vadoum says:
your words spin into the frey of what I think may be the crux of the psychosis thats mucking-up everyone’s chances of thriving.
Is this truly the age of the sprung lie? I think so. I’m trying to understand lying and how it works. here’s some of what I’m learning, and/but anyone here who can point me to better clarity on any of these points is most welcome to:
liars seem to have various grades of shot in their arsenals, and but many will pull the lie trigger with no, or damn little, conscious/self awareness:
First they’ll pretend to know what they’re talking about,
or exaggerate or omit a detail.
rat shot
Then they’ll pull what I think your comment is saying: A.R.R.S. “accusative responsibility reversal syndrome”, there are various styles, its a pre-emptive reversing of the narrative that puts the truth on the back foot, but its essentially the assassin putting the smoking gun in the dead guys hand and saying “he committed suicide”; the fake fact checkers,, or wearing a mask and saying to the non-masker “you’re killing people”, when actually the masks are harming (less O2, a deadening of connectedness & expression, and disturbing the psychologic peace). Or aggressing someone for being a “foolish conspiracy theorist” while holding to the foolish conspiracy theory that a plane hit building 2 which caused building 7 to suddenly collapse.. in my experience, ARRS is the liars last face to face stand. its disorienting, fowl shot.
Then, if you’re still diplomatic and humorous and light but lucid,, they will simply fall asleep, or leave, or change the subject, or become impossible until you change the subject, every kind of denial, its a banishing of any possible communication. essentially they muzzle you. buck shot.
Then if that still hasn’t achieved their objective, the liars last resort is to stab in the back: scapegoat makers, snitches, witch hunters, crime boss types, arkanciders, and but you’ll never see it coming. triple ought buck.
I see all of that as versions and degrees of lying.
I suppose the key is to know quick-smart that one is dealing with a deceiver. thats hard.
Then one has to have tools to reflect the image of attack back at the aggressor before they commit to pulling trigger. thats doubly hard.
seems like a job for a super hero? I’m thinking we may have a better chance acting as an unorganized organization. Pretty sure the octopus’s 2000 suction cups can act independently yet flow along the common mission of moving the pus all at once (symphony of freestylers?).
I’ve said this before here: I think birds mur-muring may have an example we might try? but how do they do it? how do they know to maintain just enough formation? what is the command thats keeping them cohesive yet variable?
sorry got ramblin’, ‘spose i’m using this thread to try to draw down a nobler geometry, thanks for the space.
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