Charles Taylor faces life in British prison cell as war crimes trial reaches climax

Nine years after he was first indicted by a United Nations Special Court — and
six years after being arrested in Nigeria, where he was living in exile —
four judges will deliver their verdict in The Hague today.

“There really has never been anything like this: it is a landmark,” said
Patrick Alley, director of Global Witness, a British charity focused on the
link between human rights abuses and the exploitation of natural resources.

“If he is convicted, it sends a very clear message that anyone who thinks they
can carry out activities that lead to crimes against humanity — or who try
to loot state resources to carry out abuses — can no longer do so with

If Taylor is convicted, Britain has offered to hold him in a high security
prison. No jail in West Africa is considered secure enough to keep him
behind bars.

In Sierra Leone’s capital, Freetown, few people will be able to watch today’s
proceedings over the internet.

But many will take a great interest in the verdict, said Henry Sheku, of the
Human Rights Commission of Sierra Leone. “It’s in the papers, it’s on the
radio, it is the thing that people are talking about,” he said.

“There is a strong feeling that this is the time for justice finally to
prevail, which is something that especially those most harmed by the evil
that he brought to our country have been waiting for too long.”

On Jan 6 1999, the RUF attacked Freetown — allegedly with Taylor’s help — and
inflicted terrible bloodshed on the city. The people of Sierra Leone will be
watching to see whether the man accused of being an architect of that
traumatic event, popularly known as “January 6”, will face punishment.

Taylor, 64, invaded Liberia as the head of a guerrilla army on Christmas Eve
1989, waging a brutal war before winning a presidential election in 1997. He
won that poll with the unusual slogan: “He killed my Ma, he killed my Pa, he
gets my vote.” For a short time, this election victory gave Taylor a veneer
of respectability, allowing him to attend dinner parties with the likes of
Mr Mandela.

However, Liberians remembered that he openly recruited child soldiers during
their civil war, even forming a specialist “Small Boys Unit”.

Taylor’s rule was so corrupt and brutal that another rebel alliance emerged
dedicated to his overthrow.

In 2003, they attacked the capital, Monrovia, forcing him to flee into exile
in Nigeria. He lived under the shadow of his indictment until Nigeria handed
him over for trial in 2006.

Witnesses have testified about radio exchanges between Mr Taylor and the RUF,
while weapons were allegedly smuggled into Sierra Leone in sacks of rice,
paid for with diamonds sent over the border to Liberia in a mayonnaise jar.

Taylor has called the charges “diabolical lies”.

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