Chris Huhne resignation: Downfall of a deeply divisive minister

Daily Mail Comment

Last updated at 10:43 PM on 3rd February 2012

The decision to charge Chris Huhne with perverting the course of justice by asking his now ex-wife to take speeding points on his behalf brings a theatrical end to the Cabinet career of one of Westminster’s most divisive figures.

The ambitious former Liberal Democrat leadership contender had no option but to concede the impossibility of continuing as Energy Secretary while preparing to face grave charges which carry the threat of a substantial jail sentence.

Had he needed to be forced from post, great harm could have been done to the government’s reputation and stability.

Stepping down: Chris Huhne announces his resignation from the post of Energy Secretary

Stepping down: Chris Huhne announces his resignation from the post of Energy Secretary

What happens next is a matter for the courts, and Mr Huhne vigorously denies any wrongdoing.

But the departure of a man of undoubted intellect, who skilfully drove such a hard bargain with the Tories during the Coalition talks, will have immediate political ramifications.

First, Nick Clegg will feel more secure as Lib Dem leader now he is no longer sharing the Cabinet table with a ruthless rival for his job who was the torch-carrier for the fractious Left wing of the party.

That said politics, like nature, abhors a vacuum and Westminster will be eagerly waiting to see who might inherit Mr Huhne’s mantle as the challenger to the Deputy Prime Minister’s authority.

There will be similar interest in Mr Huhne’s replacement, Ed Davey.

Tory MPs will question why it was taken for granted that the job must go to a LibDem – as was also the case when David Laws had to resign from the Treasury in 2010 over expenses deceit.

After all, the Lib Dems are far less popular in the country – barely achieving double digits in some opinion polls – than when the Coalition was formed.

Nevertheless Mr Davey, who is considered on the Right of his party and pro-business, brings a welcome fresh pair of eyes to a Climate Change department which Mr Huhne ran with an ideologically-driven determination to be the ‘greenest’ minister ever.

Mr Davey’s first task should be to review, based on hard facts alone, the welter of green taxes, edicts and climate change targets which are threatening to choke the economic recovery.

Let’s hope that with Mr Huhne departed, his toxic legacy of soaring energy bills and ineffective wind farms will be  quickly dismantled.

Will they ever get it?

For the bankers, it was a tumultuous week which saw Stephen Hester reluctantly decline a £1million bonus from the 82 per cent taxpayer-owned RBS, and Fred Goodwin stripped of the knighthood awarded while driving the same institution to the brink of disaster.

Yet, sadly, there has been no signal change in the bankers’ attitude, or indication that – finally – they get it.

Instead, they have responded to politicians’ requests that they show a little more humility by whining that they are the victims of a witch-hunt, and making the usual dark threats about banks no longer investing in the UK.

'Overblown': RBS Chairman Philip Hampton

‘Overblown’: RBS Chairman Philip Hampton

Yesterday the chairman of RBS, Sir Philip Hampton, at least admitted that, while shareholders had done ‘pretty badly’ in recent years, many of the banks’ staff had ‘done pretty well’.

However he then complained that the ‘concentration on bonuses is overblown’, and described Mr Hester’s £1.2million pay as ‘quite low’, compared to his peers.

It’s high time that bankers – who remain well-remunerated, by any yardstick – stopped feeling sorry for themselves, and started repairing the enormous damage caused by their past greed.

There is no reason why they shouldn’t receive bonuses without further harming their relationship with the wider public.

So long as they earn them first.

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