CDC, A Private Corporation, Inflated Covid Deaths By 1600%

Home / News / CDC Exposed: Inflated Covid Deaths By 1600% Throughout The Election, “Violated Multiple Federal Laws” Peer-Reviewed Study Finds…State, Local Governments Must Act

08:18 – News

 100 Percent Fed Up reports – Throughout the election, Donald Trump was battered by CCP Virus statistics in order to hurt the American economy and his political campaign. We know that it was shamelessly wielded as a political weapon to prevent President Trump and his supporters from rallying as Antifa and Black Lives Matter burned progressive poor and minority neighborhoods to the ground throughout the entire year.  Now that Biden has been installed into the office of president, he promises to increase Covid lockdown measures and extend them further into your ability to travel and force unscientific mask-wearing for at least 100 days.

But, a new peer reviewed study has been released that finds the CDC numbers to be so wildly unsupported as to be pure propaganda that is based on wholly unscientific practices that were needlessly created on-the-spot.

CDC Twitter Profile Picture

The National File Reports


CDC illegally inflated the COVID fatality number by at least 1,600 percent as the 2020 presidential election played out, according to a study published by the Public Health Initiative of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge. The study, “COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective,” was authored by Henry Ealy, Michael McEvoy, Daniel Chong, John Nowicki , Monica Sava, Sandeep Gupta, David White, James Jordan , Daniel Simon, and Paul Anderson.”The study is 25 pages long with over 100 citations.  However, the main main points can be summarized.A major point is that testing inaccuracies and unreliability combined with unscientific procedures and methods resulted in demonstrably massive false-positive spikes:“The CDC is now legally requiring red-blooded Americans to wear face masks on all public transportation as globalists try to push the concept of “double-masking” on the populace. Since the election, the World Health Organization admits that PCR tests are not totally reliable on the first try and a second test might be needed. This corresponds with CDC’s quiet admission that it blended viral and antibody test results for its case numbers and that people can test positive on an antibody test if they have antibodies from a family of viruses that cause the common cold. Hospitals in Florida had so many accuracy complications that Orlando Health had to admit that its 9.4 percent positivity rate got recorded at 98 percent.There are also profound legal implications raised by the study that need to be dealt with in courts around the country if America is to ever be free again.  The data you have been spoonfed by the CDC for a year raises serious legal issues.  Much like the 2020 election, massive changes in rules for reporting and collecting data were instituted exclusively for Covid which resulted in a 1600% inflated number of fatalities:“The groundbreaking peer-reviewed research…asserts that the CDC willfully violated multiple federal laws including the Information Quality Act, Paperwork Reduction Act, and Administrative Procedures Act at minimum. (Publishing Journal – Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge / Public Health Policy Initiative) Most notably, the CDC illegally enacted new rules for data collection and reporting exclusively for COVID-19 that resulted in a 1,600% inflation of current COVID-19 fatality totals,” the watchdog group All Concerned Citizens declared in a statement provided to NATIONAL FILE, referring to the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge study.“The research demonstrates that the CDC failed to apply for mandatory federal oversight and failed to open a mandatory period for public scientific comment in both instances as is required by federal law before enacting new rules for data collection and reporting. The CDC is required to be in full compliance with all federal laws even during emergency situations. The research asserts that CDC willfully compromised the accuracy and integrity of all COVID-19 case and fatality data from the onset of this crisis in order to fraudulently inflate case and fatality data,” stated All Concerned Citizens.”But that is not all.  Other major Covid collection and reporting standards created on March 24th of 2020 that inexplicably and intentionally changed decades old practices in order to hide comorbidities and preexisting health conditions on death reports.  These underlying health conditions may likely have been the actual or most important cause of death:“On March 24th the CDC published the NVSS COVID-19 Alert No. 2 document instructing medical examiners, coroners, and physicians to deemphasize underlying causes of death, also referred to as pre-existing conditions or comorbidities, by recording them in Part II rather than Part I of death certificates as “…the underlying cause of death are expected to result in COVID-19 being the underlying cause of death more often than not.” This was a major rule change for death certificate reporting from the CDC’s 2003 Coroners’ Handbook on Death Registration and Fetal Death Reporting and Physicians’ Handbook on Medical Certification of Death, which have instructed death reporting professionals nationwide to report underlying conditions in Part I for the previous 17 years. This single change resulted in a significant inflation of COVID-19 fatalities by instructing that COVID-19 be listed in Part I of death certificates as a definitive cause of death regardless of confirmatory evidence, rather than listed in Part II as a contributor to death in the presence of pre-existing conditions, as would have been done using the 2003 guidelines. The research draws attention to this key distinction as it has led to a significant inflation in COVID fatality totals. By the researcher’s estimates, COVID-19 recorded fatalities are inflated nationwide by as much as 1600% above what they would be had the CDC used the 2003 handbooks,” stated All Concerned Citizens.And, still, there is MORE!  Last spring the CDC created covid-19-exclusive rules that violated federal law by outsourcing data collection rule development and wrote new rules to count probable cases without any definitive proof of infection.  The new rules also allowed tracers to practice medicine without a license while disallowing any measures to be put in place to prevent a patient from being counted multiple times:“Then on April 14th, the CDC adopted additional rules exclusive for COVID-19 in violation of federal law by outsourcing data collection rule development to the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE), a non-profit entity, again without applying for oversight and opening opportunity for public scientific review. On April 5th the CSTE published a position paper Standardized surveillance case definition and national notification for 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) listing 5 CDC employees as subject matter experts. This key document created new rules for counting probable cases as actual cases without definitive proof of infection (section VII.A1 – pages 4 & 5), new rules for contact tracing allowing contact tracers to practice medicine without a license (section VII.A3 – page 5), and yet refused to define new rules for ensuring that the same person could not be counted multiple times as a new case (section VII.B – page 7),” stated All Concerned Citizens.Why would those in power wish to do such inhumane things to the entire population of America?The National File concludes:“By enacting these new rules exclusively for COVID-19 in violation of federal law, the research alleges that the CDC significantly inflated data that has been used by elected officials and public health officials, in conjunction with unproven projection models from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), to justify extended closures for schools, places of worship, entertainment, and small businesses leading to unprecedented emotional and economic hardships nationwide. A formal petition has been sent to the Department of Justice as well as all US Attorneys seeking an immediate grand jury investigation into these allegations,” All Concerned Citizens stated.”There is much more to the report, and we suggest that you read it at the link provided in the beginning of this article.All data since last year suggest that Covid-19 hysteria is part of an orchestrated coup against Western values, nations, and laws.At what point will the evidence and data be enough to break the spell cast on millions of Americans by the Covid Cult?Please, bring this report to your local officials and insist that they read it and reverse the policies being implemented and ramped up across the country or America is surely dead.


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