

– Clifford Thurber, Ph.D., Geophysicist, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison


April 7, 2012  Washington, D. C. – A United States Geological Survey (USGS) research team headed by USGS geophysicist William Ellsworth, will be presenting their data at an upcoming Seismological Society of America meeting in San Diego, California, April 17 – 19. The presentations entitled, “Are Seismicity Rate Changes in the Midcontinent Natural or Manmade?”

The report includes these statements:   “A remarkable increase in the rate of Mag. 3 and greater earthquakes is currently in progress in the U. S. midcontinent. …The acceleration in activity that began in 2009 [ 6 times the rate of late 20th Century] appears to involve a combination of source regions of oil and gas production, including the Guy, Arkansas region, and in central and southern Oklahoma. …A naturally-occurring rate change of this magnitude is unprecedented outside of volcanic settings or in the absence of a main (seismic) shock, of which there were neither in this region. While the seismicity rate changes described are almost certainly manmade, it remains to be determined how they are related to either changes in extraction methodologies or the rate of oil and gas production.”  Source:  SSA 2012.

The frequency of earthquakes in the U. S. midcontinent is defined in the study as a swath west of Ohio and east of Utah. In that region between 1970 and 2000, there were 21 quakes a year on average. By 2009, 2010 and 2011, there were 50, 87 and 134 respectively USGS recorded Mag. 3 and above quakes increasing each of those three years.

Since 2009, in Arkansas and Oklahoma, there has been an increase in oil and gas production areas, but there is not a clear answer about how the earthquake rates might be related to oil and gas production and hydraulic fracturing or fracking used to recover gas. In fracking, it is possible that injected fluids into the underground change the friction and stickiness of minerals on fault lines. It’s also possible that where fracking fluids become trapped and build up pressure, there could be explosive releases that cause fault lines to move.

Marcellus Shale Gas Drilling Tower 2:  Tower for drilling horizontally
into the Marcellus Shale Formation for natural gas, from Pennsylvania
Route 118 in eastern Moreland Township, Lycoming County,
Pennsylvania, November 2009. Image by Ruhrfisch.

[ Editor’s Note:  The U.S. Energy Information Administration reports that between 1991 and 2000, oil and gas companies drilled 245,000 wells in the U.S. compared to 405,000 wells between 2001 and 2010 – a 65 percent increase.  As an example of how much more fracking fluid is used, New York state’s review of oil and natural gas drilling regulations in 1988 assumed that companies would use between 20,000 and 80,000 gallons of fluid for hydraulic fracturing per well.  The state’s 2011 review of regulations for natural gas drilling in shale formations assumed that companies would use 2.4 million to 7.8 million gallons of fluid per well – a 100-fold increase.
Source: N. Y. State Dept. of Environmental Conservation, March 30, 2012. ]


But Loud, Jolting Booms Heard
Coast to Coast – and in Canada

Between January and March 2012, Earthfiles received dozens of loud, jolting boom reports from coast to coast and in Canada. The huge geographic range of the loud boom reports is far beyond the Arkansas, Oklahoma mid-section of U. S. swath studied by the USGS geophysicists. Reports to Earthfiles have come from Markdale, Ontario, Canada, two hours northwest of Toronto; Virginia Beach, Virginia; Mebane, North Carolina; Clintonville, Montello and Baraboo, Wisconsin; Pulaski, Minnesota; Portland, Oregon; Middletown, Connecticut; Brunswick, Waycross, Folkston and Savannah, Georgia; Southport, Florida; central Alabama; the north end of Lake Washington near Seattle and Arlington in Washington State; Gonzales, Louisiana; Canaan and Rockland, Maine; Paola, Kansas, about 40 minutes south of Kansas City; and even one international report from Lithuania.

The following are two recent unusual and unexplained instances of  the loud boom phenomenon.


Light Flashes Followed by Loud Booms in Baraboo, WI.

“We don’t know if we have Clintonville going on here or what?”

– Mark Schauf, Baraboo Police Chief

“There doesn’t appear to have been any t-storms in that area
Sunday morning. I can’t think of anything else (weather-related)
that would lead to a flash.”

– Ed Townsend, Meteorologist, National Weather Service


Two bright flashes of light 45 minutes apart,
each followed by a loud boom in Baraboo, Wisconsin
(lower left circle) on Sunday, April 1, at 1 AM Central. Loud, jolting
booms have previously been reported in Montello (northeast of Baraboo)
at 5:30 PM Central on March 20, 2012; and in Clintonville 80 miles
northeast of Montello (upper right circle) beginning Sunday, March 18,
periodically through March 27, 2012.

A Baraboo police officer witnessed the first incident while parked in the 800 block of Eighth Street. “I observed a large flash of light followed by a ‘boom,’” the officer wrote in his report. “I advised dispatch of this information and my belief that it was possibly a transformer.” However, Sauk County Sheriff’s Department dispatchers contacted Alliant Energy and spokesman Steve Schultz confirmed Monday there were no outages in Baraboo around that time.



Loud Boom Brings Down Sooke, B. C., Canada Barn

Barrie Hanslip picks through what is left of her 50-year-old barn after it collapsed
immediately after a very loud boom and rumble sound at 11:30 AM on Thursday,
March 15, 2012. She and her niece, Sandra Richardson, who lives nearby both say they
have heard rumbling booms the past few weeks. Image © 2012 by

A barn owned by Barrie Hanslip on the 4000-block of Otter Point Road in Sooke, B. C., Canada, on Vancouver Island, collapsed immediately after a loud boom and rumble that hit at 11:30 AM on Thursday, March 15, after two unexplained tremors at 9 AM. Sooke is 15 miles west of Victoria, B. C., and west of Arlington, Washington, where five people heard a rumbling sound for hours on February 23 – 24, 2012.

See:  022812 Earthfiles reported:  “Hanslip wasn’t home at the time of the collapse, but her niece, Sandra Richardson, said two seconds after the large third boom, she heard a creak and the barn collapsed. Alison Bird, seismologist with Natural Resources Canada, said there were no earthquakes in the region during that time, adding there were calls from other residents who reported shaking. Sooke fire chief Steve Sorensen also said the fire department received an onslaught of calls, but did not have further information. Both Richardson and Hanslip said the tremors have been a regular occurrence in the past few weeks.

“Concerned residents have been commenting on the unknown tremors on the Discover Sooke Facebook page since January 2012. According to resident reports, previous rumbles were felt around Saseenos, East Sooke, Whiffin Spit and Otter Point. Although unconfirmed, residents speculated the tremors are the result of blasts from a company dismantling a dam in Port Angeles across the Strait of Juan de Fuca.”

Return to Part 1 Boom Update.


If Earthfiles viewers and radio listeners have more information about loud, unexplained, wall-rattling, earth-jolting boom sounds, please email: [email protected].  All requests for confidentiality are honored.

More Information:

For further reports about strange hums and booms that have also been reported in 2011 to 2012, please see reports below from Earthfiles Archive.

• 03/30/2012 — Part 1: Updated 033021 with boom recordings – Mysterious Rattling Booms Expand from Clintonville to Montello, Wisconsin and Beyond.
• 03/30/2012 — Updated with boom audio Part 2: Boom Phenomenon in Several States and Canada
• 03/24/2012 — Updated 032421 – Mysterious Rattling Booms Expand from Clintonville to Montello, Wisconsin and Beyond. Viewer reports.
• 03/20/2012 — Two Nights of Mysterious Rattling Booms in Clintonville, WI
• 11/13/2011 — Updated: More Loud Booms in Virginia and Missouri; More Quakes in Oklahoma
• 10/27/2011 — More Mysterious Hum Reports from North America to China
• 10/04/2011 — Updated: What Are Strange “Hums” That Keep People Awake?
• 10/03/2011 — Part 1: Viewer Letters About Strange, Loud Booms
• 06/07/2011 — What Are the Mysterious Booms?
• 05/13/2011 — More Viewer Letters About Mysterious Booms
• 05/11/2011 — Updated Reprints: Earthfiles Viewers Reports of Strange, Loud Booms
• 02/08/2011 — More Reports of Strange Booms and Aerial Lights
• 01/29/2011 — Earthfiles Viewers Reports of Strange, Loud Booms


USGS/Seismological Society of America 2012 Meeting:

Hydraulic Fracturing, “Fracking”:

Inhabitat:  Fracking Emissions Harmful:

“Clintonville officials want answers after two nights of mysterious booms”:

“Another night of mysterious booms in Clintonville” by Nick Penzenstadler, Post-Crescent Staff Writer:

“Clintonville officials stymied by loud booms” by Nick Penzenstadler, Post-Crescent Staff Writer:

Unexplained Booms, Wikipedia:

Loud Booms in Virginia and Missouri; More Quakes in Oklahoma:

Strange Booms in North Carolina:

Strange Booms in Texas:

Strange Booms in Florida:

December 1977 Newspaper Reports:

USGS Booms and Seneca Guns:

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