Cohabiting with a Monkey


July 4, 2012

Planet of the Apes

I have tried to train George but he lives on a planet
that has been overrun by his kind.

He’s surrounded by bad examples.

by Henry Makow Ph. D.

I have a confession to make. I’ve been living with a monkey for most of my life.

I call him “Curious George.” He is very curious to me. We’re an odd couple. He is always grunting, posturing and foraging; I try to keep him in check.

His vulgarity is a constant affront. It seems that at a young age, his mind was corrupted (programmed.)   

When he sees a fertile female, he doesn’t see a human being. He sees a hypothetical sexual partner. He’s thinking, “Wow, she’s cute” or “oh my God, who let her out?” This is sex-obsessed George.

When his best friends suffer some misfortune, he feels compassion. But there is a tinge of satisfaction. This is Schadenfreude George. Or should I say, Insecure George? 

Does he have any good qualities? Paradoxically, George is good with other peoples’ success. He accepts there are smarter, more talented, harder-working monkeys who are more deserving than him.   

Sometimes I think of George as an airplane and I am his pilot. I have to fuel him up at least three times a day, clean his cabin and empty his toilets. I sit in the cockpit in front of a computer screen. George wants a drink. George needs stimulation. George is always “wanting” something.

“Bean-counter George” tries to increase his store of coupons (called “money”, very useful for acquiring food.) He also thrives on getting positive feedback from other monkeys and gets quite angry if other people act like….monkeys! 


I have tried to train George but he lives on a planet that has been overrun by his kind. It is a large zoo without cages and he is surrounded by bad examples. It’s “cohabiting with six billion monkeys.” 

The planet is ruled by a clique of evil monkeys who “corrupt in order to control.” They don’t want simians like George challenging their supremacy.  

Everywhere George looks, he is encouraged to do his worst. Porn, violence, greed etc. George rarely gets accurate information or sees positive role models. So I try to shield him from all the filth and instead, expose him to truth and uplifting experiences.   ape.jpg

I wish I had home-schooled him because he wasted most of his life listening to other monkeys and getting a Ph.D.  


As you have probably guessed, George is an animal that has served as a vehicle for my consciousness for some 62 years. I figure he’s got about 18-25 years left before he expires and my consciousness returns to its source.

(The Creator has chosen this method to express Himself: Inject himself into a higher Primate and hope the seed will grow. Unfortunately that plant is in grave danger.)

George is definitely not the virile young ape he once was. There are many signs of wear and decline. 

He is invisible to young female apes but mercifully their indifference is reciprocated. His “sizing them up”  is mostly a lifelong habit instilled and enforced by his decadent culture.   

George is so demanding that I often forget I am not him. I must remember because that distinction is what distinguishes me from an ape. It’s what makes me “human.”

The whole cosmic drama takes the form of domesticating ape vehicles. This requires that I regularly unplug the “George” computer. I want soul to experience itself instead of George.

I must increase consciousness through mediation, prayer and reading the New Testament. “The Lord is thy shepherd. Thou shalt not want.”  Hear that, George!? 

horse.jpgOur would-be masters want to erase the idea of God and consciousness. If we are just animals, they (not God) will shape and control us.

I’d like to get George to be more like a horse. Horses are
vehicles by nature. They are graceful, peaceful and take direction.

I think God would like us to be more horse-like.  It’s a step toward becoming more like Him.


Comments for “Cohabiting with a Monkey”

Christine said (July 5, 2012):

(Note to Gregory – below)

When Adam and Eve committed Original Sin, it left a stain on our souls that is erased by Baptism. As punishment for that sin, we all struggle with concupiscence, or a strong will to do evil, particularly with regard to impurity.

The Saints became saints by overcoming concupiscence through the practice of mental prayer. Meditation, or mental prayer, is the practice of silently meditating on sacred scripture, spiritual writings of the Saints, and other great spiritual writers like Thomas a Kempis’ The Imitation of Christ.

St. Teresa of Avila practiced mental prayer by reading a little, and then silent prayers of adoration, contrition, thanksgiving, and supplication. Mental prayer produces peace of mind and clarity of thought.

St. Teresa said that “The devil knows that he has lost the soul that perseveringly practices mental prayer.” Gregory, if you want peace, keep seeking God in mental prayer and the rosary. Pray it every day.

Gregory said (July 5, 2012):

I am a young man from Zimbabwe who came down here in South Africa to look for opportunities since my
country could not offer me any. As l look around myself and the world at large, l can’t help but realize that all
of humanity is reeling in an iron clenched fist of evil. I read your articles every now and then and they add up to
what l see around me and relate to on a daily basis especially in a third world country like South Africa.

I was born into a Roman Catholic family, my grand parents were both active and devoted Catholics. Being an open minded person has enabled me to realize that not all I have been taught both at school and by my grand parents is not true, from vaccinations, AIDS, God, Catholic faith, homosexuality etc

I find myself suffocating and drowning in all this crisis that the world is in today, I WANT TO FIND GOD AND BE SAVED, I have the will power but l just cannot seem to shake off the brainwash l find myself in. I know there is God, I read my King James Bible because l now know that Satan is busy tempering and perverting the Word of God.

My question to you is, how do l shut off the world and ask God to have mercy on me and touch me? I need help, l can feel it and sense that there is a spiritual war out there. I want to belong to the good and even if l will not make it to heaven, l want to be part of the drop in the sea that will help enlighten the masses about the deceptions we are warned of in Matthew 24 2-7.

As he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” And Jesus answered them, “See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.
(Matthew 24:3-7 ESV)

Henry Makow is the author of A Long Way to go for a Date. He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto. He welcomes your feedback and ideas at

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