I was innocently
watching TV with the family, suffering only a tolerable minimum
of constant, simmering anger and paranoia about the horrific economic
cataclysm that is descending upon us like a devouring plague because
the world’s governments spent themselves into bankrupting debt,
people and businesses of the world borrowed themselves into bankrupting
debt, and central banks around the world created the irresponsible,
impossible, incredible amounts of fiat currency and credit to finance
it all.
But all that
seemed so blissfully far away from the amusing antics of Andy of
Mayberry when my face is suddenly, yet figuratively, slapped alert
to the sad, sorry state of economics these days as my eyes fell
across The Economist magazine, where it had flipped open to a page
that had an article by David Autor of MIT, who postulates that computers
and are robots replacing human labor and thus, all mysterious and
Keynesian-like, shifting “the production function.”
As the Economist
puts it, this “need not be bad news for workers” when
they are laid off and abandoned to die of starvation and exposure
because nobody needs strong-back/weak-mind workers these days at
these labor prices when a robot can do it better and cheaper.
The funny part,
if you like your humor veering to the dark “We’re Freaking
Doomed (WFD)” vein, is when the simpleton dork who wrote the
article says “Firms may find it more attractive to invest in
technologies that boost the productivity of less-skilled domestic
labor, pushing up their wages”! Hahahaha! It’s beyond hahahaha!
Source Article from http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/News/133056-2013-04-22-cheap-gold-cheap-silver.htm?EdNo=001&From=RSS
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