Archive for the ‘Natural News’ Category

Herbicide-Resistant Insects Are Destroying GMO Crops Like Never Before

Bt corn was originally created, or so Monsanto claims, to eradicate a farming nuisance known as rootworm. But as evidence from a GMO corn lab comes in, we are learning how the pests are living the lives in fields planted with GM Bt corn seed. In 2011, a cornfield planted in Iowa with Bt corn was […]

How You’re Probably Chewing and Drinking Yourself Sick

The correct process of eating has been handed down by indigenous cultures to subsequent generations throughout the ages. Unfortunately, these common sense ‘rules’, which had been followed for millennia until the modern era, are no longer observed by most people.  The ensuing imbalance and excess throughout the GI tract has been a contributing factor to […]

10 Ways to Use Orange Peels for Home and Health

Maybe you’ve heard that we waste 35% of all edible food in this country. The worst part? Much of the stuff we throw away has secret uses the average person may not know about. Citrus peels are one of those wasted items that have so many uses, but often end up in the trash bin.  […]

How celeb Jessica Alba built an eco-friendly empire selling non-toxic household essentials

(NaturalNews) Famous for her natural beauty and superb acting skills that have allowed her to star in a multitude of diverse roles, native Californian Jessica Alba is anything but ordinary. While you might recognizer her from a number of popular films including Sin City, Fantastic Four, Machete and Into the Blue, Alba is […]

Chemical companies push for law to determine their own safety standards

(NaturalNews) If ever there was an initiative steeped in bias and a deep disregard for a “best for everyone” approach, it’s the one taking place among chemical giants such as Dow, DuPont, Honeywell and 3M. These companies, and the people who have ties with them, are actually attempting to thwart state efforts to […]

Aluminum contamination implicated in dementia and bee deaths

(NaturalNews) An insect form of Alzheimer’s disease caused by aluminum contamination may be one of the causes behind an ongoing decline in populations of bees and other pollinators, according to a study conducted by researchers from the universities of Keele and Sussex and published in the journal PLOS ONE. The researchers found that […]

Jerry Brown pushing depopulation in California: Too many people, not enough water, something has to go!

(NaturalNews) Californians might want to pay a bit more attention to the governor of their state, as he is openly musing about a draconian idea to deal with the ongoing drought: depopulation. As reported by The Daily Caller, Brown recently stated before the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California board that, at some […]

Your vitamins: Are they really beneficial or just a placebo effect?

(NaturalNews) The two main reasons why people do not get health and stay healthy are (1) internal toxicity and (2) nutritional deficiency. Many people (especially in our fast-paced Western culture) know they should be getting the nutrients that they need, but they don’t want to change their eating habits or lifestyle so they […]

New photos from the Health Ranger ranch: Snake capture, roosters, goats, donkeys, wildflowers and more

(NaturalNews) Because most people who read Natural News live in cities, I like to share photos from the ranch in Texas, where life is rugged, rural and self-reliant. There’s tremendous natural beauty on the ranch, and it’s authentic beauty from Mother Nature. This isn’t some city park, artificial Disney campus or landscaped urban […]

Nearly every mass shooting in the last 20 years shares one surprising thing… and it’s not guns

(NaturalNews) The following is a republishing of an important article written by Dan Roberts from It reveals the real truth about mass shootings that bureaucrats and lawmakers are choosing to sweep under the rug: psychiatric drugs. If you want to know the real reason why mass shootings are taking place, this is […]

Anti-fluoride activists receive roaring applause after presenting powerful testimony to Austin Public Utilities Commission

(NaturalNews) The presentation of more than 50 pages worth of scientific reviews and studies detailing the adverse health impacts of water fluoridation wasn’t enough to persuade the Public Utilities Commission to urge Austin City Council to stop the controversial practice. On Wednesday June 17, a quorum of the Austin City Council, including Vice […]

Help fund the Roundup class action lawsuit to stop Monsanto’s false labeling of this deadly poison!

(NaturalNews) Three residents of Los Angeles have filed a class action lawsuit against the Monsanto Company for false and misleading advertising. Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide currently bears the claim “Glyphosate targets an enzyme found in plants but not in people or pets” (italics added for emphasis) that is patently false, and plaintiffs are seeking […]

Flawed Nat Geo propaganda claims organic farming can feed the world – but only with GMOs

(NaturalNews) How great would it be if organic farming were recognized as a way to feed the world? Of course, it has been acknowledged as a good idea by many people around the globe, including the folks involved with the popular magazine National Geographic. That’s the good news. The bad? They’re on board […]

Prescriptions Drugs Now the Leading Cause Of Death By Overdose

The shocking truth conveyed by this article’s headline is that “nearly 52 percent of the deaths were related to prescription drugs.” The unfortunate circumstance around so many prescription drug overdoses is that most victims never even knew they OD’d. There is now a pervasive pharmaceutical drug culture across America. If you were to look inside […]

A Reason NOT to Drink Coffee on an Empty Stomach

Who among us doesn’t love their first morning cup of coffee? Smelling the fresh brewed beans, sipping that flavorful, warm cup or one of the most antioxidant-full and stimulating beverages around is just so nourishing – or is it? It turns out drinking coffee on an empty stomach may not be so great for you […]

Drug Companies Donated Millions to California Lawmakers Prior to Forced Vaccination Bill

One in 50 children are now autistic. No, you didn’t read that wrong. Despite the fact that a CDC whistleblower recently came forward admitting that the government agency obfuscated evidence linking vaccines to autistic behavior, California lawmakers passed a mandatory vaccine bill (SB277) which removes parental exemptions – making it so parents couldn’t refuse or delay […]

SUBOXONE: The Psych Drug Behind The Charleston Church Shooting?

Suboxone is a powerful psychoactive drug which is utilized in breaking heroin and narcotic pain reliever addictions.  Just like methadone*, suboxone has it downside risks and adverse side effects. It is a medication which contains two primary ingredients — buprenorphine and naloxone. Buprenorphine is a synthetic opiate; naloxone is drug that blocks feelings of euphoria. *Methodone […]

The Bill to Ban GMO Labeling Has Just Been Reintroduced

Congressman Mike Pompeo (R-KS) just reintroduced another ridiculous bill, the so-called “Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act” (H.R. 1599). If it passes, it will mean states can no longer pass GMO labeling bills. It would also prohibit states or counties from banning or regulating GMOs in any way. This bill would essentially completely reverse all the […]

Wild eyes and bowl cuts: Why do mass shooters always share the same hair styles and crazed zombie stares?

(NaturalNews) Nearly all mass shooters in recent memory share two things rarely pointed out in the media: bowl-cut hair styles and wild-eyed hollow stares. It’s all in the eyes and the hair, it seems, as you can see in the photo compilation below, showing the haircuts and wild eyes of Dylann Roof, James […]

Stop DARK Act barring states from passing their own GMO labeling laws: Sign the petition!

(NaturalNews) Ominous legislation is being quietly ushered through the halls of Congress as the mainstream media focuses nearly all of its attention on fomenting race wars throughout the U.S. If passed, House Resolution 1599, which has been dubbed the “Deny Americans the Right to Know,” or “DARK,” Act, will not only bar individual […]

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