Children exposed to anaesthetic early in life ‘have double risk of ADHD’

Lauren Paxman

Last updated at 3:57 PM on 3rd February 2012

Children given two or more doses of anaesthetic before they turned three years old had more than double the incidence of ADHD (file photo)

Children given two or more doses of anaesthetic before they turned three years old had more than double the incidence of ADHD (file photo)

Toddlers exposed to anaesthesia are more likely to develop attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a study has found.

Children who were given two or more doses of anaesthetic before they turned three years old had more than double the incidence of ADHD than children who had no exposure, the Mayo Clinic research found.

Dr David Warner, a pediatric anaesthsiologist and investigator on the observational study, decided to investigate the effects of anaesthesia when basic science studies began to suggest it causes changes in the brains of young animals.

‘Those studies piqued our interest,’ Dr. Warner says. ‘We were sceptical that the findings in animals would correlate with kids, but it appears that it does.’

The study used results of an existing epidemiological study that looked at educational records of children born between 1976 and 1982 in Rochester, Minnesota, and determined those who developed some form of learning disability or ADHD.

Among 341 cases of ADHD in those younger than 19, researchers traced medical records in the Rochester Epidemiology Project, a decades-long database of all patient care in Olmsted County, Minnesota, looking for exposure to anaesthesia and surgery before they were three years old.

Children who had no exposure to anaesthesia and surgery had ADHD at a rate of 7.3 per cent. The rate after a single exposure was approximately the same.

For children who had two or more exposures to anaesthesia and surgery, the rate of ADHD was 17.9 per cent

For children who had two or more exposures to anaesthesia and surgery, the rate of ADHD was 17.9 per cent

For children who had two or more exposures to anaesthesia and surgery, the rate of ADHD was 17.9 per cent – even after researchers adjusted for other factors, including gestational age, sex and birth weight.

The results of the study, however, do not definitively mean that anaesthesia causes ADHD.

‘This is an observational study,’ D Warner says.

‘A wide range of other factors might be responsible for the higher frequency of ADHD in children with multiple exposures.

‘The findings certainly do suggest that further investigation into this area is warranted, and investigators at Mayo Clinic and elsewhere are actively pursuing these studies.’

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no ADHD is a developmental disorder, its NOT just an excuse for bad behaved children!

I think ADHD is a load of codswallop…. It’s just fancy words to describe naughty children
– only me, uk, 03/2/2012 18:23
My son who does have ADHD (and ASD) would even think before he said something so down right nasty! Probably because he has been better brought up!!!

Funny how they can link it to anaesthetic but not vaccines??? Vaccines have way more heavy metals and toxins in them!!

How dare you DM, my son has a rare heart disorder and has had anaesthetic on several occasions, he is the most placid of people. my partners son on the other hand has never had anaesthetic and is a suspected ADHD/Autistic child, how does one explain this? getting sick of these biased so-called news stories.

When I was a kid, schools had a cure for ADHD – it was called the cane!

As always, the ignorant come creeping out of the closets to denounce A.D.H.D. as an imaginary disorder. I wonder how they would cope if they had a child in their family with this very real condition? I doubt very much that they could, so maybe it’s just as well that they live in ignorance, as pity the poor child that has to cope with adults such as those.
@ ” The one with glasses, some place called home,” I doubt very much that you can do more than you probably do already, except other than to explain that the condition exists from birth, though obviously, it’s less noticeable in a tiny infant, with symptoms increasing exponentially with the age/milestone reaching of the child.

Both my children have had multiple operations before their third birthdays due to grommets and hearing issues, both are fine and present no ADHD symptoms – according to the stats one of my children should have it. Its just another scare tactic. In fact my kids are very well behaved and often commented about in restaurant and public how well behaved they are. if you child needs an op, they need it, they dont do these things lightly. Parents dont need additional worries when they decide to allow their child to be operated on.

ADHD is a made up condition to make poor parents feel better at there inability to parent successfully. as an anaesthetist posts say, its hard enough to put children under anaesthetic and securing parents confidence without all this rubbish, similar to measles that was almost wiped out until 1 doctor out of thousands said mmr causes autism. we are all on the autism scale

This makes me laugh. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ADHD there is however such a thing as kids without discipline which is caused by the few lefty hippy loons that won’t let parents and schools discipline our children

This research seems to be lacking in common sense. if a child had reason for this many doses of anesthetic before there were 3 there is probably a reason for this, which they seem to have discounted for this study. my son is 20 months old and has had an anesthetic 4 times before he was 16 months old. He is profoundly deaf due to congenital CMV (cytomegalovirus) and has had cochlear implants, plus grommets, MRI scan and an infection.
if he grows up with ADHD how to they know whether it is the anesthetics or another symptom of CMV? This study seems to have completely discounted other medical history.
Not all research is good Daily Mail – but you seem to publish anything with a headline to scare people.

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