Caught on camera: Moment drug-fueled maniac stormed into a pub with CHAINSAW after being thrown out for smoking

Damien Gayle

Last updated at 7:00 PM on 10th February 2012

Jailed: Dean Dinnen was high on drugs when he burst into a pub wielding a chainsaw in search a a man who had thrown him out for smoking

Jailed: Dean Dinnen was high on drugs when he burst into a pub wielding a chainsaw in search a a man who had thrown him out for smoking

A man has been jailed for three years for bursting into a pub wielding a petrol-driven chainsaw while high on drugs after another customer threw him out for smoking.

Dean Dinnen, 24, charged into The Endyke pub in Endike Lane, Hull, armed with the 18in chainsaw to exact revenge on the man who forced him to put out his cigarette.

One of the pub’s customers, Adrian Pryor, suffered ruptured tendons as he desperately tried to defend himself with a bar stool.

Dinnen was only stopped after customers managed to overpower him with chairs, bar stools and pool cues. The man he was looking for had actually left before his return.

Prosecutor Jharna Jobes said Dinnen was drunk at the pub and was escorted out by a man who objected to him smoking and told him to stop.

The male took him outside and Dinnen claimed he beat him up. He then returned home to find the chainsaw.

‘He returned to the car park with the chainsaw,’ said Ms Jobes. ‘He had it in front of him He was revving the chain saw up and frightening people.

‘He then entered the pub. But the man he was looking for had gone.

‘A separate fight in the pub was coming to an end in which Mr Pryor was going to the assistance of his friend.’

Dinnen brought the pub to a standstill with customers falling over themselves to escape as he walked around the bar revving and swinging the chainsaw.

He hit Mr Pryor, who had tried to defend himself with a barstool, with the razor sharp teeth slicing through a tendon.

Mr Pryor, a plumber, needed 21 stitches and six weeks off work to recover from the attack.

At one point Dinnen cut the way through a fire door with the chainsaw. A man was stood on the other side  holding a beer barrel to try to stop him leaving.

Dinnen was eventually disarmed by a kick and then battered onto the ground by pub-goers. He received broken ribs and a punctured lung before armed police arrived.

Violent: Dinnen burst into The Endyke pub in Endike Lane, Hull, armed with the 18in chainsaw to exact revenge for the man who forced him to put out his cigarette

Violent: Dinnen burst into The Endyke pub in Endike Lane, Hull, armed with the 18in chainsaw to exact revenge for the man who forced him to put out his cigarette

Frightening: Punters ran for their lives as Dinnen stalked the pub waving the chainsaw, but the man he was looking for had already left

Frightening: Punters ran for their lives as Dinnen stalked the pub waving the chainsaw, but the man he was looking for had already left

Eyewitness Adel Fletcher said: ‘I could not believe my eyes. The saw was being swung around people were arching their bodies to swerve away from him.

‘It was unbelievable what was happening I feared for my own safety.

Another eyewitness, Kevin Fletcher, said: ‘I ran. I did not look back. I could hear the chainsaw screaming behind me I got the feeling he was right behind me.

‘I fell over on the way out and got up and ran again I thought if I had been at the back of the crowd I would be dead.’

Dinnen of Thorgill Grove, west Hull, pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm on Mr Pryor and affray by using threatening behaviour to cause people to fear for their safety.

He also accepted charges of having an offensive weapon and criminal damage.

Richard Woolfall, defending, said: ‘He
went in with it primarily to scare. He was very much under the
influence of alcohol and drugs.

went back looking for the man he says took him outside and punished him
for disrespecting the smoking ban. He accepts it must have been

Beating: His violent spree only ended after customers managed to overpower him. They beat him until police arrived

Beating: His violent spree only ended after customers managed to overpower him. They beat him until police arrived

Drug fuelled: Dinnen is pictured on the pub's external CCTV camera's

Drug fuelled: Dinnen is pictured on the pub’s external CCTV camera’s

Passing sentence at Hull Crown Court, Judge Michael Mettyear said Dinnen had a miserable record for theft, dishonesty and burglary.

‘This was a really horrendous incident. It must have been so frightening for the people there,’ the judge said.

‘The sound alone of this machine must have, and did, terrify people. I can only imagine the injuries that could have been caused.

‘This could have been much worse than then the unfortunate victim has received. What aggravates this is you were on a mixture of drugs and alcohol at the time.’

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Is this pub The Jockey off Shameless ? “He entered with the chainsaw just as another fight was coming to an end”……sounds like a lovely spot for a quiet drink !

Three years isn’t long enough – although no doubt some people will say it’s not his fault it was the drugs and the drink…. Well, it wsa his choice to take the drugs and the drink AND to decide on vengeance with a chainsaw. As far as I am concerned lock him up, throw away the key and we’ll all be a lot safer.

3 years…or rather 18 months for that? Another useless judge… Someone needs to sort out all these incompetent judges!

What nice people we are sharing our lives with these days. He must have been on benefits to afford cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and petrol for his chain saw.

That’s right, blame the drugs. More Leftist propaganda that demands we blame anyone and anything except the idiot.

He needs HOSPITAL for a few years and needs it NOW, not a well boy.

If he had such a bad record why was he given such a short sentence ??? When I read of some of the crimes in the UK and some of the sentences given I dispair for Britain. As an outsider looking in at a once great country I wonder where she is going. Can’t the politicians and law make it safer ??

In the United States, the maniac would have been charged with attempted murder. Or maybe a pub patron or an off-duty police officer would have had his own weapon, a legal handgun for legal self-defense, and would have shot the maniac with a bullet or two.

3 years? He’ll be out in 18 months. What a pathetic sentence. We need protection from people like this it should have been 10 years!

Welcome to the UK. Anarchy and unrest will continue and there will be a repeat of the riots. People are angry, disenchanted and desperate about life and society in general . Sorry to sound depressing but it’s true.

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