Christian Man Gets Thrown Into Prison And Tortured By Corrupt Government

By Theodore Shoebat

In just one month Pakistan has had three cases of so-called blasphemy. The Third is the case of Tariq Yousaf and Arif Yousaf who were both arrested in the village Thatha Faqir Ullah.

When the police arrested Arif, his brother Tariq escaped, but he would not be in a state of liberation for long.

Tariq worked part time making firecrackers, and one day, a Muslim named Khurram Shahzed bought some from him, and then complained that the “crackers were made with the Koranic Pages”.

The police, with the greatest indignation for the Holy Cross, swiftly arrested Tariq and viciously beat him. Some Christians and Muslims intervened and pacified the officers, and even Khurram, the man who provoked the arrest, said he forgave him and that if he really did something wrong, God will punish him.

But Khurram’s seeming sympathy was feigned, and just four days later he filed a complaint against Tariq and his brother, and the former found himself yet again in chains.

But who has come to his aid? It was our organization, Rescue Christians, who visited him in prison, and is now his only support. Here is a message from our team on the ground in Pakistan:

We met the superintendent of the jail, regarding Arif yousaf. Arif Yousaf is going through a hard time. When we met him, his face and hands were swelling, whereas the superintendent of the jail denied any sort of torture during his custody.

Yesterday when our lawyers and the family of Arif Yousaf went to meet him, he did not recognize his wife and children and kept silent all the time, even his wife and children were crying but he did not pay any attention to their cry.

We immediately filed the application in the court of Magistrate of Wazirabad for his medical, Doctors have given him a date of 27th December,2013 for proper medical checkup. We tried to get his check up today but due to the unavailability of the specialist we could not get it done.

According to our information he was tortured mentally and physically in the jail. However we have decided to file the protection petition for him as well, and we will submit our request for a change of jail .

When a Christian is thrown into prison, it is not just he who is confined, but Christ as well. Remember what Christ said:

I was in prison, and ye came unto me. (Matthew 25:36)

And what does Christ say to those who did not visit or tend to the persecuted in prison?

Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me. Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life. (Matthew 25:45-46)

So I ask you, to please donate, and tend to the persecuted. This is your chance to do something for the persecuted, and know for certain that you are rescuing your brethren.


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