Seventy nine years ago an American army was fighting for it’s life at Bastogne.
America should never have been involved in World War 2.
FDR a Red Russian Khazarian communist first tried to force Germany to sink a US naval vessel to drag Americans into the war, then backed Japan into a corner with economic sanctions to get them to attack the US military which was illegally occupying a Polynesian Kingdom called Hawaii.
One hundred and nine years ago in 1914, before Woodrow Wilson helped drag America into World War One in which it should never have been involved, German and English troops formed their own Christmas truce, climbed out of their trenches, stopped killing each other, shared food, exchanged gifts, showed each other pictures of their wives and children and even played soccer games.
The Brass on both sides had to threaten them with court Marshall and prison to make them start killing each other again so the slaughter could go on for enough years for America to get dragged in.
Christmas Day 2023, the usual sold out dick sucking war mongering whores are trying desperately to get America involved with another Rothschild’s World War.
All I want for Christmas is for humanity to wake up, realize they have been played again and again by evil sons of bitches who planned wars the common man fought and died in while the planners got richer, more powerful, convene Nuremberg Common Law Tribunals, give all the sold out whored out war mongering cowardly evil cum sucking degenerates fair Common Law Trials followed by fair hangings.
What a beautiful sight it would be to look out on Christmas morning and see every tree decorated with the hanging corpses of the evil, those who use humanity for cannon fodder in needless wars planned and executed by ball-less cowards who do not fight or die in the wars they force on the common man, women and child.
Humanity had better grow up or write their history to leave for some future species to try to understand why humanity annihilated itself.
I look forward to Christmas 2024 when I can hope there will be peace on earth and the bones of the evil “elites” and warmongers laying bleached by the sun and gnawed by the beast of the field.
The Ole Dog!
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