Archive for the ‘open your eyes’ Category

Waterspout seen near Kalbarri, Australia

     A tornado-like water spout that formed off the coast of a Western Australian town has made landfall, according to a local fisherman. The spout startled seaside residents in Kalbarri, about 580km north of Perth, when it appeared on Sunday afternoon. Local fisherman Dean Robins was in his driveway when he spotted the funnel-like weather […]

Russian politicians react: Extension of sanctions freezes Russia-EU political conflict

     Extension of the European Union’s anti-Russian sanctions only freezes the current political conflict between Moscow and Brussels, Alexei Pushkov, the chairman of the international committee of the Russian State Duma lower parliament house, said on Monday. Earlier in the day, the European Union’s Foreign Affairs Council extended economic sanctions against Russia for another six […]

Russia: Defense ministry begins ecological cleanup in Arctic region

     Clean-up operations will be held on Arctic territories, where military formations are stationed Servicemen of the Russian Defense Ministry have begun “‘ecological clean-up” on Arctic territories, where military formations are stationed, Deputy defense minister General Dmitry Bulgakov said on Monday. More than 170 servicemen have been involved in clean-up of the contaminated territories, he […]

Colorado teenager killed by Bubonic plague

Bubonic Plague has killed a teenager in Larimer County in Colorado, the local health department confirmed.      Taylor Gaes died on June 8 after coming into contact with fleas on a dead rodent or other animal. According to the health department, Gaes was the first person to carry the virus in the county since 1999. […]

Telling it like it is! UK terror police ‘radicalised and groomed our ISIS runaway wives’

     Downing Street tonight denounced as ‘wrong and dangerous’ a claim that British police ‘actively encouraged and promoted’ the radicalisation of three sisters who took their children to join Islamic State terrorists last week. The suggestion by two of the women’s husbands that the police played a part in sending them towards IS by encouraging […]

Magnitude 6.0 earthquake hits east of Ndoi Island, Fiji

     Time 2015-06-21 21:28:16 (UTC) 2015-06-21 17:28:16 (UTC-04:00) in your timezone Times in other timezones Nearby Cities 42km (26mi) ENE of Ndoi Island, Fiji 336km (209mi) WNW of Nuku’alofa, Tonga 423km (263mi) SE of Suva, Fiji 507km (315mi) SSE of Lambasa, Fiji 533km (331mi) SE of Nadi, Fiji Seismotectonics of the Eastern Margin of the […]

Comet day, anyone?

     On this day 245 years ago – July 1, 1770 – humanity had its closest known encounter with extinction (with the possible exception of the Cuban Missile Crisis). Two weeks before that date the French astronomer Charles Messier had discovered a faint comet in the constellation Sagittarius, which thereafter rapidly brightened and began moving […]

Paul Craig Roberts: Understanding Washington and its agenda of evil

     Paul Craig Roberts’ address to the Conference on the European/Russian Crisis, Delphi, Greece, June 20-21, 2015 The United States has pursued empire since early in its history, but it was the Soviet collapse in 1991 that enabled Washington to see the entire world as its oyster. The collapse of the Soviet Union resulted in […]

To be happy, watch more cat videos on internet says study

     Enjoy watching clips with Grumpy cat or Colonel Meow? Or do you feel “positive” just looking at Snoopy the Cat? Then don’t stop browsing YouTube for more adorable felines, as a recent study shows these videos are a form of low-cost pet therapy. At least 7,000 cat-lovers were questioned by assistant professor Jessica Gall […]

Breaking through the confusion surrounding vitamin C

     Suzanne Humphries is a specialist in internal medicine and kidney disease and is also known for speaking out about vaccines after having had a lucrative career in nephrology. Few people know that she gave a brilliant lecture on the crucial role of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) over in Sweden this year. You won’t typically […]

Pakistan’s fishing methods leave 12,000 dolphins dead annually

     Pakistani waters can no longer be deemed safe for dolphins as a staggering 12,000 dolphins are killed annually as a result of tuna gillnet operations along the coast. A recent study conducted by the World Wide Fund for Nature-Pakistan (WWF-Pakistan) and funded by the Australian Marine Mammal Centre, found that dolphins were frequently getting […]

Big Food: Kicking, screaming, and losing lots of money

     A red flag sign of an emotionally abusive relationship is when the abuser goes to great lengths to make the abused party seem “crazy” or “ridiculous.” This is actually just an attempt to maintain power in the relationship and the behavior worsens when they sense that their victim is breaking free. They humiliate, demean, […]

Greek debt crisis: Tsipras makes new proposals to EU leaders

     Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has presented EU leaders new proposals on a “mutually beneficial deal” to solve the Greek debt crisis, according to his office. “The prime minister has presented the three leaders the Greek proposals on a mutually beneficial deal, which will provide a definitive solution, rather than postponing the solution to […]

Reliance on culture and social learning main determinant of human behavior and can persist in lineages for millennia

     For more than a century, scientists have debated why people in different parts of the world eat different foods, follow different social norms and believe in different origin stories. Is the variation in behavior a result of the environments that we have inhabited or the effect of cultural history and traditions that may have […]

South Carolina church shooting: Were photos of Dylann Storm Roof digitally altered? Disturbing forensic evidence

     An open-access website called analyzes digital images to detect potential alteration. One of the techniques offered at the site is Error Level Analysis. According to the site’s tutorial on ELA: Error Level Analysis (ELA) permits identifying areas within an image that are at different compression levels. With JPEG images, the entire picture should […]

6 inches of rain in 3 hours floods Edinburg, Texas

     Felipe Ayala Jr. said he was cooking hot dogs Friday afternoon when the water started seeping through the walls. More floodwater crept onto the floor. And when he opened the door, brown water and garbage spilled in. “It was like a swamp,” the 42-year-old said at an emergency shelter Friday evening. “There was trash […]

Floods overwhelm major streets in Lagos, Nigeria

     Motorists are finding it hard to navigate their way due to the water level and pedestrians are unable to pass unaided. Major streets in Lagos State are now flooded due to the heavy rain which fell today, June 20, 2015. Motorists are finding it hard to navigate their way due to the water level […]

Maintenance worker accidentally destroys sculpture at outdoor art show

     There are some people who will tell you that most contemporary art is “garbage,” but it’s not everyday that it’s literally mistaken for trash. But somehow, a wood and tile sculpture by New York-based artist Jim Osman, valued at $10,000, was removed from a public art show in Madison, Connecticut this week by a […]

Enlightened, mutual self-interest is the only way forward

     In the year 2015, America and the rest of the world finds itself at a crossroads. The time is fast approaching when the world’s population will receive the final choice between a move toward true freedom or the clampdown of total oppression. Throughout recorded history, tyrannies have arisen and morphed into other forms with […]

At least 3 water spouts seen off Fort Lauderdale, Florida

     Up to four water spouts were spotted off the coast of Fort Lauderdale, Friday morning. 7Skyforce flew near the Commercial Boulevard Pier where at least three water spouts could be seen from a distance. The water spouts formed sometime after 7 a.m., and lasted for about half an hour. 7News viewer Seth Banks captured […]

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