We have seen so far the various systems of our existence, of our mind, of our very thoughts. The meaning behind the Knowledge of Good and Evil; the meaning behind Hermetics and its application by the Jew; the very essence of Willpower and what happens when there is a lack of it. We also covered the basics of the Jewish mind prisons and how exactly they work throughout various layers of indoctrination. Now, it is time to analyze the last important piece of information here – Choice.
An act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities. A course of action, thing, or person that is selected or decided upon.
In our lives there comes a moment when we become aware of the differences around us. It comes natural to us White people – we see it, define it, engage in it, escape from it, develop around it and about it. Something is either beautiful or ugly. True or False. Zero or One. There are certain elements within all things – shared – but its end effect and result is what matters. It doesn’t matter that we share a lot of DNA with others – it is the excellent difference which is important. And now, we are being brainwashed to believe that this difference not only does not exist – but that it is something that has to be purged from the planet.
I know that we have gone back to the Adam and Eve story so many times within this set of articles, but it is important to hammer it down to our people because, on average, they just jump over it without giving it a proper thought. Adam and Eve were told to eat of any fruit in the garden – this is, by large, the reason why there was no sin – the gods of Eden made a bad choice of words. The addition of, but don’t eat from this particular tree, is irrelevant. Were you to take this case to a court, you’d pretty easily win against the biblical gods – the first statement is very clear – you can eat from all trees.
There is an interesting meaning behind the term choose :
Seek out, select, decide, test, taste, try, accept, approve. From PIE root geus- , to taste, relish.
Choice is defined as :
Worthy to be chosen, distinguished, excellent.
The Tree of Knowledge was the acquiring of Choice. The understanding of Good and Evil was Choice. This is the Wisdom behind it. And the gods failed miserably because they already had given them the idea of choice – you can eat from all, but not from that one. They themselves implied Choice and were therefore the reason for the development of curiosity – the Snake, whether it is literally the symbolism of curiosity or not – just had to push them a little bit further.
This first application of Choice was all that was necessary for intelligent human beings to advance afterwards in every possible aspect of their life. The first Choice was to learn how to apply choice – and with it how to avoid evil entirely – this is why God punished them – they were now able to see him for what he truly was.
It is the same as when Jews punish someone who is close to exposing them entirely to the masses – at that very moment the Person exposing them is the Snake – the masses are Adam and Eve – the gods of Eden are the Jews – Eden itself is the Communist utopia.
Now, you must understand very carefully that the Knowledge and Wisdom of Choice is not there to make you live in a world of choices. It is there to entirely remove that from you – as best as it can, as much as possible. Living within the realm of Choice is the worst possible thing you could do, it is perhaps the lowest form of intelligent life to exist in. Our story, our development as a living organism, our very mind – may begin with Choice – but it should never ever put itself into risk and danger of it again. It should apply it, but not submit to it. It should control it, not fear it. It should use it, not judge it. I shall give you a very simple visual example :
When you are trying to defuse such a bomb you are experiencing Choice. You know that only one wire will defuse the bomb, while all the others will results in your death. This is your mind under choice. Try to really dig deep into this image. Live it. Breathe it in. Understand its concept. Understand the mindset of being under Choice. It is absolute Fear. It is the Unknown. It is the Darkness. It is the Chaos.
Remember – one of the definitions of choice is – excellent. We have covered already the meaning behind excellency and therefore have come to understand that its purpose is to make good things better. It is the drive of our Race and any intelligent, sane life form. It is the reason for the acknowledgment of Beauty. It is the essence of Creativity. It is the basis of Innovation. It is the hunger for Necessity. It is our Spirit, Mind, Body and Soul.
This excellency that comes out of Choice – not under it, not as Fear or Submission – this excellent Choice can only be achieved by applying Choice and it being under Truth. Let us expand this according to our current Knowledge. Choice is based on Good and Evil. Good and Evil are related to our Feminine and Masculine principle of the Mind, Organism and Reality itself. The Masculine principle protects and guides the Feminine through Will, whereas the Feminine is Creativity and Interaction with the Environment. Since the Masculine protects the Feminine, after acquiring the Knowledge of Choice/Good and Evil, it will make sure that the Feminine only experiences and creates – Good.
There is no reason for it ever to experience Evil or Bad. This is how the White Race understands reality. The Semites and their allies live in the opposite – they have completely shut down their Feminine principle – Islam being the best example of it. Therefore, this is what is meant by “applying Choice”. The “under Truth”, will result from pure Will. Let us look deeper into Truth.
Old English triewð (West Saxon), treowð (Mercian) “faith, faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty; veracity, quality of being true; pledge, covenant,” from triewe, treowe “faithful” (see true (adj.)), with Proto-Germanic abstract noun suffix *-itho (see -th (2)).
With “true” meaning :
Old English triewe (West Saxon), treowe (Mercian) “faithful, trustworthy, honest, steady in adhering to promises, friends, etc.,” from Proto-Germanic *treuwaz- “having or characterized by good faith” (cognates: Old Frisian triuwi, Dutch getrouw, Old High German gatriuwu, German treu, Old Norse tryggr, Danish tryg, Gothic triggws “faithful, trusty”), from PIE *drew-o-, a suffixed form of the root *deru-/*dreu- “be firm, solid, steadfast” (cognates: Lithuanian drutas “firm,” Welsh drud, Old Irish dron “strong,” Welsh derw “true,” Old Irish derb “sure”), with specialized sense “wood, tree” and derivatives referring to objects made of wood (see tree (n.)).
Therefore living by the Truth, in the Truth – is having faith. The source of Choice are your own Principles of Masculine and Feminine – the Authority of it is your Will. You are your own Faith, your own Trust, your own Honesty. The Race itself is the collective organism of such a relationship – its collective Willpower to Exist by Right. This is where our ancestral understanding of Truth comes from – the faith in us and among us, the trust in ourselves and our kin and Volk. How enlightening is it then, to see that this very word has a root in the word “tree” – the very symbol of all our European faith?
Truth with Roots that grows from a tiny Seed into a grand, everlasting Tree. Every branch of that Tree is our new Perception and understanding of Truth – every time we comprehend the Good in something, we have learned something New and re-evaluate our Life according to such Wisdom. This is the European, Aryan, White mindset – living in the Truth. Therefore it is the application of Choice under Truth, Choice representing the Unity and Love of the Masculine and Feminine principle; Truth being the Godly Willpower of our Race and its Individuals.
This is why we have become like Gods. We can live without Suffering, Pain, Fear, Submission, Guilt – because we have the Knowledge of realizing that those terms are bad; a horrible waste of Time and Existence. We can avoid them – entirely. We understand that Life is the journey through Knowledge and with it the growth of Spirit. We understand that there is more to Life, that we are here to find that out and if not within our lifetimes – to make sure that we leave behind a functioning World to our People – in hopes that they may succeed where we, individually, could not – but the Race, Collectively, will.
Every time there is a lack of Knowledge, there is Fear and Submission. Fear and Submission – the very definition of the Jewish Tribal god Yahweh – the same God of Christians – the same God of Muslims – the same terms used to describe Krishna. This is why the Jews want a world of idiots. And we are damn sure heading that way. Realize, please, that whenever there is a lack of knowledge, there are choices which will result in the Unknown – we become a Slave not only to the Choice, but also to its result. A world of Darkness and Fear. And in order to avoid this Fear, you will be given the choice to entirely Submit. The Jew is attempting to destroy our Natural just and right understanding of Choice – they are attempting to replace it with their version of it – the one that submits itself to fear, instead of being a tool for doing only the Good.
Jews are taking away the basic knowledge of Natural genders – giving people the choice between dozens of artificial transgenders. They took away our access to healthy food and offer us thousands of unhealthy versions of it. They have taken away the control of our Nations and offer us a choice in yearly elections – with them providing the candidates. They have taken away our spirit and faith and offer us their version of spiritual reality – the bible, absolute atheism, new age, etc. Every time there is a lack of Knowledge, people are not only under the influence of Choice, but also hunger for it. They need to be part of something. The absolute lack of Knowledge leads to the Absolute Liberalism we find ourselves in. Freedom through Truth has been replaced by Freedom of Choice. This is, for example, why “Evidence and Facts” have been labeled as a “White Man CIS invention”.
They are stuck in the image of disarming the bomb. We show up and tell them – listen, there is no bomb. You have been sold the illusion of the bomb and its choices. There is only the Truth and you must live according to it.
There are no presidential elections going on right now. The Jews already know the end result of this charade. You have been duped into believing that your Choice will change something. The Jews have already made the Cause that will result in their desired Effect. Even pointing out to the supposed “correct wire” which will disarm the bomb isn’t enough – the bomb itself is the trap. This Understanding, this Wisdom, is what must return to our Collective Consciousness. This is what we fight for.
Everything natural, right, just and correct is being torn apart by the Jewish lies. Every time, piece by piece, they destroy the Truth and with it our Knowledge of it – and every time they succeed – we become more and more dependent on Choices – we become more Afraid – we become more Submissive – and more degenerate. We must return to Knowledge, Wisdom and Truth. It must become the prime objective of our Existence. It must be the Guiding Light of our People.
Just and Enlightened life is not about choosing the lesser evil of two or more choices. It is about doing and living by the only right thing – Truth – finding and understanding it is a struggle; and Truth is to be found in Nature, in Ourselves, our Volk, our Spirit, the Universe – and if it is somewhere else, somewhere where we haven’t yet looked into – then we shall find it.
This concludes the series of analyzing the Jewish mind prisons; its effects, its source; the way it works and how it is being applied. Links below to the rest of articles of this series.
Source Article from http://www.renegadetribune.com/choice/
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