Archive for the ‘know the lies’ Category

Australia… Bill Will Allow ‘Children Of Any Age To Be Sterilized’… Without Parental Consent!

  Following the call by ethicists for after-birth abortions and the press explosion surrounding the ‘Euthanasia Coaster‘, new legislation from Australia is now paving the way for children of any age to consent to sterilization — without parental consent! ~ Anthony Gucciardi That’s right, if a psychiatrist determines that a child under the age of 18 years is ‘sufficiently […]

Busted!… Anderson Cooper Caught Staging Fake CNN News!

  Phoenix – CNN, CNN breaking news, and Anderson Cooper have been caught red handed creating staged CNN war room scenarios regarding Syria and other stories that are simply manufactured Hollywood news designed to dupe the ignorant masses of America and the world into believing war propaganda. ~ Videos Damning footage has emerged of ‘Syria […]

Obama Impersonator DEAD at 48

  It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Steve Bridges. His passing comes as a shock to all of us. The cause of death is not known at this time, but we will publish more information as it becomes available. Steve brought joy and laughter to millions and was a great […]

Dennis Kucinich… The Last Man Against Wars and Bailouts and Fighting for Liberty is GONE… Defeated in Ohio Primary

  Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D-Ohio), the two-time presidential candidate and icon of the antiwar left, suffered a bruising primary defeat Tuesday as a new Republican-drawn congressional map threatened to end the career of one of the most colorful figures in Congress. ~ Video – See Kucinich’s Most Memorable Moments With most attention focused on […]

America… Wake Up Now or Sleep Forever… You Decide

  This video was made to inspire courage in the people of America. We are the world’s last hope for freedom, if we fall completely to the New World Order the world will become a tyrannical prison planet. It is time to stand and fight the NWO anyway you can. I would rather die on […]

Government Says… ‘It has the Right to Seize Any .com, .net and .org Domain Names’

  When U.S. authorities shuttered sports-wagering site last week, it raised eyebrows across the net because the domain name was registered with a Canadian company, ostensibly putting it beyond the reach of the U.S. government. Working around that, the feds went directly to VeriSign, a U.S.-based internet backbone company that has the contract to […]

FBI Won’t Cut Off Your Internet for Another 4 Months… New Cut Off Deadline Extended to July 9, 2012

Judge grants extension to keep infected servers running until machines cleaned up. All those computer users whose Internet access was about to be cut off by the FBI can breathe a bit easier… Late yesterday (March 5), federal Judge Denise Cote granted the federal government another 120 days to keep running several Domain Name System […]

Exposed… Google Spying On Laptops Using Microphone!

  I like to bring in this article a confirmed surveillance attempt by Google of my laptop microphone around April of 2011. Note… Also before I am writing this my laptop was attacked by hackers again. Now I have to restore my laptop again right around when I am suppose to interview Dr. Michael Coffman […]

Don’t You Know Why You Can’t Smoke Pot?… Lobbyists Are Bathing In Money Made From The Phony ‘War On Drugs’!

  John Lovell is a lobbyist who makes a lot of money from making sure you can’t smoke a joint. That’s his job. He’s a lobbyist for the police unions in Sacramento, and he is a driving force behind grabbing Federal dollars to shut down the California marijuana industry. I’ll get to the evidence on […]

The Establishment of the Prison… Humane Alternative or A Tool of Social Control?

  In researching and examining the reasons for the existence of prisons, one may find an array of answers. There are many of those who would state that the creation of prisons is the common sense argument that it was a response to criminal activity and whose purpose was to rehabilitate those deemed “criminals” by […]

Dead InThe Water… The Sinking of the USS Liberty

  This BBC documentary on the USS Liberty attack BY EDOMITE ISRAEL in 1967 is incredible.   It is a must-watch, for if ever there was a “high crime” of treason against America – this was it!!! As you watch this video, take note… This was not an American-made documentary.  ~ A. True Ott – Documentary […]

The FBI, The CIA, Homeland Security, The Federal Reserve And Potential Employers Are All Monitoring You On Facebook And Twitter!

  Why is there such a sudden obsession with monitoring what average Americans are saying on Facebook and Twitter?  To be honest, the vast majority of what is being said on Facebook and Twitter is simply not worth reading even if you could understand it.  For the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Homeland Security […]

Is ‘This’ the Obama Video Andrew Breitbart Intended to Release?… Where’s the ‘Real’ Footage?

  Before his unexpected death, conservative firebrand Andrew Breitbart was chomping at the bit to release a supposedly “explosive” video of President Obama filmed during the president’s time at Harvard Law School. The video was purported to show a young Obama making racially charged comments that Breitbart hoped might damage the president’s 2012 reelection bid… […]

The Titanic As Never Seen Before!

  For almost three-quarters of a century its location at the bottom of the ocean was a maritime mystery. Even when explorers found the wreck of the Titanic in 1985, they struggled to understand exactly what happened on that terrible night she sank. ~ Stunning Photos! Now researchers have come up with the clearest picture […]

Let the People Vote!… NAACP Looks to UN in Fight Against Increasing US Voter Suppression

  The NAACP is sending representatives next week to a session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland to argue that minority community members are facing clear voter suppression efforts in the United States, NAACP President Ben Jealous said during a press call on Thursday. McClatchy reports: “The Geneva appearance is part […]

Obama Threatens Media With Federal Investigation If They Continue to Pursue Birth Certificate!!

  The lead investigator in Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s review of the authenticity of Barack Obama’s birth certificate today unloaded a bombshell about the case: that he was told by sources members of the media were threatened with federal investigations should they continue to report on the birth certificate issue. Lead investigator Mike Zullo told WND […]

RED ALERT!… Congress Has Been Declared Useless and is ‘CEREMONIAL’… Next Comes Total DICTATORSHIP!

  Unbelievable! The U.S. Secretary of Defense just told the U.S. Congress that you’re completely out of the loop now, and powerless! ~ Article – Videos YouTubeLink Basically it now states…. We (the U.S. military and the President) get our authority and power to make war – from NATO and the U.N., not you (the elected […]

H.R. 347… Obama Signs Anti-Protest Trespass Bill

  Only days after clearing Congress, US President Barack Obama signed his name to H.R. 347 on Thursday, officially making it a federal offense to cause a disturbance at certain political events – essentially criminalizing protest in the States. RT broke the news last month that H.R. 347, the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement […]

Kindergarten Homework… Required to Memorize Obama Song!

  Kindergarteners at a Texas elementary school were sent home with lyrics to a pro-President Barack Obama song that included such lines as “Barack Obama is the man” and “He’s our man, yes we can!” The song, part of a Black History Month program, was forwarded from a parent at Tipps Elementary School in Houston […]

Disney’s ‘Lab Rats’… Genetically Engineered Children? (Throw Your TV Out The Door! It’s Destroying Your Kids!)

  The Disney channel has a new show called Lab Rats. Three of the main characters are teenagers that according to the promotional material are super-human kids genetically engineered by a billionaire investor to “save the world.” Each kid has a special enhancement. Chase has been altered to have super intelligence. Bree has been enhanced […]

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