Citizens Rise Up Against Corrupt Media

(Christian Christensen)  Standing on the streets of Baltimore to cover what his employer Fox News was calling a “riot,” Geraldo Rivera found himself at the receiving end of a passionate and articulate lecture from Kwame Rose on skewed, sensationalist and racist media coverage. As Rose attempted to engage Rivera in a conversation, the reporter kept walking away, refusing to even make eye contact. The episode was captured on video, uploaded and went viral. Rose became a sensation. Rivera would later intone that Rose’s actions represented “exactly that kind of youthful anarchy that led to the destruction and pain in that community.”

The Rivera confrontation was one of many between media professionals and citizens and activists in Baltimore. What is becoming clear is that many people are more than aware of the ways in which the news media have the power to frame and reframe events through words, images, suggestion and omission. What is also clear is that these people are no longer willing to put up with it.

In an on-air interview with activist DeRay McKesson, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer went to extraordinary lengths to get McKesson to condemn protesters who had damaged property. After listing the number of arrests, vehicle fires and structural fires in Baltimore, Blitzer asked, “There’s no excuse for that kind of violence, right?” McKesson, unwilling to play Blitzer’s game, responded, “Yeah, and there’s no excuse for the seven people the Baltimore police department have killed in the past year, right?” Blitzer, unused to having a guest who was willing to challenge CNN’s simplistic worldview, had an incredibly telling response, saying, “We’re not making comparisons. Obviously, we don’t want to see anyone hurt. I just want to hear you say there should be peaceful protests, not violent protests, in the tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King.” McKesson, noting that by demanding he condemn protester violence but not police violence, Blitzer was taking a position, then offered this coup de grace: “You are making a comparison. You are suggesting that broken windows are worse than broken spines, right?”

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