‘Cold Cat Killer’ strikes again as he kills 34th feline victim by lacing chicken pieces with anti-freeze

Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 1:19 AM on 9th February 2012

A psychopath dubbed the ‘Cold Cat Killer’ is believed to have struck for the 34th time – after lacing chicken with anti-freeze.

Dozens of moggies have died agonising deaths after ingesting the harmful liquid, which has previously been soaked into biscuits and cat nibbles.

Terrified residents in Bridgwater, Somerset, say they are ‘too frightened’ to let their pets out of the house following the spate of killings.

Casualty: Ginger tom Fudge became the 34th victim of the cat killer after vets had to put him down the day after he brought a piece of poisoned chicken into his Bridgwater home

Casualty: Ginger tom Fudge had to be put down after his owner found him with pieces of chicken which had been turned blue by the anti-freeze

Deadly: An RSPCA officer shows a piece of the poisoned chicken

Deadly: An RSPCA officer shows a piece of the poisoned chicken

Ginger tom cat Fudge has become the
latest victim – after his owner found him with pieces of chicken which
had been turned blue by the anti-freeze.

two-year-old feline was later put to sleep after suffering renal
failure as a result of ethylene glycol poisoning, a chemical often found
in anti-freeze.

Warton-Browne, 32, Fudge’s devastated owner, said: ‘It is awful to think
that someone may have deliberately poisoned chicken to harm cats or
other animals.

‘It is a residential area and, as well as cats, a dog or even a child could have picked up what we think was poisoned meat.’

Phillipa, from Beech Drive, Bridgwater, noticed her pet bringing the blue cooked chicken into her home on January 13.

She then rushed him to the vets after he became ill the next day and he was put down.

The RSPCA is now investigating the death after the initial cause of death was given as ethylene glycol poisoning.

Home: The latest cat to fall victim to the poisoner was from this quiet residential street, Bridgwater, Somerset

Home: The latest cat to fall victim to the poisoner was from this quiet residential street, Bridgwater, Somerset

Inspector Sue Dobson, from the animal welfare charity, said: “If the chicken was deliberately laced with anti-freeze it would suggest the person responsible was trying to target an animal even if the intended victim was not a cat.

‘I would urge anyone who has any relevant information to get in touch with the RSPCA so we can prevent any more cats or other animals from suffering.’

The RSPCA has also received details of another cat in the area which had to be put to sleep recently as a result of suspected poisoning – but it is not known what from.

Up to 34 felines are believed to have died as a result of anti-freeze poisoning in Bridgwater and the nearby hamlet of Stogursey, Somerset, over the last four years.

In 2008 up to 18 cats were killed after ingesting anti-freeze in Stogursey, while 16 have been found dead in the last four years a few miles away in Bridgwater.

Avon and Somerset Police said the force was aware cats had been poisoned by anti-freeze in the past.

Anyone found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering to an animal could face a maximum six-month prison sentence and a £20,000 fine under the Animal Welfare Act.

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Some of you people on here make me sick, what is wrong with you?? We’re you dropped on your heads when you were babies or something??? KILLING ANY ANIMAL IS WRONG. I personally don’t like cats but to kill any living thing in such an evil way is disgusting. They are NOT vermin they are somebodies pet and the owners will be heart broken.

34 cats then there’s too many cats in that community, they need culling. Cat owners should keep their animals under control just the same as dog owners. Serves them right for letting them roam in other people’s gardens. I consider them vermin.
– ron, Cumbria, 9/2/2012 10:19
And I consider you vermin. You shouldn’t be allowed to stroll on the streets.
‘Pregnant women should wear gloves when doing gardening if cats are in the area. Cat pooh can kill your unborn child. Cat lovers know this, but as they say, my kids are OK. The only good cat is a dead one. Long live Cat Killers.’
– Ray Spring, Christchurch, NZ, 9/2/2012
Talk about Loonies on the Loose !

Oh come on someone somewhere knows who this barbarian is yet no one has caught him?? I hope when they do they feed him antifreeze and let him see what he did.

Pregnant women should wear gloves when doing gardening if cats are in the area. Cat pooh can kill your unborn child. Cat lovers know this, but as they say, my kids are OK. The only good cat is a dead one. Long live Cat Killers.

They should feed him chicken laced with anti-freeze if and when they catch him. Sorry excuse for a human being and it’s no wonder he exists with the pathetic comments I see on this thread. Geesh. Whether you like them or not, those cats are part of someone’s FAMILY.
If my cat died like this, I would find the person and bash his skull in. She had to put to sleep last year and my heart broke. I haven’t all together gotten over it. She was there for me when I had no one. My cat was better than most of the humans I meet. The majority of them, in fact.

I have seen bowls of food scraps with what I am sure is anti-freeze laid outside houses in the sub-division here in Philippines by some of the locals. There is a large feral cat population here but this is a vicious way to deal with it. One young dog had been cooked on a barbecue here too. To top it all one American expat got ill and admitted to hospital after his wife was slipping small amounts of anti-freeze into his food and drinks.

Another loony on the loose.

Give me cats over humans any day. Far less trouble.

If anyone did this to my cat I would force feed them the contents of her litter tray.

Cats are totally evil animals that kill for pleasure and not simply to eat. some of the people posting here are also in need of some serious psychological help. You are worse than the person killing the cats.

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