tripped across the truth about 9/11, central banks, etc. in 2006, I set
out to get a grasp on the elite class in order to understand their
collective mindset.
For three summers, I caddied at one of the most
exclusive private golf clubs in the Northeast and had the opportunity
to spend four hours at a time with some of the most recognizable stars
of the business world and their families. I was not out there asking
direct questions like a journalist, just going where the conversations
went. Here are some of the impressions these experiences left me with.
–Not many of them know. We have to realize that the internet is relatively brand new, and that most successful people with children and grandchildren and money to spend freely haven’t looked into the possibility of hidden satanists at the top of the pyramid. Many internet writers associate firms such as Goldman Sachs with evil itself, but in reality, even with respect to career upper level employees, most of them have no idea. It is highly compartmentalized.
– CEO’s are PR reps, and that’s all they are unless tapped to serve further in the public eye. I have spent many days with a former CEO of a major financial institution that failed, a man who took significant heat in the media for it, and I can tell you he had no control over it. He knows, but he also knows there’s nothing he can do about it. He was a fall guy, and he worked his entire life to get into a position to be a fall guy, and get that golden parachute. The entire system depresses him, as it should, but he is out of it now and trying to enjoy retirement with his lovely wife and children. Who can blame him?
– A former CEO of a major television network, genuinely disillusioned by the system, was very candid with me at times expressing his discontent. After spending several consecutive days with him and his family on the golf course, we began discussing alternative media. When I asked him if four conglomerates own the entire mass media, he corrected me, saying it was only three. When I asked him what group was more influential, the U.S. Congress or the CFR, he smiled and said, “If you’re asking me that question, you already know the answer.” The impression he gave me was that even as CEO, especially as a CEO, your hands are tied. His entire family is composed of first-class individuals.
– One topic that is totally taboo is the Middle East. Never a peep.
– Prescription drug abuse is as common among the wives of the elite as it is on college campuses. While I saw no direct proof of this, I didn’t need to. Money does not buy happiness, often it gives you enough rope to hang yourself with. Most of the super-rich have personal problems, they empathize with other people’s problems, and they genuinely wish things were better for everyone. How can they help our cause?
The real ‘power elite’ that is enslaving mankind is minuscule in numbers and far removed from us. At this stage of the game, the system runs autonomously. It is not necessary for anyone to believe in the merits of the agenda, so long as no one can mount sufficient opposition against it.
It is almost impossible for normal people to identify an agenda based on destruction, distraction and division – three ideas inherently in disagreement with our souls.
Related – Behind CEO’s Trump Rift – These CEO’s are like university Presidents, Rothschild reps
JnJ CEO (((Alex Gorsky))) called Trump’s comments equating white supremacists with the people protesting against them (left) “unacceptable.” It is a hallmark of (((Communism))) to lie. As you can see, corporate America and a large part of the GOP have succumbed.
First Comment from TWH
I’m still not sure if Trump is a bit actor in the whole set of theatrics we see before us now (i.e. – he could be there to deliberately end up a failure and thus demoralize the heartland of America and the real conservative base). I still hold out the slim hope he might actually be swimming against the NWO current rather than be false opposition.
At any rate, it’s true that most of the CEOs of America (and Canada) really are nothing but bum boys for the international bankers. The vast majority of them sing from the same songbook when it comes to globalist initiatives, even when such moves are inimical to a corporation’s main goal of profit generation. Upon examining this behaviour, one can only reach the conclusion that this is all orchestrated.
Why do international bankers push the Marxist agenda onto people when it runs contrary to the basic tenets of free enterprise? Recall that satan tempted Jesus Christ by offering him all the kingdoms of the world if Christ would bow and worship him. Does anyone think for a moment that Christ is the only person to whom satan has made such an offer? I’m fairly certain that such banking titans as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers have bowed down to satan and that’s why they have such incredible wealth and are pushing perverted and divisive agendas onto the population. They’re building a kingdom for their master. The CEOs you mention, since everyone seems to operate on credit, in their love of money (Christ told us that the love of money was the root of all evil, didn’t he?), chase after the teat of the bankers and do their bidding.
So now we have the spectacle of CEOs (along with a complicit mass media who are also whores of the international banking cartel) denouncing a president because he takes a moment to assess a situation and refuses to unthinkingly bow at the altar of political correctness. The state of affairs today has become so laughably bizarre and devoid of logic that I wonder why more ordinary people haven’t woken up and started resisting this garbage.
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