CISPA Empowers the DHS, TSA and IRS to Terrorize Americans

Susanne Posel
Occupy Corporatism
April 26, 2012




Buried within CISPA is a provision allowing the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to intercept tax returns and all other online traffic en route to federal government websites.

Representative Sheila Jackson Lee’s amendment is broad enough to sweep in government contractors and university networks such as Internet2 and CENIC, said a telecommunications attorney who did not want to be identified because of client sensitivity. It also appears to cover open Wi-Fi networks run by federal agencies and networks in government-provided housing.”

According to Ryan Radia, associate director of technology studies at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, DHS would be given permission by the US government to monitor government websites but also “allow Homeland Security to monitor the communications of the federal courts and Congress, and intercept tax returns sent to the IRS.”

This implies that the IRS tax form itself could be used by the DHS as a identification of alleged “suspicious activity”.

Currently legislation on Capitol Hill is empowering the IRS with authorities they do not deserve. the ‘Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act’ (MAP-21) gives the collection agency for the Federal Reserve Bank the power to revoke American citizen’s travel rights by owing back taxes . Ignoring the fact that the IRS has no constitutional right to tax private income, they use the ignorance of the people to steal money from them each year.

And now, the IRS could have the right to revoke your ability to travel national and international through flights and passports. This would place violators on the “no fly list”, which would then take those citizens right to own a firearm through the guise of “suspicion of terrorist ties”.

The vote to make CISPA a law will happen later this week.

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