Chorus of support from MPs and campaigners for top judge planning a pro-marriage crusade

  • Judge says to couples contemplating divorce: ‘mend it, don’t end it’
  • Senior lawyers and Tories back Sir Paul Coleridge’s anti-divorce drive

Steve Doughty

Last updated at 12:27 AM on 4th January 2012

Call: Sir Paul Coleridge said his campaign would be aimed at promoting marriage and discouraging divorce

Call: Sir Paul Coleridge said his campaign would be aimed at promoting marriage and discouraging divorce

MPs and campaigners yesterday lined up to back a High Court judge and his plans for a pro-marriage pressure group.

Sir Paul Coleridge, one of the country’s most senior divorce judges, said his campaign would be aimed at promoting marriage and discouraging divorce.

He said marriage was better for children than cohabitation and condemned divorce and its effects. Sir Paul told couples contemplating divorce: ‘My message is, mend it, don’t end it.’

The initiative, made at a time when David Cameron’s pledge to give tax breaks to married couples remains a promise rather than a reality, was praised by campaigners who say politicians and the state have spent the past 20 years trying to reduce marriage to a lifestyle choice.

Julian Brazier, Tory MP and a longstanding advocate of greater public support for marriage, said: ‘This can only help make the political and legal establishment aware of the importance of marriage.

‘Too much family law has been driven by judges for the past two generations – the courts brought in no-fault divorce, marginalising the rights and wrongs of the behaviour of husbands and wives, well before Parliament considered it.’

Author and researcher Jill Kirby said: ‘It is very good news that an eminent family judge can make such a stand on the importance of marriage and family structure. He has seen many of the victims of family breakdown going through his court. He is one of the best people to make the point.

‘It is a change after years in which we have seen so many judges and lawyers try to undermine the status of marriage.’

Sir Paul, who sits in the High Court Family Division as Mr Justice Coleridge, will launch The Marriage Foundation in the spring.

It will be backed by influential legal figures and aims to provide information on the strengths of marriage, commission research and organise conferences. It will eventually lobby for pro-marriage policies. Sir Paul, who has made a series of outspoken speeches on the reasons for family break-up, said: ‘You are four times more likely to break up before your child is five years old if you are not married.

Ed Miliband: Marriage proposals

Nick Clegg: Resists calls for marriage to be recognised in the tax system

Opposed: Ed Miliband and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg have drided the idea of tax breaks for married couples

‘Over 40 years of working in the family justice system, I have seen the fallout from these broken relationships. There are an estimated 3.8million children currently caught up in the family justice system. That is a complete scandal. My focus is on the children. I am unashamedly advocating marriage as the gold standard for couples where children are involved. I desperately want to avoid a moral crusade.

‘And this is not a cosy club for people who are happily married and can say, “look how well I have done”. It will, I hope, appeal to people of every background, including those who are divorced.’

His move comes at a time when leading politicians are at odds over the legal status of marriage. Mr Cameron remains pledged to encourage the institution by giving tax breaks to married couples, but Labour leader Ed Miliband and Lib Dem Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg have derided the idea.

The view that ‘stable relationships’ and cohabitation are just as good as marriage has taken root across much of Whitehall, to the point where the effects of marriage are being dropped from official statistics.

Sir Paul said: ‘Governments cannot legislate stronger relationships into existence.

‘Ultimately, more and stronger marriages will result from individual choices, behaviour and culture. We will seek to influence those choices.’

Among figures said to be backing his plans are Baroness Butler-Sloss, the former chief family law judge, Baroness Deech, a family lawyer and academic who has given a series of lectures calling for more support for marriage, and Baroness Shackleton, the divorce lawyer who acted for Prince Charles and Sir Paul McCartney.

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I totally agree. High Court judges have no business campaigning/crusading in any way

At last some sense from a judge

Nothing worse than a crusading judge. Sack him and let him crusade on his own time. We pay for dispassionate impartial carefully weighed sound judgement. Where’s his job description?

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