Archive for the ‘Monsanto’ Category

Bill Gates, the 1% and Eugenics Incorporated

The Globalists are the 1%, but liberals are too brainwashed to see it. The Truth about the 1% and their control of the Left-wing agenda is finally coming out. [embedded content] Eugenicist Margaret Sanger, abortionist, founder of Planned Parenthood, advocated eliminating black people. [embedded content] Stay tuned to EFR for the absolute truth. Views: 0

GM food testing not safe on animals

Animals have a natural instinct to know what’s good for them. Throughout the United States, farmers have been reporting animals rejecting GMO crops: cattle and hogs that wouldn’t eat when the GMO crops were mixed in with the ration; cattle would rather trot a longer distance to munch on the non-GMO corn than consume the […]

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