Confident girls are weaned on Beryl the Peril

Liz Jones

Last updated at 1:49 AM on 12th February 2012

Think pink: Girls are bombarded with images designed to uber-feminise them

Think pink: Girls are bombarded with images designed to uber-feminise them

A new TV ad aimed at primary school-age girls has started me thinking. It’s for a part-work magazine aimed squarely at teaching tots how to make (and decorate!) cup cakes.

Like mini Kirstie Allsopps, they are destined to wear pink throughout their lives, and to concentrate fiercely on sugary, toxic substances such as silver balls.

Having picked up an armful of similar magazines, it’s clear that pre-teen girls are being bombarded with images and messages designed to uber- feminise them.

I open a copy of Sparkle World, which features a ghastly heroine called Polly Pocket: she has long blonde hair, huge blue eyes and a tiny waist.
While there is the occasional darker face within the pages, there is never a fat child, or even a vaguely chunky one wearing spectacles although, inside, we are told how to make what look like over-decorated doughnuts.

Princess magazine, from  Disney, is pretty nauseating,  too, what with all the girls dressed in long gowns with crowns, waiting for ‘a handsome prince’. There is no variation on the storyline.

But it is the BBC’s CBeebies magazine that is the worst offender, with its Valentine’s Day theme (its readers are  pre-school age, surely?) and gift of stickers proclaiming ‘Love you lots!’, ‘You’re special’, and ‘Be my Valentine!’ There are envelopes for your child to post to her loved one, and teeny sticky jewels.

Role model? Kirstie Allsopps is very domestic in her TV appearances

Role model? Kirstie Allsopps is very domestic in her TV appearances

There is a clear message in these publications that as  well as being head-over-heels in love, girls need be perfect at  all times.

On the back of Sparkle World’s free gift of a girly pencil and notepad, and even more jewels, is this warning: ‘During creative activities it is advised that all soft furnishing [sic] are covered and children wear overalls [sick].’

Really? Seriously? Overalls to make notes using a pink pencil in a heart-shaped pad?

While it would be better, surely, for girls to learn to be dirty and to ignore soft furnishings altogether, the magazines seem intent on turning them into super-fussy housewives, the sort who buy those new automated anti-bac hand soaps.

Most hideously of all, though, these propaganda sheets are intent on turning girls into their parents’ little helpers.

In CBeebies magazine are ready-printed missives you can cut out and stick to the fridge: ‘On Friday I will help lay the table for dinner’ and ‘On Tuesday I will help my grown-up make some lunch’.

The editors of the magazine add helpfully: ‘Grown-ups, you can write your own task here if you like’ – above a yawning white space. I wonder if there is ever a moment when girls aren’t being bossed by mums too controlling and fond of martyrdom to hire a cleaner.

My mum never taught me to cook or even iron. Even though  I was one of seven children,  and we had no washing machine, let alone a dishwasher, I was never once asked to help out with chores.

But oh dear me, how the modern busy mum loves to delegate. And these pink rags back them up, which is presumably why they shell out for them, week in, week out.

All in all, the message from these magazines is a curious, confusing mixture of over- babifying while trying to transform the kiddies into premature adults. Girls are given no insight into chemistry, maths or outdoor pursuits (I loved my chemistry set, once succeeding in making a stink bomb, and was weaned on Pony and Beryl the Peril, both stuffed with naughtiness). 

Girly: Polly Pocket is an example of uber-feminine toys directed at girls

Girly: Polly Pocket is an example of uber-feminine toys directed at girls

Instead, in Sparkle they are given a short story about how ‘Kirsty and Rachel were friends with the fairies. One day, they were appearing as extras in a pop video when the Drum Fairy burst out of a box’. Extras in a pop video? Is this really a suitable aspiration for a five-year-old girl?

Presumably, the video was one made by a barely dressed Christina Aguilera. The aforementioned Polly Pocket is seen later ‘rocking on stage with the Electropop Cutants’.

There is only one message for very young girls. It is not to be brave, or to learn about the world – it is to be pretty and sweet in order to net a man. It’s about cooking for other people because, of course, girls should never be fat.

No wonder they will grow  up with limited ambitions,  falling at the first hurdle of real challenges because they were suckled on jewels, hearts, princes and rewards in the form of stickers.

Girls this age should not even be aware of Valentine’s Day. They have decades of garage forecourt gypsophila to look forward to.

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