Captain Chaos Rothschild ~ The Joker: Stop The British Empire’s Drive For Genocide And War, Pass LPAC’s Emergency Resolution! Glass Steagall

According to the Hegelian Dialectics there must be a crisis, or controlled opposition, with a predetermined solution designed to move society towards a one world government. Opportunistic circumstances are devised by positioning effectual, charismatic people into situations where they can manipulate perceptions and then ultimately use their increasing power to establish and escalate minor concerns into major calamities. The elite manufactures and finances fear in order to generate weakness for the sole purpose of bringing the masses under their control. There are a few methods of positioning appropriate individuals into suitable circumstances: a contrived election, a coup d’état, CIA sponsorship and assignment, or a combination of the three with supportive, unmerited media promotion or the opposite – character assassination. And there are susceptible personalities, either unprincipled or incredibly naïve, who will permit globalist manipulation for a variety of reasons. Political assassinations (ritual public executions), allegedly carried out by crazed lone gunmen, fall into the category of the coup d’état. The CIA, the primary functionary of big business and international banking, recruits naïve but willing college students, radical religious fundamentalists and anyone else who demonstrates charisma, aptitude, and guiltless mendacity and is willing to sacrifice integrity for financial rewards and power. These obliging, newly-trained individuals are systematically entrenched within every facet of society in order to obscure our perceptions, dismantle our values, falsify our history, corrupt our communities and destabilize families. Conventional appearing infiltrators, posturing as benefactors are embedded within the government, the courts, the media, the fields of medicine and psychology, and religion. Soon after the establishment of the U.N. and the CIA our traditional values, stable marriages and morality rapidly began to decline while crime, drug use, divorce, promiscuity, pornography and perversion accelerated. Family destabilization is not happenstance but a very deliberate plan. The Rockefeller Foundation had funded the “research” efforts of the decadent Alfred Kinsey whose junk science instigated the family-destroying moral metamorphosis of America. Kinsey’s work was further enhanced by the American Law Institute’s Model Penal Code. The American Law Institute was created in 1923 as the educational arm of the American Bar Association. The development of the Model Penal Code was, not surprisingly, also funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. The Penal Code decreased criminal accountability for criminal predators engaging in serious crime against women and children. Kinsey’s deliberately misleading research brought about predictable social behavior minus the appropriate liability. Sleazy speculation masquerading as authentic research took on an aura of respectability and credibility because it was highly publicized by allegedly trustworthy media people. The initial responses of shocked abhorrence gradually developed into acceptance. Inclusion of this “research,” in textbooks and daily newspapers apparently endorsed it despite the emerging societal cause and effect consequences. The successful escalation of every synchronized crisis depends on mass media deception. As defined by the founding fathers, a free press should serve the public interest, not the opportunistic tyrants who have absconded with the reins of government. Another CIA asset, Gloria Steinem (Smith College graduate), was recruited by Cord Meyer after being referred to him by an acquaintance from the CIA financed National Student Association. Meyer was the head of the CIA’s International Organizations division. With CIA money, funneled through the tax-free Ford Foundation, [1] Steinem set up the Independent Research Service (part of Meyer’s Congress for Cultural Freedom) in order to organize a trip for a group of students, scholars and others to the seventh postwar World Youth Festival to be held in Vienna in 1959. [2] One World Order proponent Zbigniew Brzezinski, then an assistant professor at Harvard, accompanied Steinem to Vienna at CIA expense. [3] 

Steinem’s feminist articles were published in Esquire and New York Magazine in the early 1960s through editor and publisher Clay Felker, another CIA asset. Her own monthly magazine Ms. Magazine, subsidized by Warner Communications, came out in the summer of 1972. The charismatic Steinem always had sufficient positive media coverage to perpetuate the globalist agenda which effectively implied and generated grassroots support. The feminist movement, a totally managed crisis, exploded into a viable vehicle which provoked competition and contention between the genders and deliberately wreaked havoc among families of every ethnic group.


The result of “liberating” women constituted enforced labor cloaked as a unique privilege but was calculatingly designed to benefit the abundantly rich international bankers through additional income tax revenue. Women could then work full time in addition to responsibilities at home. Besides, two incomes, frequently necessitated by continuous and intentional Federal Reserve inflation, compel mothers to abandon their precious children to strangers at daycare centers where their vulnerable minds can be saturated. Nothing fills the emotional void of missing one’s mother in the formative years – not even the extra guilt gifts that two incomes might produce.


The Supreme Court ruled on Roe v. Wade on 22 January 1973, which wasn’t really about women’s reproductive rights. The once desperate and pregnant Norma McCorvey, alias Jane Roe, recently testified before Congress: “I am not a trained spokesperson, nor a judge, but I am a real person – a living human being who was supposed to be helped by my lawyers and the courts in Roe v. Wade. But instead, I believe that I was used and abused by the court system in America. Instead of helping women in Roe v. Wade, I brought destruction to me and millions of women throughout the nation.” … “My lawyers wanted to eliminate the right of society to protect women and children from abortionists.” [4] After Kinsey and the Supreme Court, abortion statistics predictably accelerated into a national crisis. Private decisions between a woman and her doctor were now under government jurisdiction.


There was a textbook censorship case in Kanawha County, West Virginia, which energized local religious groups. The Kanawha school board approved 325 books on March 12, 1974 which incensed members of the local Ku Klux Klan.[5] However, it was publicized as a concerned parents’ rights issue. The “problem” concerned specific books written by some African-American authors that described their inequitable status before the law as well as their typically substandard lifestyles. Heaven forbid that middle-class American children should discover the realities of the dismal lives of those less fortunate for lack of opportunity. Bootstrap success is only achievable on a level playing field.


Three religious leaders, Reverend Marvin Horan, Reverend Ezra Graley and Ed Miller, a self-proclaimed Klansman organized rallies and instigated parent disapproval and participation. Additionally, Reverend Horan was charged with attempting to blow up one of the schools. Reverend Ezra Graley, a liaison to the newly organized Heritage Foundation, worked closely with Miller and Horan. They sent James T. McKenna, the general counsel to the Heritage Foundation in the mid 1970s, to represent the protesters. Congressman Phillip Crane, also in concert with the Heritage Foundation, appealed to constituents for funds for the protesters. Reverend James Lewis, pastor of the Charleston Episcopal Church attempted to counter the protestors and later testified that Crane refused to say what the funds were used for. McKenna was able to obtain press coverage through the Washington Post. [6]


Well-placed individuals and well-financed tax-free foundations (501 (c) (3), like the Heritage Foundation, fund political activists and disseminate disinformation and misinformation via the corporate media and extensive bulk mailings to concerned, provoked subscribers who ultimately finance their own demise through their contributions. “The early 1970s were the worst of times, and the best of times in which to launch a conservative think tank in Washington, D.C. Conservative leaders and conservative ideas were out of public favor.” [7]


And because it was the worst of times for Americans – from the bra-burning rebellious sixties through the extensive casualties (58,000) and the massive debt of the Vietnam War which understandably created a lot of anti-war sentiment – particularly after many Americans discovered the devastating nature of the weapons used in Vietnam. Many POWs were left behind, abandoned by our own government. [8] All of the losses were without a constitutional declaration of war. Americans supposedly battled against international Communism. The only benefactors were Wall Street brokers and Johnson’s business cronies in Texas, California and Washington. That prolonged war took the life of about one million Vietnamese – whole villages were needlessly destroyed.


Then there was the 1972 break-in at the national Democratic Party headquarters at the Watergate. This fiasco led to the resignation of Richard Nixon on August 9, 1974. Nixon was the president who signed SALT I giving the Soviet Union nuclear parity with America. He also instituted wage and price controls and tried to implement such welfare proposals as the Family Assistance Plan. He proudly proclaimed, “I am now a Keynesian in economics.” Justifiable distrust of government was prevalent. Such circumstances, not happenstance by any means, created the perfect social climate for multitudes of good versus evil (thesis versus antithesis) bitter battles.


On August 7, 1974, Congressmen John J. Rhodes, minority leader of the House of Representatives, joined Senators Barry M. Goldwater and Hugh D. Scott to inform Nixon that impeachment was inevitable if he did not resign. That meeting followed the release of the Watergate cover-up tapes on June 23, 1972, which revealed Nixon’s involvement. Nixon antagonists welcomed the resignation.


Albert Harold Quie [9] and John J. Rhodes, members of The Fellowship, an influential exclusive society, visited Vice President Gerald Ford at a special prayer meeting on August 8, 1974, the day before Ford was sworn in as president. Interestingly, Ford’s Chief of Staff was Dick Cheney. His Defense Secretary was Donald Rumsfeld and George H. W. Bush served as Director of the CIA. The elite repeatedly resurface. Allegedly, Nixon resigned at the suggestion of the powerful Fellowship. Chuck Colson, a Fellowship member, invited Nixon to join them in an attempt to salvage his image but he wanted nothing to do with them. [10]


Americans had little trust in their government and felt vulnerable, disillusioned and betrayed, the perfect environment for the candidacy of the perceived kinder, gentler James Earl Carter, a born again Christian. [11] He was not the first president to invoke religious rhetoric, accompanied by a plethora of social and moral ills. The religion tactic would now be more effective in generating votes than in past generations. The great awakening of a formerly silent section of the electorate began to be heard. Political activity and dialogue emanated from a distinct Christian group which helped elect Jimmy Carter.


For decades, we have not really elected the candidates of our choice – we merely go through the charade of voting for the pre selected individuals that will do the diabolical bidding of the elite. “Late in 1972, W. Averell Harriman (known at that time as the ‘grand old man of the Democrats’), Establishment strategist and CFR member, told Milton Katz (CFR member), Director of International Studies at Harvard: ‘We’ve got to get off our high horses and look at some of those southern governors.’ Carter was mentioned, and Katz informed Rockefeller. Rockefeller had met with Carter in 1971, when they had lunch in the Chase Manhattan’s Board of Director’s dining room, and was impressed with the fact that Carter had opened trade offices for the state of Georgia in Tokyo.” [12]


Beginning in 1973 the Republican’s “Southern Strategy” was cultivated and nurtured by George H. W. Bush, the then recently-installed chairman of the Republican National Committee – complete with two assistants who would do whatever it took to further the agenda : Karl Rove and Lee Atwater. With the additional strength and unique fundraising skills of Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Bob Jones, and other fundamentalist Christians the south fell into the welcome arms of the Republican Party.


Zbigniew Brzezinski, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission in 1973, along with David Rockefeller, said in an October 1973 speech: “The Democratic candidate will have to emphasize work, family, religion, and increasingly, patriotism, if he has any desire to be elected.” [13] “One of the commission’s primary goals was to place a Trilateral-influenced president in the White House in 1976, and to achieve that goal it was necessary to groom an appropriate candidate who would be willing to cooperate with trilateral aims.” [14] Carter had also attended an invitation-only Bilderberg meeting before his “election.” With assistance from the Establishment media [15] Carter, posing as an “outsider,” promised to clean up the mess in Washington. He stressed the very items that his mentor Brzezinski suggested: work, family, religion and patriotism. Carter’s religious convictions became a big part of his campaign.


Senator Barry M. Goldwater stated in his book With No Apologies: “This may cost me everything that I have, but I’ve got to get out an alert to the American people. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillfully coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power, political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical. What the Trilateralists intend is the creation of a world-wide economic power superior to the government of the nation states. In other words, what they are driving, orchestrating, meshing and gearing to accomplish is the New World Order, the one-world government.”


The 1976 election of the amiable Trilateralist (recommended for membership April 13, 1973) and CFR member Jimmy Carter, with all the appearances of a political anomaly, also had the right aptitude. To celebrate the Trilateral election, Carter was Time Magazine’s Man of the Year, January 3, 1977 (he also graced Time’s cover on July 26, 1976). Hedley Donovan, Time’s former Editor-in-Chief is a Trilateralist and a Rhodes Scholar. He was also Carter’s senior adviser on domestic affairs and media relations. “According to the Dektor Psychological Stress Evaluator, a lie detector which measures voice stress with an oscillograph, there was no stress in Carter’s voice when he lied, which would seem to indicate that he is a pathological liar.” [16] Imagine that, a politician that compulsively lies!


Zbigniew Brzezinski became Carter’s National Security Advisor and Cyrus Vance (nephew of John W. Davis, of the J. P. Morgan bank who was the first President of the CFR) was his Secretary of State. Foreign policy was clearly established and dictated by Brzezinski. Carter appointed dozens of CFR members [17] and about three dozen members [18] of the Trilateral Commission to the highest unelected offices in government. Many current officials also have connections and influence with the Trilateral Commission and the CFR.[19] From Carter on, each president has filled his administration with members of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission. The current president, Barack Obama, has filled his administration with members of the Trilateral Commission, a group determined to create a one-world economic system.

As soon as so-called conservative politicians realized that fundamentalists and other evangelicals might be encouraged to become more politically active and that it might be possible to mold political action to support Republican candidates, they provided financial resources to help create groups like the Moral Majority, the Christian Voice, and the Religious Roundtable in 1978 and 1979.” [20]


Leave it to the elite, with sufficient time to conspire, to orchestrate an election designed to manipulate America’s sleeping religious while implementing other nefarious objectives.

The movement known as the Religious Right did not suddenly emerge. New World Order proponents recognized that to fulfill their nefarious plans they would have to manipulate others to accomplish certain tasks – the destruction of the Republic and the Constitution via faulty interpretations, abuse and the lack of checks and balances, Executive Orders and other legally prohibited activities. To facilitate the objectives, individuals or organizations that Americans already trusted would be manipulated. Overt activities and obvious lies would never suffice. It would have to be subtle. As with Judas, someone familiar and nominally trustworthy would garner confidence. But half truths about genuine issues, combined with messages of hope and faith and a few lies, lead the passionate masses to accept the whole package. Useful idiots, knowledgeable minions or ego-driven, power-hungry individuals have always proven valuable to those attempting to establish the one world government.


Ostensibly the Religious Right is a social movement comprised mainly of evangelical Protestants, fundamentalist Christians and other conservatives who embrace the same religious goals and viewpoints regarding United States government policies. Allegedly the movement is not partisan. However, most participants are associated with the Republican Party. A cartoon character on the front cover of Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber’s book Banana Republicans says to the other: You’re either with the Republican Party – or you’re with the terrorists! There’s no middle ground! Don’t you agree? Despite claims to the contrary, GOP does not stand for God’s Own Party![1] A meaningful phrase about unity has been mangled and politicized to essentially evoke long-term support for war. Jesus said: “He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.” [2]


Theological conservatism does not make an individual a member of the Religious Right. Up until about 1975, Christians, focusing on their own sins, typically avoided the corrupt world of politics but were persuaded that they have a civic, as well as a religious, responsibility to participate. Now there are hundreds of Religious Right groups of various sizes and visibility. Some concentrate on a single issue and derive their finances through fundraising efforts and are incorporated as 501 (c) 3 or 4. A tax exempt status of 501 (c) 3 prohibits political activity and candidate endorsement. To skirt that prohibition, some organizations create legal departments and house a stable of lobbyists to conduct those efforts. Interestingly, selective prosecution enables the government-friendly groups to participate and direct otherwise questionable activities. Conversely, anti-war preachers who vocalize their concerns jeopardize everything. Here are a few “approved” groups:

  • ·         Christian Coalition of America: Founded in 1989 by Pat Robertson. He resigned in 2001. There are 30 chapters throughout the country. Robertson also foundedOperation Blessing, a cover for other activities?
  • ·        American Center for Law and Justice: Founded by Pat Robertson in 1990. Jay Sekulow is their Executive Director and Chief Counsel.
  • ·        Citizens for Excellence in Education: Founded by Robert L. Simonds. Against the separation of church and state. They have nationwide chapters.
  • ·        Concerned Women for America (CWA): Founded in 1979 by Beverly LaHaye. 500 regional groups across the country. This group is against separation of church and state. LaHaye is a trustee of Falwell’s Liberty University. CWA supported the Nicaraguan Contras. [3]
  • ·        Coral Ridge Ministries (CRM): founded in 1974 by Rev. D. James Kennedy, an ardent opponent of separation of church and state. “CRM has the greatest number of TV station affiliates of any religious program in the U.S. Altogether, nearly 3 million people listen weekly to CRM programming on radio or television.” [4]
  • ·        Eagle Forum: Founded in 1972 by Phyllis Schlafly to oppose the Equal Rights Amendment. Eagle Forum Education and Legal Defense Fund, the Eagle Forum’s foundation. Affiliate Groups: The Eagle Forum Collegians, a network for conservative college students. The Eagle Forum PAC contributes to right-wing political campaigns.
  • ·        Focus on the Family: Founded in 1977 by Dr. James Dobson who is broadcast daily on more than 3,000 radio facilities in North America and other places and reaches over 200 million people every day. Dobson has been very influential in Republican Administrations as a “family” expert. Donald Paul Hodel, FOF’s President, is a former Reagan Administration official who served as U.S. Under Secretary of the Interior, U.S. Secretary of Energy, and U.S. Secretary of the Interior. He also served as the president of the Christian Coalition from 1997 to 1999.
  • ·        Family Research Council: This group, located in Washington DC, was founded in 1981 by Dr. James Dobson. It was originally headed by Gary Bauer. It is now headed by Tony Perkins. Their objective is to establish a conservative Christian standard of morality in all of America’s domestic and foreign policy.
  • ·        National Legal FoundationFounded in 1985 by Pat Robertson and funded by Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network (no longer affiliated). “The mission of the National Legal Foundation is to prayerfully create and implement innovative strategies that, through decisive action, will cause America’s public policy and legal system to support and facilitate God’s purpose for her.” [5]
  • ·        American Family Association (AFA): founded in 1977 by Rev. Donald Wildmon, a United Methodist minister. The original name was the National Federation for Decency. The focus of this group is media criticism. Wildmon called for a shutdown of PBS. They also attempt to restrict businesses that do not discriminate against such things as homosexuality. They perpetuate misinformation regarding the separation of church and state. They have 100 employees and five full-time lawyers. The Center for Law and Policy is an AFA affiliate. They sell a variety of books on their web site.
  • ·        Traditional Values Coalition: The largest church-lobby in the United States Founded in 1980 by Rev. Louis Sheldon.  This group claims over 43,000 churches nationwide representing 12 denominations.
  • ·        Chalcedon: Founded by the late Rousas John Rushdoony, father-in-law of Gary North and the creator of an 800 page explanation of the Ten Commandments and their cultural application for today. It is the original, defining text of Reconstructionism. Reconstructionists pattern their strict theological ideologies after John Calvin. Calvinism is very elitist.


Many of the issues these groups have embraced have captured the attention of other religious congregations who share their concerns. However, their commonality is that they are absolutely and mistakenly hostile to separation of church and state. Most of the movement’s ambitious, charismatic leaders claim biblical inerrancy and actively call for a fundamentalist return to the Bible and seek to impose their far-right positions on everyone else through the political process. The skillful leaders emotionally marshal the masses through radio and television. They realize that their greatest success is in building bottom-up support. Rather than focus on the White House or Congress, they encourage participation in local politics. Any successful movement must begin in the local neighborhoods.


This mobilization did not alter their primary goals – influence court appointments, elections and government policy with regard to a variety of social issues: pro-life, pro-family, home-schooling, prayers in school, anti-gay, etc. Why would anyone question a pro-family stance? Focusing on other people’s sins draws attention away from our own. Hatred isn’t inherent; it is learned and institutionalized by otherwise good citizens. Abhorrence of sin is often transferred to the sinner generating bigotry and often violence – that same sort of violence that enables otherwise good people to engage in warfare and kill men, women and children, conveniently labeled as terrorists.


Prohibition did not diminish drunkenness any more than a marriage amendment will curb homosexuality. The merging of religion and politics, a lethal mixture, may produce a Taliban-like tyranny. Some religicrats are attempting to create a sinless society by imposing restrictive regulations. There is a certain attraction, for many, in contributing to a cause to affect some sort of a change. This appeal, accompanied by money, rarely changes individuals. Men rarely change from the outside in but rather from the inside out. Dutiful contributors might feel heart swells while increasingly wealthy recipients shield their elite positions in tax exempt foundations. The best way for responsible individuals to make a difference in society is best accomplished by living honest, respectful lives and teaching their children respect and integrity, rare characteristics.


The implementation of legalized abortion set up the perfect environment for thousands of outraged Christians to be manipulated into thinking they could fight this moral monstrosity which a deliberately stacked Supreme Court passed. The Constitution guarantees life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Therefore the government has an obligation to protect the most vulnerable of all its citizens – the children. The planners orchestrated a divisive situation and, great during campaigns but forgotten after every election. The phrase, “freedom of choice” is a deadly misnomer.


The thoughts of our own sweet children produce outrage towards abortion, bringing moral people, easy targets, into a movement they may otherwise not comfortably join. Christians understand that aborted, martyred children return, in glory, to God. The blood of the innocent shall stand as a witness against the perpetrators. Even influential bystanders often cannot intercede in behalf of the innocent. These precious children are often discarded in the same violent manner that Christ was. However, God, not individuals, will judge all circumstances. Abortion will always exist despite big contributions and efforts to anti-abortion groups. One on one, we might inspire better choices. Mass opposition, often accompanied by violence, does not typically succeed. What is the ultimate goal of this or any other social movement?


Many feel that the single greatest threat to church-state separation in America is the movement known as the Religious Right. Organizations and leaders representing this religio-political crusade seek to impose a fundamentalist Christian viewpoint on all Americans through government action. [6] Righteousness cannot be enforced by government.


“Religious liberty and separation of church and state are the cornerstones of the American way of life. The Framers of the Constitution designed the First Amendment’s religion clauses to embrace two key concepts: the government will not endorse or oppose any particular religious viewpoint (or religion generally), and will not interfere with the right of citizens to practice their faith. As Thomas Jefferson put it, the American people created a ‘wall of separation between church and state.’” [7] The word “separation” is not mentioned in the Constitution but is allude to in the First Amendment. A thorough reading of the founding documents and the application of common sense should prevail.


Cultural conservatism has been the goal of the Neo-Right since the Reagan years. Americans witnessed the birth of a bevy of highly visible Religious Right preachers with a similar agenda. By 1990 the Free Congress Foundation, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization founded in July 1974 by Paul Weyrich and Joseph Coors, had both sufficient members and money to target and defeat opponents at will. Chairman Paul Weyrich’s agenda as stated in Dallas in August 1980: “We are talking about Christianizing America. We are talking about simply spreading the gospel in a political context.” This sounds like a lofty, benign goal unless you evaluate exactly which brand of Christianity, among the many denominations, he is promoting. And what if you are not Christian?


When a government accepts and promotes one religion over another and adjusts laws to accommodate that religion, they are interfering with the most basic human right: to worship or not worship God according to one’s own conscience. The Savior did not work through the government to compel individual righteousness. His disciples did not engage lobbyists to travel to Rome to financially reward acquiescent government officials in order to force people to stop committing sin. His disciples did not procure armor and horses and preemptively attack the “evil axis” of their day. They did not encourage their version of our CIA to assassinate non compliant foreign leaders.


His message was a message of peace even to the point of turning the other cheek. Have you personally ever done that? It works – loving your enemy changes his or her heart. Praying for our enemy changes our heart. Religion is feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and visiting the sick. Charitable contributions should benefit individuals who have authentic needs. We shall always have the poor among us. It is up to religious leaders to inspire individuals to keep the commandments according to denominational ideals and principles; if Christian, then follow Him. Rather than focus on the many evils of society, we must each focus on our own sins. We all have them – it is just a matter of degree. I believe in a just God who takes our individual circumstances into account. The proper path to redemption does not require a political trip to Rome or Capital Hill. One begins the genuine journey with a broken heart, humble self-evaluation, repentance, personal obedience, and love of all others. This ultimately brings us peace and leads us to God. 


Despite the guarantees of the First Amendment, America is one of the most propagandized countries on the planet due to government regulation, deregulation, selective licensing, discriminatory editing, substantial money from ideology-minded, tax exempt foundations, accelerated, unwarranted promotion of slanted print material, biased partisanship and network privatization. Freedom of the press (any and all media) could easily be redefined: the organizations, corporate, religious or government that maintain any degree of control over America’s information sources have unlimited freedom to willfully indoctrinate or distort our perceptions. As a result, Orwell’s 1984 has become our reality, with its massive “newspeak” vernacular fully functional.


In the last four or more decades, through character assassination, disinformation, misinformation, lack of objectivity, lack of reasonable dissent, deliberate omissions and downright dishonesty, the entire country has been culturally moved to the far right without so much as a whimper. Conservatives and their Religious Right colleagues seized control of the media while claiming they have no voice. One of their ignoble tactics is their unsubstantiated declaration of liberal bias – significantly hyped by checkbook journalists with such titles as Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News, Liberalism is a Mental Disorder, Persecution, How Liberals Are Waging War Against Christians, Godless: The Church of Liberalism, and  Slander.   


Liberalism, once the champion of social justice, is intentionally and aggressively associated with every contemptible, evil aspect of American culture. As a consequence, most individuals are anxious to be defined as conservative which, under the last administration, should be subject to scrutinizing interpretation. Distracted, polarized, lemming-like citizens have been brainwashed, propagandized and ultimately victimized into believing whatever the compromised corporate media dishes out. Too busy watching reality TV, many overlook reality. The masses accept the misinformation about poor suppressed, silenced conservatives because, they contend, how could dozens of claimants be wrong?


Ironically, leaders of the Religious Right, also very visible and vocal, claim media and public censorship of religion and religious phrases and words despite a vast multitude of Christian broadcasters. They are quick to cry bias and just as speedy in demanding additional censorship for those they disagree with by targeting advertisers.   


The Trinity Broadcasting Network was founded by Dr. Paul Crouch Sr. and the Christian Broadcasting Network was created by Pat Robertson in 1960. It has had a long and diversehistory. Their trade organization is the National Religious Broadcasters Association which boasts 1600 members who disseminate their messages through radio, television, and the Internet. They claim to reach 141 million listeners and viewers.  Many of these same 1600 entities publish books, email newsletters and magazines. They also maintain substantial snail-mail databases through which they accrue financial pledges, amass huge amounts of cash and disseminate information and political recommendations. Read this very enlightening essay on this organization.


Unfortunately, according to Pew, 30 percent of all Americans obtain their news from talk radio and cable television – many never open a book. A large percentage get their “news” from the Fox Network whose employees receive the morning memo, a directive on how to spin the “news” of the day. Roger Ailes, autocratic president of Fox News, has a throng of “journalists” and guests who push right-wing propaganda disguised as news. They are notorious in their attacks on dissenting opinions. On other stations, people are frequently fired for divulging embarrassing facts. Others censor themselves in order to retain their jobs.


Despite his claim, Bill O’Reilly is not looking out for you; he is looking out for himself while making boatloads of money. In this regard, he is not unique among the Fox personalities, except for his notorious belligerent arrogance. While Fox, owned by Rupert Murdoch, appears to be the most right of center, many stations now promulgate the same government misinformation while demonizing any dissenters. Bill Kristol’s (PNAC*) Weekly Standard, established in 1995, was assisted by a $3 million annual subsidy from Murdoch. [1] Fox Network, experiencing wide viewer acceptance and financial success, has set the standard for other networks. Party propaganda is passed off as news on this alleged “fair and balanced” cable channel. They decide what to report and what to conceal. Don’t rely on news reports to form your opinions of the world or other people. 


Obedience-trained Americans, aptly conditioned, often write letters to networks or newspapers that reveal unpleasant facts. Citizens don’t want to know about all the un-American activities that our government initiates in our country or in other countries. So obviously, with a see-no-evil, hear-no-evil mentality, the disobedient but objective journalist is erroneously considered treasonous, unpatriotic, or even worthy of incarceration. Just ask Peter Arnett! The Pentagon pressured CNN regarding Arnett’s enlightening segment entitled “Valley of Death” which revealed Operation Tailwind.


It is the job of the press to censure the government, not the other way around. The press has a watchdog responsibility: “A variety of court opinions have found that the press has an important function as a guardian of democracy and as a check upon governmental abuse. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black perhaps best summarized this vital theme of American constitutional law in his final concurring opinion in the 1971 ‘Pentagon Papers’ case: The government’s power to censor the press was abolished so that the press would remain forever free to censure the Government. The press was protected so that it could bare the secrets of government and inform the people.” [2]


 “The courts have rejected most attempts by the government to impose prior censorship. The best-known recent example of such a government attempt was the Nixon administration’s call for a permanent injunction against publication of the “Pentagon Papers” by The New York Times and The Washington Post, based on the claim that publication of the highly classified documents on the history of U. S. involvement in Vietnam would cause grave damage to the United States. In a 6-3 vote, the Supreme Court determined that the government failed to meet the “heavy burden of showing justification of such a restraint.” [3]


On the other hand, profanity, sexual innuendos and graphic portrayals masquerade as entertainment. Sex, an unfortunate selling point, pervades every aspect of our lives. Family-friendly shows disappeared and were replaced with “adult” programming. Many people were initially shocked. First we abhorred the the so-called entertainment, then we tolerated it and ultimately many have embraced what the networks daily dish out. Cultural tolerance establishes the real standards of programming integrity. People actually watch this rubbish which has incrementally descended from mildly offensive to outright vulgarity. Our “entertainment” reflects our own and the nation’s morality.


Most parents, Democrat or Republican, are justifiably alarmed and concerned for their children. As a result, we are anxiously amenable; we even request and embrace additional censorship laws to protect us from the vileness that pervades the corporate-owned airways. However, we already have federal laws, albeit infrequently enforced, that should suffice.[4] We do not need, nor should we desire, increased censorship but rather enforcement of existing decency standards. Stations have a public, moral responsibility that should supersede financial opportunities. Moreover, parents should supervise their children, and themselves, and not abdicate that responsibility to the government. Ideally, we chose our entertainment – no one forces morally destitute garbage upon the sanctity of our homes.


When broadcast radio began in November 1920, the airwave spectrum, according to official government theory, was in short supply. As a consequence, they determined that it was necessary to license and regulate the use of this public commodity. Obviously, anyone with a political or religious philosophy, product or service wanted airtime. Consequently, by 1922 there were 576 stations licensed by the Secretary of Commerce, Herbert Hoover. By 1925 there were sixty-three stations owned by churches or religious groups. [5] The Department of Commerce sponsored a series of conferences for major broadcasters. At the first meeting, a Westinghouse representative complained to Hoover that certain inferior stations, according to him, lacked substance and recommended that only preferred people be allowed to broadcast with a national limit of 12-15 stations. [6]


The Radio Act of 1927 established the Federal Radio Commission (FRC) which later became the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). In 1929 a set of guidelines known asGreat Lakes Broadcasting Co., apparently based on an acquisition by NBC, was issued by the FRC. Accordingly, a station was to accommodate the “tastes, needs and desires of all substantial groups among the listening public…in some fair proportion, by a well-rounded program, in which entertainment, consisting of music of both classical and lighter grades, religion, education and instruction, important public events, discussions of public questions, weather, market reports, and news, and matters of interest to all members of the family.”[7]


According to the official government story, regulation of some kind was essential due to a barrage of signal interference. Selectively licensing broadcasters solved the dilemma of allocating the alleged limited amount of airwave frequency. Government regulations, regardless of public airwave ownership, surely stifle the free dissemination of ideas in an open marketplace. The airwaves were defined as public property and put under the guardianship of the Commission especially selected by the government. [8]


Possible partisan or religious bias of both broadcasters and government-appointed commissioners was obviously an issue. “The station itself must be operated as if owned by the public….It is as if people of a community should own a station and turn it over to the best man in sight with this injunction: ‘Manage this station in our interest…’ The standing of every station is determined by that conception.” [9] Broadcasters began acting as public trustees and communities apparently made certain naïve assumptions that this charge would never be violated. See this page for a comprehensive discussion about the political ramifications of broadcast policy.


The Communications Act of 1934 [10] established the regulatory Federal Communications Commission (FCC) which began operating on July 11, 1934 with seven commissioners appointed by the President, and confirmed by the Senate. This was changed to five in 1983. [11]


In 1942 the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) was created by conservative evangelicals to raise awareness against those who they felt had abandoned the true gospel of Jesus Christ. “In 1944, the NAE formed the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB), whose goals were more specific to safeguarding access for its conservative evangelical membership to the airwaves, in addition to providing protection from competition with liberal denominational broadcasters and the United States government.” [12]


License renewals depended on compliance to FCC regulations. However, policy changes occurred in 1960 which allowed TV stations to sell additional airtime to religious broadcasters which appeared to fulfill the station’s public interest obligation. So, even more Televangelists began to fill the airwaves as well as their portfolios. Why preach and pass the plate to limited weekly congregations when one could captivate the spiritually starved multitudes willing to commit to monthly financial pledges for legitimate in addition to contrived causes that never culminate with any degree of measurable success.


The National Religious Broadcasters maintains that it regulates its broadcasters and views government regulation as interference. A congressional committee was convened to question the practices and behavior of many broadcasters but it was squelched. “When called before the oversight committee of the House Ways and Means Committee in October 1987, several of the nation’s leading religious broadcasters told Congressman J. J. Pickle (D-Tex.) and his colleagues that they were quite capable of regulating themselves.” [13]


The Fairness Doctrine, adopted by the FCC in 1949, reiterated the earlier policies that directed station licensees to provide ample opportunity for diversity and opposing opinions. As a result, licensees, under the auspices of the Fairness Doctrine, agreed to devote adequate airtime to concerns of public interest and to transmit conflicting opinions about those issues. “They must allow all points of view. That requirement was to be enforced by FCC mandate.” [14] President Kennedy invoked the Fairness Doctrine to challenge the imbalanced right-wing presentations of biased broadcasters. [15]


Mark S. Fowler, a communications lawyer appointed to head the FCC by President Ronald Reagan, aggressively opposed the Fairness Doctrine as well as the First Amendment. “He set about pruning, chopping, slashing, eliminating, burying and deep-sixing fifty years of regulations that guarded against monopolistic practices and excessive commercialism and protected the public interest standard.” [16]


There were some on the right who had manipulated the Fairness Doctrine in order to inculcate right-wing ideology into the media. Phyllis Schlafly, a Reagan revolution promoter, favored its retention but she was out-maneuvered by people like Terry Dolan. He was the co-founder and national chairman of the 300,000 – member National Conservative Political Action Committee (NCPAC) and organized and headed the Conservative Alliance (CALL). In 1984 NCPAC received $775,000 from Rev. Moon, a foreign entity. Dolan stated that the secret of fundraising, used to target opponents, is to “make them angry and stir up hostilities.” “The shriller you are, the easier it is to raise funds. That’s the nature of the beast.”[17] He raised 7.6 million in 1979-1980 and spent 3.3 million targeting Democratic senators. [18] “Most of the $1 million NCPAC spent on independent expenditures during the 1980 Senate races financed attack ads against incumbents. A NCPAC target could face as many as 72 negative radio ads a day and 200 television commercials per week, well before the election.” [19]


Billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife, heir to the Mellon banking, oil, and aluminum fortune, finances many right-wing activities through his organization Landmark Legal Foundationwhich was set up to influence education and attack EPA regulations. Scaife also used this foundation to challenge the constitutionality of the Fairness Doctrine. The Heritage Foundation, conservative right-wing think tank, also supported repeal. [20] The Landmark Legal Foundation receives donations from the Sarah Scaife Foundation, Scaife-funded Carthage Foundation, Castle Rock Foundation, and the John M. Olin foundation. Exxon Mobil has also made donations. [21]


The Fairness Doctrine, along with diversity, fairness, equal time and objectivity was rescinded in 1987. Television and radio stations were no longer required to present both sides of important or controversial issues nor give equal time to candidates. [22] Objectivity was replaced by opposition to anything contradictory to the party line. Apparently this mentality also applied to religion. The majority of all religious programs may be classified as conservative evangelical. Most, despite denomination, appear Republican-friendly. However, it is important to remember that the Religious Right does not represent every evangelical or every Christian.


The Religious Right merged with the conservative movement after the Communist boogeyman was vanquished and then, because of sheer numbers, ultimately began dictating Republican Party policy. This also includes discontinuing government funding to secular groups in favor of Religious Right groups. Right-wing fundamentalists, with a great network of committed members, were primed to take on society’s demons and clean up the country. The pious conservative crusade, accelerated in the last twenty five years, is often driven by bigotry, social intolerance and fanaticism under the umbrella of traditional values and a perverted interpretation of compassion. Cleaning the inner vessel has given way to cleaning up the whole country through government intervention.


It is difficult to perceive where the influence of the Religious Right ends and the Republican Party begins. Are the blind leading the blind in this symbiotic relationship? Falwell, now deceased, and Robertson both blamed liberalism for the events of 9/11, almost before the towers fell. However, it didn’t take too long before the Religious Right focused their antagonism at Islam, the new “axis of evil.” Franklin Graham, who led Bush’s inaugural prayer, denounced Islam on television as “a very evil and wicked religion.” Reverend Jerry Vines, a past president of the Southern Baptist Convention, which had strong ties to the Bush administration, called the Muslim prophet Muhammad a “demon-obsessed pedophile.” These remarks were widely reported in the Arab press but somehow failed to make the “fair and balanced” Fox News. [23] No wonder 70% of evangelical leaders assume that Islam is a “religion of violence.” Given the number of Iraqi deaths since Christian America’s invasion, it would appear that Christians are the most violent.


America has approximately 2,000 denominations – Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Atheists and others. America is also full of sin. In political planning, particularly among the secret society elite, nothing is coincidental. The prevalence of sin would easily pave the way for the merging of religion and government. Politico-religionist activists, assuming the moral high road, are attempting to redeem America through government regulation while trashing the just law of the land – the Constitution, a secular document meant to protect each individual regardless of religious status.


*Project for a New American Century


Maneuvering the religious feelings of others to enhance one’s political career or influence voter acceptance is certainly not a new device. Hypocritically manipulating votersfor any ulterior motive is an egregious yet common practice. However, integrity is not a characteristic that we usually attribute to politicians – despite personal claims of religiosity. In fact, such claims should immediately arouse suspicion. Political rhetoric is professionally contrived to evoke emotion and support. After an election, when power reveals character, actions define motives more than campaign rhetoric as officials continue to solicit support for self aggrandizing programs that function in favor of the power elite, alias big contributors, while falsely promising benefits to the populace. If one will not uphold their oath to the Constitution which includes the phrase “so help me God,” why would we expect him or her to honor promises to their constituents – mere strangers at best?


A candidate’s religiosity should not play any part in the election or appointment process. George W. Bush asserts that he is a Christian. Whether he is sincere or not is insignificant unless he makes domestic or foreign relations decisions based on his ideology. Apparently his conversion was a direct result of his attempts to save his marriagefrom the effects of his habitual drinking. Did Bush’s new Christian piety replace his allegiance to Skull and Bones, the same secretive order that his father and grandfather had embraced? If we are to evaluate a tree by its fruit then what can we surmise from Bush’s actions? Are preemptive wars that have killed thousands of men, women and children compatible with Christianity? How about the death penalty? Do tax breaks for the wealthy fulfill Christ’s admonition to “feed the hungry and clothe the naked?” True Christianity is not just rhetoric but Christ-like behavior. Thomas Jefferson stated: “It is in our lives and not in our words that our religion must be read.” [1]


Genuine religion is a personal matter between an individual and God, not a contrivance to capture constituency support. Some presidential candidates have rightfully regarded religious preferences as personal. John F. Kennedy said: “I believe in a president whose views on religion are his own private affair, neither imposed upon him by the nation or imposed by the nation upon him as a condition to holding that office.” [2] Kennedy told the Greater Houston Ministerial Association: “I do not speak for my church on public matters and the church does not speak for me.” He reminded the religious group that other faiths had experienced intolerance in the past and could again. “Today, I may be the victim, but tomorrow it may be you.” [3]


George Washington wrote: “I have often expressed my sentiments, that every man, conducting himself as a good citizen, and being accountable to God alone for his religious opinions, ought to be protected in worshipping the Deity according to the dictates of his own conscience.” [4]


Thomas Jefferson wrote only one book, Notes on Virginia, which clarifies his opinions about religious freedom. In a letter to Benjamin Rush, he said “Religion is a subject on which I have ever been most scrupulously reserved.” Further, he stated “I have considered it as a matter between every man and his Maker, in which no other, and far less the public, had a right to intermeddle.” [5]


There should never be a religious litmus test for any political or appointed office. Article Six states: “but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.” [6] According to Bush, so-called activist leftist judges would not be appointed because he, contrary to Article 6 of the Constitution,[7] said the following: “I believe that it points up the fact that we need common sense judges who understand that our rights were derived from God. Those are the kind of judges I intend to put on the bench.” [8] Technically our “rights” were determined by constitutional law or more precisely by the court’s interpretation of that constitutional law.


A litmus test on abortion is a deceptive, distractive, “horse already out of the barn” false carrot instigated for the majority of Americans who view this practice as abominable. Roe versus Wade was passed by 7 out of 9 judges based on a faulty interpretation of a document that guarantees life, liberty and happiness for every citizen. Abortion was deliberately legalized by a stacked court as a divisive, “divide and conquer” tactic. New Right political strategists turned abortion into an issue that energized the Religious Right into a mass movement. It brought people together, Protestants and Catholics, who had never before participated in politics. The images of dead babies propelled new political activists to evaluate other issues and ultimately mobilized and utilized them to facilitate the whole right-wing agenda. [9]


Both men and women want abortion repealed – enough citizens who will gladly endorse candidates who employ right-wing rhetoric regarding abortion. Candidate acceptance on that one issue cements voter approval despite questionable history, secret society affiliation, and other problematic issues. We idealistically elect candidates or approve of officials who portray themselves as anti-abortion but who eagerly, for self-promoting motives, vote against the Constitution in dozens of other vital issues such as CAFTA, the formation of the North American Community, suspension of the Geneva Conventions, acquiescing to preemptive war and other life-changing, Bill of Rights slashing issues. Naïve Americans put all their eggs into the abortion or marriage amendment basket – two moral issues that we have no ability to change or control no matter how many donations we make to organizations or political candidates who manipulate those issues for huge financial gains. There is no comprehensive litmus test to cover all of the evil designs that are created in the secret society board rooms of the financial elite.


Karl Rove, a long-time Bush operative, counseled Bush in his 1978 run for a Texas congressional seat. Still around in 2004, Rove, the evil genius, political attack strategist, advised the candidate to endorse a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. It was a political device designed to draw additional conservative votes. Religious leaders could then urge their parishioners to support this “compassionate conservative” who understood their moral concerns.


The very vocal, government-approved Christian Right has opposed civil rights for homosexuals for the last three decades. James Dobson claims that homosexuality undermines our entire society and is hurtling us towards Sodom and Gomorrah. What next – yellow insignias to define specific citizens not worthy of civil rights? One group should not exercise so much influence! Yet they seek to strip the rights of unpopular cultural minorities by pressuring the government. They send out tons of direct-mail appeals, employ voter blackmail against public officials (who should represent everyone) and have the means to employ expensive lobbyists.


It is more than just a matter of same-sex marriage. They could just as well have proposed an amendment against infidelity but that would have embarrassed a myriad of politicians who, only after being discovered, confess their indiscretions. The whole issue became more important with the passage of same-sex marriage in Massachusetts in 2003. Currently, in many states it is legal to fire an individual discovered to be gay, despite their job performance. Landlords may evict or refuse to rent to homosexual individuals. Laws have been enacted in some localities that ban such discrimination. The Christian Right opposes these antidiscrimination laws. [10]


Despite anyone’s feelings about homosexuality, no one should be targeted because of their personal moral decisions. Our rarely-read founding documents guarantee life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for everyone – including gays and lesbians. A government regulation that seeks to control our God-given agency in order to prevent certain behaviors is a satanical tyranny. The federal government does not have the constitutional authority to impose a moral code on the masses no matter how morally-depleted society has become.


To cement Bush’s Christian image, an alleged “documentary” was “independently” produced by Grizzly Adams Productions Inc. to counter Michael Moore’s anti-war movie Fahrenheit 9/11, which was released October 5, 2004. Supposedly, according to the introduction, this right-wing film was produced without involvement from Bush or his handlers. [11] This purportedly inspirational film, George W. Bush: Faith in the White House was loosely based on two books: Tom Freiling’s George W. Bush: on God and Country and David Aikman’s A Man of Faith: The Spiritual Journey of George W. Bush. It became available in Christian bookstores by August 30, 2004, just in time for the Republican convention in New York, and in mainstream stores by October 5, 2004. It was marketed for $14.95 but they freely distributed the DVD to as many as 300,000 churches, a very small expenditure considering the value of such a political endorsement. No one in this documentary acknowledged the constitutional boundary between church and state or the tax-exempt issue. [12] Interestingly, the churches that showed this film were not threatened by the IRS. What about churches that express anti-war sentiments?


When evangelical property developer and FITWH executive producer Ted Beckett was asked about the problems in the Middle East he replied, “I see it basically as a conflict between Christians and the religion of Islam, which is a religion of hate.” That statement sets the tone of the piece which reinforces the Bush theory that it’s best to rule unquestioningly from the Mouth of God.” [13]


Some Christian conservatives attended an invitation-only, no-press-allowed “Family, Faith and Freedom Rally,” on August 31, 2004 brought about by the efforts of Ralph Reed, former Christian Coalition Director, and Senator Sam Brownback as part of the Bush campaign. Brownback told the crowd: “We must win this culture war.” He also condemned same-sex marriage, abortion and criticized the principle of separation of church and state. [14]


Not content to merely return their man to the White House, after the 2004 election Focus on the Family warned their supporters, the “values voters,” about the grave “moral issues” and the activist judges that continue to put our nation in peril. In an email to their supporters Focus on the Family said: “The future of our nation is still in danger. We must be careful to not only protect what has been won, but move forward aggressively, pressing for the pro-family, pro-life and pro-mortality agenda we believe in. In other words, we must strike while the iron is hot.” [15] Many of the questionable judges were, in fact, appointed by Republicans but this exaggerated issue creates a viable diversion for right-wing activists and the complicit media.


 “According to Time magazine, after Bush’s re-election, a group of evangelicals, known as “The Arlington Group,” wrote Karl Rove a letter signed by former presidential candidate Gary Bauer, Don Wildmon, Focus on the Family’s James Dobson, Paul Weyrich and Jerry Falwell demanding that Bush not waver and support a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. Rove is credited with turning out millions of fundamentalist voters in the 2004 presidential election. Rove also managed to turn out hundreds, if not thousands, of evangelical and fundamentalist election ‘fixers,’ who ensured that Democratic votes were suppressed, miscounted, undercounted, discounted, and not counted.” [16]


Several Catholic field coordinators were hired by the Republic National Committee to visit Catholic churches to urge support for George W. Bush. This is certainly counter to the First Amendment as well as IRS tax exempt policies. During a visit to Pope John Paul II, Bush’s top aids asked the pope’s advisors to push pressure on American bishops to become ensconced in politics and involved in cultural issues during the impending reelection campaign. [17]


Stylishly suited political candidates hire Madison Avenue type media advisors, speech writers and even religious advisors to properly package themselves for voter acceptance. George W. Bush hired David Barton as a religious advisor during his 2004 campaign. Barton, a dedicated history revisionist spin master, is also a well-known opponent of the religious clauses of separation of church and state contained in the First Amendment. [18] Barton was the vice-chair of the Texas Republican Party. George W. is certainly not the first to employ a religious advisor – his father used the same tactics for the same objectives.


Perception management is crucial on the campaign trail where winning is everything. He managed the move to the White House – twice. How has that elite “victory” impacted the civil and religious freedoms of other Americans?


Presidential candidate George H. W. Bush hired evangelist Doug Wead, a divorced Assemblies of God preacher as a consultant in order to “galvanize the Religious Right.”[1] Wead helped prepare Bush by acting out the part of televangelist Pat Robertson in a months-long series of exhaustively researched and well-financed mock presidential debates. [2] He coached the elder Bush on evangel-speak to help him connect with Christian fundamentalists.


A little more than a decade later, George W. Bush, already proficient in evangel-lingo, also hired Wead, the consultant. Evangelicals immediately recognize Bush as a professed “born-again Christian.” [3] Wead, unbeknownst to Bush, taped many of their telephone conversations over a two year period of time. “The conversations spend much time on Bush’s religious beliefs and his courting of the evangelical right.” [4]


After Bush had become president he told Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, “God wanted me to be president.” [5] Post election, Bush’s propagandists, like David Frum, could employ phrases like “axis of evil” for Bush’s State of the Union address on January 29, 2002.[6] It was sweet to the ears of his Religious Right constituency. Bush is surrounded by theocon handlers like Frum, author of The Right Man: The Surprise Presidency of George W. Bush. Chapter one opens with “Missed you at Bible study.” Frum co-authored An End To Evil: What’s Next in the War on Terror with Project for a New American Century (PNAC) charter member Richard Perle. Frum, like other Bush associates, has the perfect credentials – he was a senior fellow at the foundation-financed right-wing Manhattan Institute for Public Policy Research from 1995 to 2001. [7]


Bush’s first use of the word “crusade” was five days after 9/11 and divulged his Christian Zionist mentality. He said: “This is a new kind of — a new kind of evil.  And we understand.  And the American people are beginning to understand. This crusade, this war on terrorism is going to take a while.” [8] This fallacious war on terror did not start with 9/11. Bush’s crusade, the Iraqi Invasion, was repackaged and expensively sold as Operation Iraqi Liberation and then Operation Iraqi Freedom. The benign words “liberation” and “freedom” are Orwellian 1984 “newspeak” used to deceptively evoke support for long term warfare. Bush recently discontinued using the ambiguous phrase “stay the course.” He was asked its meaning at a news conference on Oct. 11 but refused to be pinned down. [9]


“Stay the course means keep doing what you’re doing,” he said. “My attitude is, don’t do what you’re doing if it’s not working; change.” [10]


He added: “Stay the course also means don’t leave before the job is done. And that’s — we’re going to get the job done in Iraq. And it’s important that we do get the job done in Iraq.” [11] And what job is that – the establishment of permanent military bases on one of the earth’s biggest oil fields?


With continuous support from distinctive Christian theocons, Bush professes that the Iraqi quagmire is a “good versus evil” crusade and that he is on God’s errand. On June 4, 2003, Bush reportedly said: “God told me to strike at al-Qaeda and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East.” [12] He doesn’t mention that al-Qaeda and Saddam were both established and financed by the CIA. Nor does he acknowledge that monstrous sums of taxpayer dollars are pumping up administration-friendly companies who make millions of dollars as a result of the Iraqi invasion. Claiming that God approves of the horrific death toll and continuing violence against non threatening foreign citizens is a shameful effort to cover the stench of death emanating from theMiddle East.


James Robison, the televangelist, met with Karl Rove and Governor George Bush who told him: “I feel like God wants me to run for president.” … “I can’t explain it, but I sense my country is going to need me. I know it won’t be easy, on me or my family, but God wants me to do it.” Robison set up a meeting with a group of major Pentecostal and Southern Baptist preachers who gathered around Governor Bush to lay hands on him. At another meeting “one pastor led a prayer asking God to ‘put the mantle of a champion’ on Bush.” [13]

You define a tree by its fruit. George Bush invaded Iraq without just provocation despite his claims: “See, free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don’t attack each other. Free nations don’t develop weapons of mass destruction.” [14] America, a “free” nation, manufactures the majority of the world’s weapons, even those used against our own military during warfare. America, a “free” nation, invaded Iraq. According to Bush’s prerequisites, are we peaceful, are we free?


Laura Bush, revising history, claimed: “No American President ever wants to go to war. Abraham Lincoln didn’t want to go to war, but he knew saving the union required it. Franklin Roosevelt didn’t want to go to war—but he knew defeating tyranny demanded it. And my husband didn’t want to go to war, but he knew the safety and security of America and the world depended on it.” [15]  Humanitarian justifications are always used by the privileged elite, before or after the assault, to gain sympathetic support and to recruit canon fodder.


George W. Bush repeatedly claims that he has a direct pipeline to God. When discussing the imminent Iraqi invasion with Pat Robertson, “Bush insisted that he had a more direct pipeline to God than the pope!” [16] In 2003, Bush appeared before a cheering crowd at a Dallas Christian Youth Centre and told them about being “born again.” Behind him were two banners: “King of Kings,” and the other declared “Lord of Lords.” “The symbolism of how fervent Christianity has become deeply entwined with the most powerful man on the planet could not have been stronger.” [17]


This highly effective visual prepared for the impressionable is similar to the cleverly maneuvered “Mission Accomplished” exploitation on the correctly re-positioned USS Abraham Lincoln (minus San Diego in the background) when he gave a speech May 1, 2003. [18] The USS Abraham Lincoln and its sailors waited offshore for hours instead of heading into port after its 10-month voyage. Or, how about staged publicity production with the troops as props at Fort BraggVisual manipulation appears to be a tactic employed by the best of the Bush handlers, genius Karl Rove, “one of the most brilliant political operatives ever.” [19]


In addition to using religion, “Rove re-packaged Bush as a brand. Instead of a Yale graduate who was scion of a blue-blood Connecticut family, Bush was presented as a straight-shooting Texan. Instead of showing off his 10,000 square-foot house on an estate that is larger than the Kennedy and Kerry compounds combined, Bush told everyone he lived on a ranch. Instead of defending his being the only presidential candidate ever convicted of a felony (drunk driving), Bush shifted the debate to President Clinton’s adultery. While hobnobbing with Enron CEO Ken Lay, indicted Tom DeLay and influence-peddler Jack Abramoff, who has pled guilty to bribery of top government officials, Bush adroitly ‘positioned’ himself as a drugstore, truck-driving man.” [20]


“According to the General Accounting Office (GAO), Bush spends more than four times on PR than any of his predecessors. His PR department has twice as many employees as the Clinton administration. Public relations agency Ketchum was paid more than $1 million in taxpayer funds to produce video PR releases designed to look like news reports. The Bush administration used $240,000 of taxpayer money to pay conservative commentator Armstrong Williams to promote Bush’s education policies.”[21]


It is all about perception management and Bush’s expensive PR team will use any issue and spend any amount to create the right facade. Bush is a multi-faceted international bank puppet who functions according to any given situation or congregation, Jewish[22] or Christian.


“Religion is the most dangerous energy source known to humankind. The moment a person (or government or religion or organization) is convinced that God is either ordering or sanctioning a cause or project, anything goes. The history, worldwide, of religion-fueled hate, killing, and oppression is staggering.” [23]

“Religious crusades are often counterproductive; they tend to end up in unsustainable occupations of people who — surprise! — believe they have their own pipeline to the Almighty.” [24] Three years plus after the American invasion of Iraq, Americans are still dying along with thousands of Iraqis in a war purportedly against terror. Iran is also in the cross hairs. [25] The only benefactors are HalliburtonKBRBlackwaterCaci and L3Titan who are stepping over bodies to pick up dollars.


Jerry Falwell, the religious leader of a 501C3 organization, endorsed Bush by saying: “I believe it is the responsibility of every political conservative, every evangelical Christian, every pro-life Catholic, every traditional Jew, every Reagan Democrat, and everyone in between to get serious about re-electing President Bush.” [26] The New York Times, July 16, 2004

In certain cultures individuals attribute godly characteristics to their top political leader. Bush facilitates this belief because he represents himself as having a prophetic style of direct communication with deity. With God’s alleged stamp of approval, attested to by numerous religious leaders, it is easy to manipulate the constituency. On July 9, 2004 he told an Amish group: “I trust God speaks through me. Without that, I couldn’t do my job.” [27]


Jim Jones’s history may hold an answer to this phenomenon. “He not only proved the obvious fact that people are blinded by their religious beliefs and will only impute goodness, mercy, and religious motivations to their leader, but Jim Jones proved the efficacy of the basic teaching of Machiavelli: a leader must only appear to have the qualities of goodness—he need not actually possess those attributes.” [28] The illusion of goodness proves as effective as goodness itself.


“In fact, Machiavelli taught that it is dangerous for a leader to practice goodness. Instead, he must pretend to be good and then do the opposite. Machiavelli taught that a leader will succeed on appearances alone. A good leader puts his finger to the wind and changes course whenever it is expedient to do so.” [29]


“After the Sept. 11 attacks, the White House carefully scripted the religious service in which the president declared war on terrorism from the pulpit of the National Cathedral. The president declared to the nation, ‘our responsibility to history is already clear: to answer these attacks and rid the world of evil.’ With most every member of the Cabinet and the Congress present, along with the nation’s religious leaders, it became a televised national liturgy affirming the divine character of the nation’s new war against terrorism, ending triumphantly with the ‘Battle Hymn of the Republic.’ War against evil would confer moral legitimacy on the nation’s foreign policy and even on a contested presidency.” [30]


“A simplistic ‘we are right and they are wrong’ theology rules out self-reflection and correction. It also covers over the crimes America has committed, which lead to widespread global resentment against us.” [31] Power, without principle, is tyranny. Proud nations or people, who suppose moral superiority, employ religious sentimentality and arrogantly boast in their own strength are frequently left to their own devices and ultimately fall into decadent destruction.


Jim Wallis reminds us that it matters more that we are on God’s side instead of claiming God is on our side. Does God really play favorites when both sides pray for assistance? Does God really care about who wins the high school football game? Shouldn’t any issue, particularly a life and death situation, be decided by correct principles rather than who has the most advanced weapons, a preemptive advantage, questionable motives and the most money and men?


Before the invasion, Bush said to a group of church leaders at the National Association of Religious Broadcasters conference in Nashville that he was totally “at peace” about striking the “evil” Saddam Hussein. “If anyone can be at peace, I am at peace about this.” Apparently this invasion had more to do with Bush’s religious ideology than anything else that would possibly warrant an invasion. Paul O’Neill, in his book The Price of Loyalty, states that “ideology ruled the White House.” “Ideology is a lot easier, because you don’t have to know anything or search for anything.” … “You already know the answer to everything.” [32]


General William G. “Jerry” Boykin, Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence, appeared at the Good Shepard Community Church in Boring, Oregon in June 2003, not the first or last of such an event. During his multimedia presentation he said: “Now ask yourself: Why is this man in the White House? The majority of Americans did not vote for him. Why is he there? … He’s in the White House because God put him there for a time such as this. God put him there to lead not only this nation but to lead the world in such a time as this.” [1]


He  further stated, “We in the army of God, in the house of God, kingdom of God, have been raised for such a time as this.” This is reminiscent of the Old Testamentphrase: “and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” [2] Some commentators, like Patrick Buchanan, saw nothing wrong with what Boykin said. Others viewed any hint of criticism as an attack on Christian values by the equally devious Democratic Party. [3]


The concept that “God installed Bush” was disseminated by naïve pastors to numerous congregations. Consequently, prior to the Iraqi invasion, James Merritt, a former Southern Baptist Convention president, confirmed Bush’s self-proclaimed status as “God’s man for this hour” particularly because of the events of 9/11. [4] So God installed Bush as a defender, someone to lead Americans into an immoral war? Yet this concept was circulated throughout Christendom and Bush became the new leader of the religious right in America.


Another subtle selling of the Iraqi invasion is defined in the best-selling book series Left Behind by Reverend Timothy LaHaye, one of the original founders, along with Jerry Falwell, of the Moral Majority. LaHaye is a past president of the Council for National Policy, a secretive forum, created in 1981, for leading U.S. conservative political leaders, financiers and religious right activist leaders. Hatching secretive plots behind closed doors has always been productive to the elitists. How many earth-shaking, secret societies does the average person belong to? As mentioned in previous articles, Prescott, George H. W. and George W. Bush were or are life-long members of Skull Bones, also known as the Brotherhood of Death. Prescott, grandfather of George W, provided financial aid to Hitler through the Union Banking Company of which he was president. [5]


LaHaye’s novels, written with collaborator Jerry Jenkins, are allegedly based on biblical prophecies about the return of Jesus after a battle between God and Satan. It may have been what inspired the Southern Baptist Conference, the largest Protestant denomination, to support the war in Iraq, despite their official 2000 policy. [6] Evangelicals consistently supported the Bush administration’s campaign to democratize Iraq more than most other domestic religious groups according to polls conducted in 2006 by both Pew and Zogby International. [7]


Many religious leaders have denounced America’s current warfare. Of course, because of tax-exempt issues, they cannot preach an anti-war sermon without IRS agents descending on them. [8] Religious leaders who sanction the war, with its death and mutilation, never receive visits from the IRS for discussing political issues. War-loving leaders, with their minions, are not unique as evidenced by former crusades, large and small. Bill Press suggests the following criteria that should be met before America engages in warfare:

  • ·        There must be a just cause for a war.
  • ·        A just war can be waged only as a last resort.
  • ·        The ultimate objective of war must be to bring peace.
  • ·        There must be serious prospect of success; bloodshed without hope of victory cannot be justified.
  • ·        The war must be declared by a legitimate authority; no private individuals or groups can launch a war.
  • ·        The violence used in the war must be proportional to the injury suffered.
  • ·        Noncombatants must not be intentionally harmed.
  • ·        Prisoners and conquered peoples must be treated justly. [9]


Iraq did not perpetuate 9/11 and had no plans or the military capacity to attack the United States. [10] Anti-war, demonized Democrats are not seen as compassionate, caring, or even Christian but are simply vilified as unpatriotic or un-American. Yet, despite their alleged “godlessness,” they regularly appear more Christian and compassionate than the religiously correct Republicans. I am not a Democrat or a Republican; I am a Constitutionalist.


Some theocons, assembled as the Apostolic Congress, worked “hand in hand” with Bush to develop domestic and Middle East policies. Apparently, congressional officials abdicated their responsibility to others who dictated policy compatible with their “end-time rapture” objectives.


The problem was not that George W. Bush discussed policy with people who demanded right-wing solutions to achieve peace in the Middle East, or with devout Christians. It is that he is discussed policy with Christians who didn’t care about peaceful objectives at all but were focused on a rapture and the resulting peace. [11] On the other hand, Bush rejected Jim Wallis’ invitation to meet with his organization, Call to Renewal, to discuss peaceful, weaponless alternatives to the Iraqi invasion. [12]


Nonetheless, Bush did accept a suggestion from Wallis before the inauguration: In December 2000, Bush met with Wallis and thirty or more clergy members in the classroom of a Baptist church in Austin, Texas. Bush enquired: “How do I speak to the soul of the nation?” Additionally, Bush and Wallis talked about their personal life journeys. Bush said: “I’ve never lived around poor people,” Wallis remembers Bush saying. “I don’t know what they think. I really don’t know what they think. I’m a white Republican guy who doesn’t get it. How do I get it?” This is certainly not a shocking statement from a member of the elite country club set – born in the lap of luxury with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth! His privileged status, rather than any personal qualifications, installed him at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Wallis replied: “You need to listen to the poor and those who live and work with poor people.”


Bush immediately called his speechwriter, Michael Gerson, who was in attendance, and said, “I want you to hear this.” A month later, Bush, in a speech said an almost identical line – “many in our country do not know the pain of poverty, but we can listen to those who do.” His speechwriter added Wallis’ empathetic words to Bush’s inaugural address. [13]


Self-righteousness, frequently a by-product of fundamentalism, is dangerous whether it is Christian, Islam, or any other religion. Dr. Calvin Morris, executive director of the Chicago-based Community Renewal Society, told World Magazine (Marvin Olasky is the magazine’s editor-in-chief), “It is ironic, and dangerously so, that the present Bush administration rails against the religious fundamentalism of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, while asserting a similar fundamentalism of its own. This administration needs to realize that God is not an adherent of American foreign policy, but a God above all nations and ideologies.” [14]


The “crusade” against terror, now under another title, is stripping citizens of their constitutionally-guaranteed freedoms. War on anything – drugs, poverty, crime, cancer, Aids, pornography or terrorism – is bogus. Most frequently it constitutes money going from the voter’s pockets into the pockets of big business without any recognizable benefit to the citizens. The government’s current “war on terrorism” constitutes a war against individual freedoms. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, in speaking about military warfare, reminded us: “A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.” [15]


Daniel Webster said: “I apprehend no danger to our country from a foreign foe… Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence, I must confess that I do apprehend some danger.”  [16]


Any leader who wishes to accrue power, distract the citizens from social or economic problems or improve ratings frequently uses war, now without the troublesome ordeal of constitutional congressional approval. Bush, the self-described messenger of God who prayed for strength to do the Lord’s will, was not troubled about shredding the U.S. Constitution. [17]


Some fundamentalists attempted to establish a “God-centered government” with total control over every aspect of our lives. This intolerant control eliminated all religious freedom, except that proscribed by the ruling party. Our government is only obliged to punish illegal behavior, not satanically exercise control over individual beliefs and conscience. Many Christian fundamentalists endorse punitive punishment, harsh sentencing for all criminals, nuclear war, and starving sanctions for tens of thousands. They have adamantly endorsed death, yet vehemently opposed, often with violence, abortion. Was it or is it genuine opposition or simply “stone-throwing” judgments against assumed “evil” behavior or is it about unrighteous dominion (control)? What is it with some Christians who justify selective violence? Where is Christian mercy in this so-called godly-genocidal war?


Across the globe, our military is enforcing democracy on oil-rich Iraq while obliterating evil-doers – that is, anyone who resists occupation. Hitler focused on the Jews, Bush, not as definitive, focused on obscure terrorists and open-ended warfare. Not surprisingly, Hitler joined a secret society, the Thule Society in 1919 whose membership later became the foundation of the Nazi Party. [18] He apparently did whatever was required to gain support and power including the manipulation of religion. Hitler said: “Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.”[19] Hitler, despite claims to the contrary was an alleged Christian; he manipulated the religious populace and successfully, subtly merged religion and politics, with appropriate photo ops and speeches, all for political power with its inherent financial perks and big bucks for the military-industrial-complex. It is all about control, money and the resources of the earth!


German Soldiers wore belt buckles inscribed with the following: “Gott mit uns” (God is with us). Hitler’s troops were frequently sprinkled with holy water by the priests. Before fascism, before Hitler and his political power grab, facilitated by the Reichstag fire, Germany was a Christian country whose obedient citizens were programmed and propagandized to blindly follow all authority figures, political and ecclesiastical. No questions asked! “The Nazis demonized and then destroyed their enemies, after first intimidating and then liquidating their domestic opponents.  The German propaganda machine cranked out misinformation and outright lies in the state-supported media, suppressing the truth and threatening anyone who dared to speak or print opposition to the war regime.” [20] Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. said: “Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal.”


Historian Alan Bullock said: “Hitler never abandoned the cloak of legality; he recognized the enormous psychological value of having the law (as well as the church) on his side. Instead, he turned the law inside out and made illegality legal.”


Repetitive war indoctrination and American imperialism have replaced the Sermon on the Mount. Twisting the scriptures for theocon political objectives is trusting in the “arm of flesh.” [21] We need to distinguish truth amongst the “many kinds of voices” abroad in the land. None of them are without significance. [22] Christians need to wake up, speak up and stand up for genuine Christian ideals!


One of the fourteen defining characteristics of fascism is: “Religion and Government are Intertwined – Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government’s policies or actions.” [23] Obviously, the common religion in America is Christianity.


Sinclair Lewis said: “A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious. On the other hand, they do less easily move against him, believing that he has the gods on his side.” [24] “When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the Flag – and Carrying a Cross.” [25]


Allegedly, scripturally-based churches granted allegiance to the government and their mass mutilation and killing of strangers. Do we actually believe that the lives of foreigners have less value than our own? Silent Christian spectators acquiesce to and even participate in those atrocities, fueled by ardent nationalism and indoctrinated against an alleged enemy. We are not answerable to our government employees (the elected). We cannot justifiably say “I was just following orders.” The government is accountable to the electorate. We are all, however, accountable to God.

According to the globalists, the Constitution must be crushed in order to establish global governance. Every freedom must be revoked; the Bill of Rights must be misrepresented with persuasive propaganda from the most trusted sources. The entire deceptive operation must appear to benefit the masses. It must be shrewdly executed with focused determination or the populace may awaken and revolt.


The religious persecution that drove settlers from Europe to the British North American colonies sprang from the conviction, held by Protestants and Catholics alike, that uniformity of religion must exist in any given society. This conviction rested on the belief that there was one true religion and that it was the duty of the civil authorities to impose it, forcibly if necessary, in the interest of saving the souls of all citizens. [1]


Religious intolerance and persecution is rampant in many countries. Because of the religious intolerance directed at my own ancestors I am adamant about separation of church and state. Religious reformer John Rogers, a distant but direct ancestor (11th great grandfather), was burned at the stake on February 4, 1555 at Smithfield, near Warwick, Nottinghamshire, England during the reign of Mary Tudor. He was a close associate of William Tyndale and an editor of the “Matthew Bible.” Rogers was the first British Protestant martyr under Queen Mary. “On the Monday morning of his death, the Sheriff had shown Rogers a document promising pardon if he would recant. ‘That which I have preached with my lips will I seal with my blood,’ was the answer.” [2]


The Constitution established our federal government. That document is a two way agreement; it is every citizen’s social contract with their government. Accordingly, all of our rights are protected – except the ones we willingly give up. Driven by government-provoked fear, we frequently give up sovereignty for alleged security. We are relinquishing, little by little, our God-given freedoms and will eventually wake up enslaved in a tyrannical, controlling state.


Mass persuasion by public officials, news commentators, teachers and some church leaders falsely claim that we live in a democracy rather than a republic. Some of those same individuals claim that “separation of church and state” is not a constitutional concept. Repetitive lies, accepted as fact, soon gain acceptance by those who fail to read the available documents. “The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly… it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.”— Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Propaganda Minister.


Individual rights were completely absent from the first draft of the Constitution. “Unless assured that a bill of rights would be passed, many states threatened to withhold ratification of the Constitution. Consequently, in 1789, the First Congress of the United States adopted the first ten amendments to the Constitution, known collectively as the Bill of Rights. Ratification of these amendments by the required number of states occurred in 1791.” [3] 


First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”


Madison’s first draft of the First Amendment read: “The civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship, nor shall any national religion be established, nor shall the full and equal rights of conscience be in any manner, or on any pretence, infringed.” [4] It is highly significant that religion, of all the liberties embodied in the Bill of Rights, is the very first freedom mentioned. The First Amendment, possibly the most important in the Bill of Rights, enumerates five freedoms: religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. Those God-given freedoms facilitate individual participation in the process of self-government.


The Bill of Rights pertains to and was designed to protect the individual rights of each and every person. The specific tenets of the Bill of Rights were not rights granted to the government, an artificial body created by the citizens. The right of “free exercise” pertains to individuals, not to government. Therefore, a government entity or any person representing that entity cannot claim or seize “free exercise.” The “free exercise” of an individual’s religion, not the government’s religion, is constitutional. Consequently, a government employee may not constitutionally direct any type of religious observance while functioning in that government-sponsored occupation.


The Religious Right and their minions endorse their versions of school prayer. My children attended school to study math, grammar, penmanship, history, biology, science, and to enhance their already developed reading skills. I did not send them to school to learn to pray. We pray regularly in our home and at church. Citizens should not be obligated to pay taxes for students to learn how to pray. Given America’s diversity, what kind of a prayer would it be: Catholic, Baptist, Seventh-day Adventist, Episcopalian, Jewish, Methodist, Mormon? Which students are going to feel discomfort or suffer mild to aggressive persecution for not being the “right” religion? Will the students who belong to the “right” religion feel compelled to openly pray for the “sinful” student – to save his or her soul from hell? Governments should not sponsor any activity that contributes or provokes persecution or aggression towards others based on religion or ethnicity.


“The Establishment Clause thus stands as an expression of principle on the part of the founders of our Constitution that religion is too personal, too sacred, too holy, to permit its ‘unhallowed perversion’ by a civil magistrate. Another purpose of the Establishment Clause rested upon an awareness of the historical fact that governmentally established religions and religious persecutions go hand in hand.” [5]


Thomas Jefferson stated: “No provision in our Constitution ought to be dearer to man than that which protects the rights of conscience against the enterprises of the civil authority.”


Despite the intentionally secular foundation of the constitution, there have been and will continue to be controversial court cases, many perpetuated by stables of high-priced attorneys retained by different factions of the Religious Right to publicize the questionable premise that America’s Christians are consistently persecuted. The actual objective of such lawsuits is to outrage the voters who will then demand specific religious freedoms even if it means incremental loss of religious freedoms or discrimination for others. The very people who should make every effort to protect religious freedom are, in fact, jeopardizing it.


In colonial times, many European monarchs referred to their nations as Christian countries. However, sinners and hypocrites comprised the bulk of their local populace. Nations, like people, are defined by their national character and moral fortitude. To the colonial, Roger Williams, residency in a particular place did not equate to Christianity. [6] Likewise, given our duplicitous propensity for class discrimination, abortion, offensive war, the economic destabilization of other countries and deathly sanctions, referring to America as a Christian nation casts super serious doubt upon our interpretation of a Christian.


Many, particularly in the Religious Right, claim that the United States was established as a Christian nation rather than a free nation. They perpetuate this erroneous theory in order to attract other morally upright people who might naïvely embrace the Religious Right’s spurious agenda. However, to appeal to others, they downplay the word “Christian” and include others they may have previously attempted to discredit as non Christian. “By referring more ecumenically to the United States as a religious nation, they invite other religious traditions to join a family-values crusade launched originally by a particular form of Christian faith.” … “A shift in rhetorical strategy to widen political appeal does not affect the substantive issues at stake.” [7]


Every decent person is for “family values” but not through government enforcement. People who endorse separation of church and state do not hate religion! Justifiable objections arise when some “Christian leaders” demand that their particular version of religion be incorporated into the nation’s laws. 


In every age, religious advocates have attempted to influence others through government enforcement. Individuals seeking political office frequently use religion to draw support from the religious community. Campaign customs have significantly changed in the last four to five decades. Candidates discuss ideology instead of specific political issues that detrimentally affect every single citizen. View one of John F. Kennedy’s campaign speeches and then evaluate contemporary candidate rhetoric – it is a night and day difference.


The founding fathers had respect for religion and it is because of that respect that they resisted some of the religious leaders of the day and refrained from merging the operations of government with religion. To serve Dominionist goals, it is relatively easy to harvest ambiguous quotes from the founders that appear to endorse the merging of church and state. There are sufficient public examples that history revisionists use to “prove” that religion and politics are compatible.


The phrase “In God we trust” is on our money as a result of the pressure and ranting of Horace Bushnell, a Connecticut preacher, who said that the Civil War was “divine retribution” for America’s acceptance of “speculative and infidel” ideas that government was not ordained by God. It is a blasphemous insult to put God’s very name on worthless paper printed by the international bankers who hijacked our economy and are currently draining America’s resources. The majority of people may actually trust money and the power it gives more than they trust God. In today’s corrupt climate, anyone can literally “buy anything in the world for money” and it is outrageous to attach God’s name to filthy lucre, made filthier by the mass destruction that it causes in the hands of those who seek total control.


“Render, therefore, to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.” –Mark 13:17 and Luke 20:25


Blaming Lincoln’s war of northern aggression on infidels is akin to some current religious leaders who claim that 9/11 is the result of our country’s homosexual tolerance. Falwell remarked: “I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say ‘you helped this happen.’” [8]How discomforting that some religious leaders, who have similar, though secret lifestyles, reject individuals and dispel them from their midst rather than inviting everyone into their realm in order to love and teach them. Isn’t it time that we separate church and hate. What happened to true worship – emulation?


Perhaps Falwell’s apology was insincere considering that he continues to define others in negative terms such as being anti-Christ. This “Christian” preacher’s unabashed comments are regularly heard in the “conservative,” administration-friendly media. [9] This is so radically different from his methodology before he combined his abilities with those who spearheaded the most current assault on the religious clauses within the First Amendment.


The suddenly star-struck Falwell was a typical preacher who understood the gospel process up until his merger with the ultra conservative New Right. Falwell said the following during the civil rights movement of the 1960s: “We have a message of redeeming grace through a crucified and risen Lord. Nowhere are we told to reform the externals. We are not told to wage a war against bootleggers, liquor stores, gamblers, murderers, prostitutes, racketeers, prejudiced persons or institutions, or any other existing evil as such. The gospel does not clean up the outside but rather regenerates the inside.” [10]


Changing society begins with changing oneself. Religious practitioners need to address the individuals in their congregations – that is their job. The churches must get back to doing what they are supposed to do – not lobby government officials to instill additional mountains of repressive, bigoted regulations designed to disenfranchise certain groups and strip others of their individual freedoms. That is hardly moral or just. Morality, especially from an apparently immoral human entity like the government, cannot come from the top down. It will deliver quite the opposite.


Many prefer fast food religion rather than repentance and “feasting upon the word of God.” Repentance changes hearts which then results in better behavior including a desire to bury the weapons of war, support peace and view one’s alleged enemies in a completely different light. Good behavior as a result of government enforcement, a function that many want the government to assume, does not impact the heart and soul.


Personally, I would not entrust a government that kills the citizens of weaker countries with the task of saving my soul. Nor would I trust the very vocal religious practitioners who support such senseless slaughter. It appears that many individuals, including religious leaders, have created the “Uncle Sam” golden calf. Rather than self-reliance, a by-product of accepting responsibility and repenting for one’s own behavior, many rely upon “Uncle Sam” to solve every dilemma or enforce better behavior. It is all a diabolical deception to strip us all of our free agency and the very ideals and principles we cherish.

Opposition in all things, necessary for personal growth, allows for the existence of evil, personified by Lucifer, provocateur of all contention. Lucifer, the usurper, stealthily strives to strip everyone of their freedom, establish his allegedly classless, democratic dominion by working through compliant, ego-driven leaders seeking “the glory of the world.” Armed with the enticing temptations of earth’s abundant treasures and pleasures, just imagine Lucifer’s success rate when he offers even more prosperity and power to unprincipled people. Lucifer and his insatiable minions seek totality through force and thus must rule with “blood and horror on the face of the earth.” Lucifer has always induced certain character-weak, often morally-compromised individuals to unite into secret societies or associations to carry out his ultimate, opposing-God objective of a New World Order.


Though the “powers of darkness prevail upon the earth,” we “know not the hearts of the men in our own nation” particularly because many Americans suffer from a media-induced state of ignorance. We are over-run with secret societies, where power-seeking participants swear allegiance to each other through secret oaths. They are all working towards the same satanical objective and attempt to function and influence every aspect of society and culture. Nations that uphold the disease-like spread of secret societies, large or small, are ripe for destruction.


“Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; that made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?” [1]


From the Civil War forward, war has been poured out upon all nations. Many erroneously believe that the Civil War was about abolishing slavery, a despicable institution. The war was about tariffs, protecting certain industries and ultimately strengthening the federal government. The fallacious justification of liberating the slaves followed the deaths of at least 618,000 people. [2] War was unnecessary – there were alternatives. The same neoconservative do-gooder, “ending tyranny in our world” [3] mental manipulation is used in the current “democracy-building” efforts of the U.S. Bringing liberty to the world, America’s quest, apparently requires demolition of infrastructure, bombs, bloodshed, carnage, depleted uranium, white phosphorus or napalm, occupation and permanent military bases. War and reconstruction produce big money and thin out the population on both sides.


Bloodshed and famine attend the carnage of combat and rumors of wars. [4] Rumors of war (hearsay) are frequently propagated by corrupt, compromised officials to justify preemptive “shock and awe” bombing campaigns against defenseless civilians. We resist taking the first shot but rather rely on sanctions or embargoes to provoke response. If those fail, responding to a Northwoods style attack would be justified.


The U.S. battleship Maine sank as a result of an explosion in Havana Harbor on February 15, 1898. This was during William McKinley’s presidency. He was known as a defender of the gold standard. He was against a full-blown war, preferring diplomacy instead. Though it was later determined to be an internal explosion, it was blamed on the Spanish. After hearing reports of Spanish atrocities in Cuba, the U.S. “liberated” the Cubans. Americans continue to fall for the atrocity claims. Combat ensued betweenAmerica and Spain which culminated on August 12, 1898. Two days later, the U.S. sent 11,000 occupational troops to the Philippines. The Filipinos resisted the U.S. liberation for three years. [5] An estimated 200,000 to 1,000,000 Filipino civilians were killed. Approximately 16,000 Filipinos were killed in combat. By contrast, only 4,200 American soldiers were killed. [6]


For $20 million dollars Spain ceded the Philippine Islands, Puerto Rico and Guam to the United States in the Paris Peace Treaty signed on December 10, 1898 and ratified by the United States Senate on February 6, 1899. It became effective on April 11, 1899. “Many people did not approve of America seizing territory far from its shores, but McKinley, who agonized over the decision, finally approved the takeover.” [7]


McKinley was re-elected in 1900 and was shot on September 6, 1901 at 4:07 p.m. at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York by an alleged emotionally demented anarchist, Leon Czolgosz. Patsies are always young, demented and alone. McKinley died of his wounds on September 14, 1901 and was succeeded by pro-war Theodore Roosevelt. [8] It is significant that of forty-three presidents, eight have been the target of “assassins.” Four of those presidents died. [9]


In some instances, politicians have very personal reasons to comply with their New World Order handlers. Woodrow Wilson, son of a Presbyterian minister, had the financial and political support of the Rockefellers, Jacob Schiff, Bernard Baruch, and others in his successful 1910 bid for governor of New Jersey. Coincidentally, they also had the love letters he wrote to Mary Peck, his mistress while he was president of Princeton (1902-1910), for which they paid $65,000. [10] Therefore he made the perfect morally compromised presidential candidate. He was certainly not the first or the last who was installed because of the contents of his private closet.


Paul Warburg, a Republican, contributed a substantial amount of money to Wilson’s presidential campaign. His brother made similar contributions to the incumbent William Howard Taft. Theodore Roosevelt, the third candidate and opposed to a central bank, ran under his new Bull Moose Party. George Perkins and Frank Munsey of the J. P. Morgan Company poured money into both the Roosevelt and Taft campaigns which split the vote and gave the election to Wilson. [11] A financial coup took place in 1913. We are financially insolvent. Our national treasures have been seized by international loan sharks.


In 1916 President Woodrow Wilson said: “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.” [12]


Wall Street financed the Chinese revolution of 1912, the Mexico Revolution in 1915-16, the Panama Canal controversy of 1913. “The purpose of the revolution was to deprive Colombia, of which Panama was then a part, of $40 million and to acquire control of the Panama Canal.” [13]


Wall Street financed the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 prior to World War I. “Documents in the State Department files demonstrate that the National City Bank, controlled by Stillman and Rockefeller interests, and the Guaranty Trust, controlled by Morgan interests, jointly raised substantial loans for the belligerent Russia before U.S. entry into the war, and that these loans were raised after the State Department pointed out to these firms that they were contrary to international law. Further, negotiations for the loans were undertaken through official U.S. government communications facilities under cover of the top-level ‘Green Cipher’ of the State Department.” … “Clearly the Morgan-Rockefeller interests were not interested in abiding by international law. … There was no hesitation on the part of these firms to use State Department facilities for the negotiations. Further, in spite of protests, the State Department allowed the messages to go through.” [14]


“During World War I Germany raised considerable funds in New York for espionage and covert operations in North America and South America. It is important to record the flow of these funds because it runs from the same firms — Guaranty Trust and American International Corporation — that were involved in the Bolshevik Revolution and its aftermath.” [15] An estimated six to twelve million Russians were killed by Stalin prior to World War II. Several million were killed after the war when Roosevelt delivered one-third of Europe to Stalin as part of the settlement conferences. [16]


The planning of the Second World War started in 1919 after Adolf Hitler had joined a secret society called the Thule Society. The Society was not a working-man’s group as it included amongst its members: “judges, police-chiefs, barristers, lawyers, university professors and lecturers, aristocratic families, leading industrialists, surgeons, physicians, scientists, as well as a host of rich and influential bourgeois.” The membership of the Thule Society also became the foundation of the Nazi Party. [17]


Wall Street financed Hitler and his proposed 1,000 year Reich. It was supposedly a failure but it produced profits and supplied the United States with practical experience through CIA-transplanted German war criminals who were expert in segregation and concentration camp logistics, propaganda tactics, group-think mentality, crisis psychology via the orchestrated Reichstag fire and continued medical and eugenics experimentation. “The Rockefeller Foundation helped found the German eugenics program and even funded the program that Josef Mengele worked in before he went to Auschwitz.” [18] Former “enemies,” now associates contributed their scientific “expertise” to the ongoing globalist momentum in America. The devastating chaos of World War II, with death, destruction and the political realignment of the nations – divvied up with previous allies now redefined as cold war “enemies,” failed to implement the New World Order.


What was referred to as the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), America’s first intelligence agency, established June 13, 1942, developed world-wide clandestine capability and employed almost 13,000 men and women. [19]


One of the functions of OSS was to organize and conduct psychological warfare. Psychological warfare, a propaganda tactic with any government that wants to marshal the troops, includes “a constant repetition of fabricated atrocity stories which are designed to prove that the enemy were all ‘bad guys’ who had to be eliminated so we ‘good guys’ could live in peace.” [20]


“OSS, ended on October 1, 1945, trained many of the leaders and personnel who formed the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Their ranks included four future Directors of Central Intelligence: Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, William Colby, and William Casey.” [21] Personnel and the assets ultimately went into a new organization called the Central Intelligence Group (CIG) until the National Security Act of 1947 turned CIG into the Central Intelligence Agency. CIA ranks have swollen dramatically since then probably to include a patsy department where people are properly schooled as perpetrators yet who make dramatic appearances in public prior to their “crime” and leave sufficient evidence for miraculous discovery.


“Allen Dulles was the OSS chief of European operations during World War II and was quite active in post-war covert schemes, such as Operation Paperclip and Operation National Interest, to move Nazi personnel and assets out of Germany and into the American sphere.”


George Herbert Walker, along with partner Averell Harriman, established W. A. Harriman Co. Bank in November 1919. In 1926 Prescott S. Bush was installed as Vice-President of W. A. Harriman Co. In 1928, W. A. Harriman bought Dresser Industries, paying $4,000,000 for Dresser’s corporate stock and made it a public company by issuing 300,000 shares of stock. Neil Mallon, with no experience in the oil business, was installed as company president. Prescott Bush was the banking representative who helped finance the deal that established Dresser and served on the company’s board. [22] Dresser produced the incendiary bombs that were used on Tokyo. [23] Dresser also made gaseous diffusion pumps for the Manhattan atomic bomb project. [24] Prescott financed Hitler through the Union Banking Corporation[25]


In 1931 Brown Brothers Harriman Co. merged with W. A. Harriman Co., the railroad empire. The Harriman railroads shipped oil for John D. Rockefeller of Standard Oil. Samuel P. Bush, father of Prescott, owned Buckeye Steel Castings Co. which manufactured parts for the Harriman railroad company. [26] During World War II Prescott was a director of two companies – Dresser Industries, oil field equipment manufacturer, and until recently a part of Halliburton, and the second was Vanadium Corporation of America. “They were both involved in atomic energy projects.” [27]


“George H. W. Bush worked for Dresser Industries in several positions after the war, from 1948-1951.” [28] Dresser Industries acquired M.W. Kellogg, an oil services company, in 1988. On September 29, 1998, Dresser formally merged with rival company Halliburton. Dick Cheney, a long-time member of the CFR, negotiated the $7.7 billion deal. [29] Halliburton then issued 176 million new shares of its common stock to Dresser shareholders. [30] On 10 April 2001 the Dresser division (excluding the former Kellogg division) entered an agreement to separate itself from Halliburton because of “more than 300,000 asbestos claims filed against a Dresser subsidiary located in Pennsylvania that made construction products containing the substance.” [31] Halliburton “split its operations into two distinct entities in order to protect its assets from the asbestos litigation. Halliburton positioned Kellogg, Brown Root under Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. [32]


It would have cost Halliburton billions, in both cash and stock, to settle the asbestos claims. [33] This is despite the Bush administration’s attempts to get Congress to limit asbestos liability. But, Arlen Specter has come to the rescue with his Asbestos Trust Fund Bill, purportedly to help victims. I wonder – would this fund assist the numerous victims of 9/11 in as much as the asbestos dissemination was the result of alleged “terrorists,” or would it reduce government financial culpability? Now, Halliburton’s liability will be limited to $450 million. Halliburton, with government contracts, recovered and their purchase of Dresser possibly saved the Dresser stockholders, perhaps even Bush family stock? [34] It wouldn’t be the first time!


Halliburton’s support of Lyndon Johnson resulted in several contracts including the construction of military bases during the Vietnam War. After the Persian Gulf War in 1991, then-Defense Secretary Cheney, who directed our first invasion of Iraq, paid Brown Root to conduct “a study on the benefits of military outsourcing.” Months later, Cheney paid them an additional $5 million to update the report. “In 1992, Brown Root was awarded the U.S. Army’s first Logistics Civil Augmentation Program (LOGCAP) contract, an omnibus contract that allows the Army to call on KBR for support in all of its field operations, including combat, peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance.” [35]


“On March 24, 2003, the Army announced publicly that KBR had been awarded five task orders in Iraq potentially worth $7 billion to implement the plan.” “KBR was awarded a $100 million contract in 2002 to build a new U.S. embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, from the State Department.” “KBR has also been awarded 15 LOGCAP task orders worth more than $216 million for work under ‘Operation Enduring Freedom,’ the military name for operations in Afghanistan. These include establishing base camps at Kandahar and Bagram Air Force Base and training foreign troops from the Republic of Georgia.” “On Feb. 27, 2004, the Coalition Provisional Authority’s Program Management Office in Baghdad awarded KBR a contract worth nearly $51.5 million for “electrical power transmission” in Iraq.” [36]

Many have acknowledged secretive entities, like the CIA, but have been persuaded that this corrupt organization has a legitimate function – like deterring communism or spreading democracy (socialism). It was actually created for several purposes – one of which is assisting multinational business. This often includes assassination, military coups, overthrowing democratic leaders, drug trafficking, staging riots, and destabilizing countries. [1] Natural resources are regularly seized through violent contrived circumstances as a consequence of private allegiances in corporate chambers, secret societies or government offices.


One of the individuals who came up with the blueprint for the CIA was Robert A. Lovett, a former board member of Brown Brothers Harriman. Lovett “was the fourth United States Secretary of Defense, serving in the cabinet of President Harry S. Truman from 1951 to 1953 and in this capacity, directed the Korean War. He was promoted to the position from deputy secretary of defense.” Coincidently, he was a member of the Skull and Bones society at Yale University. [2] Lovett, “father of the CIA,” was nominated for the Brotherhood of Death by Prescott Bush, Neil Mallon, and Roland Harriman. One of George H. W. Bush’s sons was named after Mallon: Neil Mallon Bush, born January 22, 1955. Mallon was a one-time president of Dresser Industries. [3]


Though not CIA, it is interesting that Neil Mallon Bush, of Hinckley and Silverado fame, owner of Austin-based Ignite Learning, founded in 1999, has benefited substantially from the woes of others. Many of the transplanted Katrina victims will use the software program COW, cost of $10,000 per school, as a result of Barbara Bush’s undisclosed, generous, but earmarked, contribution to the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund. Barbara and son, Neil, presented the program at a special reception to “showcase everyone’s efforts in helping the hurricane evacuee students who ended up in Houston.” Is this an example of the phrase – charity begins at home? “Neil Bush reportedly toured former Soviet Union countries promoting Ignite with Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky.” [4]


With money from Brown Brothers Harriman, George H. W. Bush, with partners Hugh and Bill Liedtk formed Zapata Petroleum Corporation, an oil exploration company. Bush bought out his partners in 1954 and by 1958 was drilling on the Cay Sal Bank in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico, later used as a base for CIA raids on Cuba. These islands had been leased to Howard Hughes, a huge Nixon supporter, the previous year. “The CIA was using companies like Zapata to stage and supply secret missions attacking Fidel Castro’s Cuban government in advance of the Bay of Pigs invasion. The CIA’s codename for that invasion was ‘Operation Zapata.’” [5] “In 1969, Zapata bought the United Fruit Company of Boston, another company with strong CIA connections.” [6] All Bush and Zapata associated records covering the years 1960 and 1966 were destroyed when Bush became vice president in 1981. Bush was CIA director from 1976-1977.


The CIA supported “Papa Doc” and “Baby Doc” Duvalier, Saddam Hussein, Mobutu Sese Seko, The Shah of Iran, General Noriega, General Pinochet, General Prosper Avril, Ferdinand Marcos, and others. See a defined list of covert activities. When our government, through the monopoly media, demonizes some foreign leader – he has either rejected a big business proposal or is duly elected and serves the best interests of his country rather than the best interests of the U.S.


The CIA created al Qaeda, the database and instigated Islamic fundamentalism by training 100,000 fundamentalist Muslim mujahadeen. “Zbigniew Brzezinski not long ago revealed that on July 3, 1979, unknown to the American public and Congress, President Jimmy Carter secretly authorized $500 million to create an international terrorist movement that would spread Islamic fundamentalism in Central Asia and ‘destabilize’ the Soviet Union… The CIA called this Operation Cyclone and in the following years poured $4 billion into setting up Islamic training schools in Pakistan (Taliban means student). Young zealots were sent to the CIA’s spy training camp in Virginia, where future members of al Qaeda were taught ‘sabotage skills’ – terrorism.” [7] It was Camp Peary, where young Afghans, Arabs from Egypt and Jordan, and even some African-American black Muslims were taught “sabotage skills”. [8]


“Between 1978 and 1992, the US government poured at least $6 billion (some estimates range as high as $20 billion) worth of arms, training and funds to prop up the mujahadeen factions. Other Western governments, as well as oil-rich Saudi Arabia, kicked in as much again. Wealthy Arab fanatics, like Osama bin Laden, provided millions more.”


The Constitution is gone. Despite the orchestrated media distraction, it is a moot point whether someone swears to uphold the Constitution on a Koran, once owned by Thomas Jefferson, or a Bible. Swearing on a bible or anything else hardly demonstrates sincerity but rather provides proof that a majority of our “elected” officials have perjured themselves. One’s word is his/her bond and should suffice – which means no swearing at all. Ron Paul, a Washington anomaly, is possibly the only exception. There have been other elected, ethical officials who recognized and spoke out about the globalist agenda like Congressman Larry P. McDonald who said: “The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining super-capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control…. Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.” McDonald, who had announced presidential intentions for 1988, allegedly died on September 1, 1983 aboard flight 007, Korean Airlines (KAL) which purportedly was shot down by the Soviets.  [9]George P. Schultz, then-U.S. Secretary of State, terminated the speedy investigation of the incident in December 1983 by saying that the plane had flown off its scheduled course and had strayed into Soviet airspace. [10]


The presidency and balance of power are gone, usurped by imperialistic puppet kings. The old conservatism that favored less government has been replaced by neo-conservatism. Congress no longer writes laws in the best interests of the citizens – they are busy with campaigning, pork-barrel popularity and entertaining fat cat corporate lobbyists. Many laws originate with presidential executive orders. Wars are undeclared! Citizens don’t declare wars. They just die in them. Wars, with Americans as cannon fodder, are designed to break the U.S. economy and impoverish Americans while enriching the elite. Iran is obviously next on the war agenda.


“The twentieth century was the bloodiest in all history. More than 170 million people were killed by governments with ten million being killed in World War I and fifty million being killed in World War II. In regard to the fifty million killed in World War II, it is significant that nearly 70 percent were innocent civilians, mainly as a result of the bombing of cities by Great Britain and America.” [11] Then there was Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War and the many unpublicized CIA wars. Meanwhile, some Americans, rather than focusing on America’s brutality, naïvely concentrate on made-in-the-U.S. terrorists – the perfect manufactured enemies!


Population reduction, a globalist goal, allows monopoly ownership of the earth’s resources – less population means more for them! War, famine, suppressed cures for catastrophic diseases, abortion acceptance, and health-destroying, cancer-producing Monsanto monopolized genetically modified foods all reduce world population and produce big profits.


The current orchestrated war on terror, arbitrarily designated after 9/11, has now been expanded to encompass “radicals and extremists,” which may include anyone who dissents, hates asparagus, dislikes certain colors, or attracts any arbitrary official attention. In a tyranny, dissenters may be branded and suppressed. We really have a government carrying out a war against its own citizens. Tantalizing propaganda continues to propel patriotically-energized, well-intentioned individuals, citizens or not, tosacrifice life, limbs and health to “fight for our freedoms,” a euphemism for mass murder to enrich Halliburton, Carlyle, Monsanto, Bechtel and other corporations who win no-bid contracts from their administration pals. Top management executives, closely allied with compliant, powerful government officials, focus on their exorbitant, extravagant, unwarranted corporate compensation packages while veterans struggle for assistance with their war-related depleted uranium illnesses or personality disorders.


“There is no nation on earth powerful enough to accomplish our overthrow. … Our destruction, should it come at all, will be from another quarter. From the inattention of the people to the concerns of their government, from their carelessness and negligence, I must confess that I do apprehend some danger. I fear that they may place too implicit a confidence in their public servants, and fail properly to scrutinize their conduct; that in this way they may be made the dupes of designing men, and become the instruments of their own undoing.” — Daniel Webster, June 1, 1837


All governments, who harbor corruption and usurpation through secret societies, will fail. Throughout history, the power elite, with their alternative agendas, treasonous alliances, have orchestrated government coups, assassinations, national destabilizations and counterfeit “elections” in order to implement the satanical One World Order, also known as Babylon, the great. Naïve Americans have been deceptively duped, through our own “carelessness and negligence,” aided and abetted by the corporate-owned, history-modifying, government-friendly media after the elimination of the Fairness Doctrine during the Reagan administration.


Germar Rudolf said: “Whoever controls the histories of nations controls those nations and their peoples.” Americans often fail to appreciate history’s invaluable lessons. Current events, like 9/11, do not transpire in a vacuum but in well-established patterns. History is prologue. Broadcast “news” is sponsored by companies who are a part of the military/industrial/media complex, allied with a constitution-ignoring government which is compromised financially, morally and ethically.


Wall Street kingmakers decide who gets to be king, in the United States and elsewhere. Then they control the king. The bankers hire and fire:

“Indicative of this was a strange event which occurred in October of 1964. David Rockefeller, president of the Chase Manhattan Bank and Chairman of the Board of the Council on Foreign Relations, took a vacation in the Soviet Union. This is a peculiar place for the world’s greatest ‘imperialist’ to take his vacation, since much of the Communist propaganda deals with taking all of David’s wealth away from him and distributing it to ‘the people.’”


“A few days after Rockefeller ended his ‘vacation’ in the Kremlin, Nikita Khrushchev was recalled from a vacation at a Black Sea resort to learn that he had been fired. How strange! As far as the world knew, Khrushchev was the absolute dictator of the Soviet government and, more important, head of the Communist Party which runs the USSR.”


“Who has the power to fire the man who was supposedly the absolute dictator? Did David Rockefeller journey to the Soviet Union to fire an employee? Obviously the position of Premier in the Soviet Union is a figurehead with the true power residing elsewhere – perhaps in New York.” [12]


Decades ago our government “by the people” was surreptitiously replaced, through the “election” charade, a two party system of orchestrated opposites designed to divide. The republic, based on principled law, was transformed into a decadent cesspool of corruption – socialized democracy, conforming to the Communist Manifesto and controlled by the satanical, seductive power of secret societies. Bureaucratic covert agencies, established by the powerbrokers, supposedly serve the interests of “national security” or “national interests” – ruthless, pitiless pretenses for unmitigated greed demonstrated by the corporate elite minions who seize resources without responsibility or recognition of the rights of other people or countries. Looters, posing as public servants, have also plundered trillions from America’s coffers.  


Any legitimate candidates, unapproved for election by the elite establishment, are vilified or exposed for various created infractions. Competency is insignificant – the handlers call all the shots. If per chance, by some fluke, a non compliant person gets elected, as in 1960, then that person may easily be eliminated by a lone gunman Manchurian candidate patsy who is immediately and conveniently made permanently unavailable. As noted previously, airplane mishaps are also effective – notwithstanding the collateral damage of fellow passengers, inconsequential to insiders!


Other influential unelected leaders who successfully lift and inspire others above the Order’s socially engineered class status are also eliminated and replaced with obedient minions who consequently reap wealth, enjoy regular media attention, and habitually play the race card while keeping their brothers in subjection and poverty. Martin Luther King Jr., the non violent civil rights activist, was castigated by the media as a Communist, a former tactic to censure anyone who opposed the elite agenda.


“Despite extensive surveillance, the FBI was never able to find any direct funding or other links between King and the Communist party.” [13] “The FBI began wiretapping King in 1961, fearing that communists were trying to infiltrate the civil rights movement, but when no such evidence emerged, the bureau used the incidental details caught on tape over six years in attempts to force King out of the pre-eminent leadership position.” [14] He openly expressed opposition to the Vietnam War and opposed U.S. involvement in South Africa and Latin America. He was allegedly killed by James Earl Ray, a petty criminal the day after his famous Mountaintop Speech in Memphis, Tennessee.


Changes made under every administration strip our freedoms. The 16th and 17th Amendments were passed during the Taft administration. The Income Tax and Federal Reserve Act, the 16th Amendment, was quietly pushed through congress immediately before Christmas by Senator Nelson Aldrich, maternal grandfather of Trilateral Commission founder David Rockefeller. Most of the lawmakers were unavailable for the vote. The 17th Amendment altered the manner in which senators are elected making it possible to financially manipulate elections.


“This is a startling revelation: $300 trillion of wealth is secretly controlled by an unspecified cabal of the world’s richest families. The power of the Rothschild family was evidenced on 24th September 2002 when a helicopter touched down on the lawn of Waddedson Manor, their ancestral home in Buckinghamshire, England. Out of the helicopter strode Warren Buffet, – touted as the second richest man in the world – and Arnold Schwarzenegger, candidate for the Governorship of California. They’d come to rub shoulders with James Wolfensohn, President of the World Bank and Nicky Oppenheimer, Chairman of De Beers at a two day conference hosted by Jacob Rothschild. Arnold went on to secure the governorship of one of the biggest economies on the planet a year later.” [15]


On Aug 9, 2004, Congressman Ron Paul said: “Liberty is lost through complacency and a subservient mindset. When we accept or even welcome automobile checkpoints, random searches, mandatory identification cards, and paramilitary police in our streets, we have lost a vital part of our American heritage. America was born of protest, revolution, and mistrust of government. Subservient societies neither maintain nor deserve freedom for long.” [16]

Opposite sides of contemporary wars, particularly from the U.S. Civil War, are typically orchestrated and financed by the international banking cartel for population depletion, resources management, money manipulation and destruction of national economies, redistribution of inhabitants and realignment of borders. Complicit, compromised insiders simulate enemy assaults, demonize “their” chosen military targets in order to provoke anger, recruit cannon fodder and fuel mass insecurity while denouncing all opposition. Dictatorial governments manage perceptions through expensive public relations firms, disseminate disinformation through the monopoly media and propagate flag-waving, self-righteous nationalism to justify offensive invasions. War is the enforcement mechanism of the satanical New World Order.


In January 1943, Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill met in Casablanca to discuss the unconditional surrender of Germany. At the end of 1943, at the Russian Embassy in Tehran, Stalin and Roosevelt drank a toast to the deaths of 50,000 German officers to be shot at the conclusion of the war. Unconditional surrender is an ominous term – it signaled the complete abolition of the German government and loss of all treaty rights, including protection of prisoners under the Geneva Conventions. [1]


In September 1939, prior allies, Stalin and Hitler joined forces in the invasion, dismantling and decimation of Poland. However, Stalin, a genocidal murderer, escaped culpability at Nuremberg for the Katyn Forest slaughter. [2] This 1940 Soviet massacre of Polish prisoners was confirmed by James Bacque during his investigation in the KGB archives after they were opened in 1990.[3] It was also confirmed by Mikhail Gorbachev who, in 1989, produced the actual documents proving that the Soviet Secret Police, by orders from Stalin, murdered 21,587 Polish enemies of the Soviet state and buried them in the Katyn Forest. However, the contrived allegations against the Nazis were useful in fueling America’s hatred against all Germans, rather than the government thugs. [4]


Conquerors, those who have killed the most people, and frequently the conflict instigators often sponsor criminal tribunals for the vanquished – those who run out of money, men, and ammunition or no longer accommodate those who actually control. Many installed tyrants, feeling absolutely justified, actually demand exemption from their premeditated war crimes.


Notwithstanding the proposed “unconditional surrender” terms, Eisenhower gave a speech in Paris in March 1945 asserting that the United States would honor the Geneva Conventions with regard to humane treatment of prisoners, many captured as early as May 1943. Within days of the Paris speech, Eisenhower, without honor, surreptitiously signed an order establishing a deathly DEF (Disarmed Enemy Forces) status for all prisoners, even those who voluntarily surrendered. This action was against the civilized provisions of the Geneva Conventions which the United States signed, along with forty-six other countries, on July 27, 1929[5] Germany ultimately admitted defeat on May 8, 1945. By June there were between 4,000,000 to 5,000,000 prisoners under Eisenhower’s jurisdiction – all with DEF status.


The Normandy Invasion took place on June 6, 1944. That fall, Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt agreed to implement the Morgenthau Plan, actually created by Harry Dexter White, which would completely destroy German industry (against Geneva Conventions). Germany’s industry supported their importation of food which they did not produce themselves. Deliberate industrial destruction (by war or massive illegal immigration) results in job loss, homelessness, starvation and death. The official assumptions were that about 40% of the population would die – about 20 million German civilians. Moreover, at the Yalta Conference in February 1945, the victorious three, Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill, discussed the realignment and dismemberment of Germany.


Henry C. Morgenthau was Secretary of the Treasury. His cohort, globalist Harry Dexter White, part of the department since 1935, was then chief international economist at the U.S. Treasury and “liaison between the Treasury and the State Department on all matters bearing on foreign relations.” [6] White, a treasonous insider agent, influenced the design and development of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank[7] He acted in that capacity at the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference held at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire where the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), was also established. GATT is a United Nations agency created by a multinational treaty to promote trade by the reduction of tariffs and import quotas.


At the close of World War II, Americans were outraged and horrified by film footage of emaciated, dead bodies being mechanically discarded into mass graves and views of newly liberated individuals, little more than skeletons, filmed in their bleak, barren wooden bunks – abundant evidence of the atrocious criminal behavior by the incompetent, charismatic Hitler and the other amoral thugs who, with Wall Street money,[8] [9] had seized control of the government, orchestrated the Reichstag fire, targeted convenient enemies, quickly suspended personal liberties and instituted national ID under the guise of increased security. I wonder if there was a Reichstag Fire Truth Movement.


One has to wonder why the German populace weren’t outraged enough to speak out against such tyrannical activities. Is it possible that their government worked behind claims of “national security” and “national interests?” The average brainwashed citizen knew nothing about the foreign and domestic activities of their secretive government. All information, propaganda, was controlled by the government. One also has to wonder why ordinary German citizens, guards and military, would obey questionable orders.


Despite pandemic atrocities throughout Europe during that war, the major media focus has always been directed at the Nazi crimes against the Jews, perpetrated in such infamous places as Birkenau, Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, and Dachau – names that should remind us of man’s inhumanity to man. However, the Jewish people were not the only victims of the catastrophic satanically-staged New World Order event known as World War II.


The first Nazi camp, Dachau, was established in March 1933 for political prisoners – opponents of the Nazi regime, resistance groups, vocal dissidents and groups deemed racially inferior, such as Jews and Roma (Gypsies). [10] “It was located on the grounds of an abandoned munitions factory near the northeastern part of the town of Dachau, about 10 miles northwest of Munich in southern Germany. During the first year, the camp held about 4,800 prisoners.” From 1933 to 1945 Dachau inmates numbered 188,000. [11]


On May 20, 1940, the Nazis founded, in the Polish town of Oświęcim, the notorious camp, Auschwitz, infamous for sadistic medical experimentations, at the site of an old Polish brick army barracks adjacent to a railroad track, very convenient for merciless mass human transport.


Numerous camps were in Germany, Poland, Norway, Italy, Lithuania, Croatia, Austria, France and elsewhere. They were used for collection, detention, resettlement and extermination. Exact numbers are unknown, but millions, Christians, Jews, Communists were exterminated. The government, for economic exploitation, established camps in the vicinity of factories or industry – essentially labor camps. Perhaps the inmates did the work that Germans wouldn’t do? They built roads, worked in gravel pits, and later in the armaments production for the Nazi war machine. [12]


One of the definitions of fascism is corporate control coupled with a strong, centralized government. Many of the Nazi camps were designed as labor camps for government-friendly German corporations. Cheap labor produces more affordable “toys” for an approving, but thoughtless, populace. Corporations in cahoots with governments often lure cheap labor from poorer countries. Unpaid inmates provide even greater profits.


“Thousands of ‘security suspects’ released from German prisons in the autumn of 1942 were sent to concentration camps and literally worked to death under a program called ‘Annihilation through Work’ (Vernichtung durch Arbeit). Finally, captured members of national resistance movements were sent to concentration camps to be murdered upon arrival.” [13]


Moreover, there were about two hundred additional barbed-wire enclosed camps in Germany that incarcerated between four and five million individuals by June 1945. However, these camps lacked even the barest facilities found in other camps: barracks, laboratories, camp kitchens, infirmaries and latrines. In the absence of latrines, crowded inmates, standing almost shoulder to shoulder, by necessity, often relieved themselves where they stood – a growing quagmire of contaminating putrid mud. Latrines (ditches), where available, were death traps for those who slipped. Food, water and shelter, basic human necessities, were unavailable in these camps although there were sufficient resources available. These were not the German camps, but American camps, supervised by Eisenhower, where thousands of ordinary soldiers, ignorant of their government’s atrocities, ultimately starved and died.


Eisenhower, among numerous other “high” officials, past and current, proves that mediocre individuals frequently ascend any available ladder through complicit connections and stealthy agreements rather than native competence. Even costly ghost-written books, before or after their endeavors, suggest questionable qualifications or fictional legacies.


Americans were not outraged by the atrocities committed in these camps because they were completely ignored by the U.S. media, then and now. Subsidized and sanitized history books produced by The West German Foreign Office under the direction of Willy Brandt provide a long-term cover-up of the atrocities. [14] After the war and unknown to many outside of Germany, more than fifteen million Germans were driven from their homes in central and Eastern Europe. These were trusting civilians who accommodated their tyrannical government. This huge migration was according to the international agreement signed at Potsdam in 1945.


The Geneva Conventions are very clear on treatment of military prisoners. The agreement signed by most major countries on July 27, 1929 purportedly established humane treatment of enemies during World War II. Apparently, the Geneva Conventions meant little to the military leaders in charge. The American Propaganda Ministry consistently generated hatred of the German inmates who they claimed deserved incarceration, lack of basic human necessities and even torture, if necessary. Inhumane treatment at the hands of Germans or Americans is deplorable. 


According to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, it is a soldier’s duty to disobey illegal orders. Military personnel may disobey illegal orders from a superior officer, even if that officer is the president. “In each case, military personnel have an obligation and a duty to only obey Lawful orders and indeed have an obligation to disobey Unlawful orders, including orders by the president that do not comply with the UCMJ. The moral and legal obligation is to the U.S. Constitution and not to those who would issue unlawful orders, especially if those orders are in direct violation of the Constitution and the UCMJ.” [15]


Concentration camps did not originate with the Nazis. History books often fail to mention the British use of concentration camps, first used to confine and control large numbers of civilians in South Africa during the second Boer War 1899-1902.  The Americans had Andersonville, Georgia and others during the Civil War.


Most Americans say little about Guantánamo Bay. Politicians who mention the camp, where hundreds are held without charges, are demonized as un-American or soft on terrorists. When the Japanese, even American born, were incarcerated, Americans maintained silence. After all, a Japanese life apparently had less value than an American life, given that America bombed two non military cities allegedly to “save American lives.”


Civilian Japanese internment began March 2, 1942 with Executive Order No. 9066 which was signed by Roosevelt on February 19, 1942. “Relocation centers” were located in California, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado, and Arkansas.


“Roosevelt’s executive order was fueled by anti-Japanese sentiment among farmers who competed against Japanese labor, politicians who sided with anti-Japanese constituencies, and the general public, whose frenzy was heightened by the Japanese attack of Pearl Harbor. More than 2/3rds of the Japanese who were interned in the spring of 1942 were citizens of the United States.” [16] It takes mass support against a specific group of people to make Concentration camps acceptable. Once they are tolerable for one group – say illegal aliens, they can be appropriated for others – anti-war dissidents, alleged terrorists, enemy combatants or anyone opposing government actions. Of course, this is intended to make the homeland safe. In 1922 when he was establishing the Gestapo, Hitler said the following: “An evil exists that threatens every man, woman and child of this great nation. We must take steps to insure our domestic security and protect our homeland.” Sound familiar?


In March 1942, the U.S. government began seizing the property and assets of Japanese-descended citizens, and the War Relocation Authority was formed to “assist” the Japanese-Americans who were being driven out of several states. By summer, well over 100,000 Japanese-Americans had been “evacuated” from the West Coast to other states and military prison camps. [17] Small similarities to the New Orleans evacuation are merely coincidental. Mass population movements function as social engineering.

The American government has written plans (PDF file) dated January 14, 2005 defining their Civilian Inmate Labor Program. Camps have already been established by nefarious presidential executive orders and through FEMA all over the country. See a complete list here or here. This is not recent but started in the Reagan administration. The Federal Emergency Management Agency plan called REX- 84 was drafted by Oliver North by order of Ronald Reagan.


We didn’t speak out when they arrested and incarcerated the Japanese for their own good. We didn’t speak out when they incarcerated some terrorists in Guantánamo. We were silent when we discovered information about rendition flights. Abu Ghraib was insignificant – it was thousands of miles away and purportedly it was a few isolated incidents. We are incredulous when we hear about FEMA camps in America – not in America, the land of the free. Who will speak out, if not Americans, when citizens are incarcerated for being old, non-productive, non-compliant, homosexual, the wrong religion or race, anti-war, and against high-level treason or critical of the growing state tyranny?


Details of the detainee operations are here as a PDF file. There is also a U.S. Army FM 3-19.40 Military Police (MP) Internment-Resettlement Operations: Military Prisons, Prisoners Of War (POW), Civilian Internees: Field Manual Guide Book available on CD-ROM at Amazon.


See also:

Martial Law Concerns, House of Representatives – March 11, 2003

American Prison Camps Are on the Way: The Military Commissions Act of 2006:

Rex 84: FEMA’s Blueprint for Martial Law in America

Homeland Security Contracts for Vast New Detention Camps

10-Year U.S. Strategic Plan For Detention Camps Revives Proposals From Oliver North by Peter Dale Scott



The Morgenthau Plan and the Problem of Policy Perversion, Paper presented to the Ninth International Revisionist Conference by Prof. Anthony Kubek (A Must Read!)

Long before George W. Bush met with Paul Martin, then Canada’s Prime Minister and Vicente Fox, then Mexico’s president at Baylor University in the miserably memorialized city of Waco, Texas on March 23, 2005, he had a similar meeting in Göteborg, Sweden on June 14, 2001 with Romano Prodi, then European Commission President and Swedish Prime Minister Göran Persson, then President of the European Council. There were several reasons for this media-blacked-out meeting but the essential purpose was the discussion and implementation of the Transatlantic Agenda, supported by both E.U. and U.S. authorities. [1]


The Transatlantic Agenda was adopted on December 3, 1995 at the EU-US Summit in Madrid and signed by William Clinton, then U.S. president and Felipe Gonzalez, then Spanish Prime Minister and Jacques Santer, then European Commission President (1995 – 15 March 1999). The European Commission is the executive body of the European Union. [2] On 1 May 2004 the European Union (EU) undertook an historic enlargement, bringing the total number of Member States from fifteen to twenty five.


Then again from 25 to 26 June 2004, George W. Bush met with Romano Prodi and Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, then President of the European Council in the Dromoland Castle, County Clare, Ireland. [3] They discussed Iraq, the Middle East and counter-terrorism. The summit ended with an agreement between the satellite navigation systems, GPS from the US and the EU’s Galileo system, which secures full interoperability of the two satellite navigation systems. This agreement, initiated in December 1995, was signed by U.S. Secretary of State, Colin Powell, Commission Vice President Loyola de Palacio and Irish Foreign Minister, Brian Cowen. The system will be operational by 2008, possibly to coincide with Real ID[4]


The crux of this media-blacked-out summit: “The EU and the US are committed to a result-driven economic partnership focused on well-identified and mutually beneficial bilateral projects in all areas where better cooperation between governments and regulators can achieve common solutions to concrete problems affecting transatlantic business.” [5] They expanded on the Transatlantic Economic Partnership Action Plan of 1998 and the Positive Economic Agenda roadmap of 2002. Right, we never heard of those meetings or schemes either!


Another issue was non compliance with the WTO, “a legal system set up to regulate and bring order to world trade. As such, upon accession to the organization, WTO members agree to stand by and uphold any decisions that the WTO takes. Full compliance with WTO rulings is therefore one of the fundamental cornerstones on which the continued functioning of the international trade system rests.” [6]


Then there was the summit in June 2005 where they “launched the ‘Initiative to Enhance Transatlantic Economic Integration and Growth.’” And how about the meeting on November 30, 2005 in Brussels, Belgium which was a follow-up to the commitments made at the U.S.-EU summit in June 2005? The U.S. delegation was led by Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez. “The delegations agreed to concrete action plans and timelines to tackle the most significant issues in the trans-Atlantic economy, according to a press release from the Council of the European Union.” [7] There was another meeting on November 9, 2006 where they talked about the Transatlantic Capital Market Integration. [8]


What next – the Amero? That is the least of our worries. While the astute are focused on the NAU there are other issues. Foreign Affairs, published by the CFR had the following to say: “the world economy and the international financial system have evolved in such a way that there is no longer a viable model for economic development outside of them.” [9]


“The right course is not to return to a mythical past of monetary sovereignty, with governments controlling local interest and exchange rates in blissful ignorance of the rest of the world. Governments must let go of the fatal notion that nationhood requires them to make and control the money used in their territory. National currencies and global markets simply do not mix; together they make a deadly brew of currency crises and geopolitical tension and create ready pretexts for damaging protectionism. In order to globalize safely, countries should abandon monetary nationalism and abolish unwanted currencies, the source of much of today’s instability.” [10] Given the CFR’s influence in foreign, national and personal policies, this is significant.


Then on April 30, 2007 there was yet another meeting, mentioned in the alternative media but blacked-out in the mass media. This meeting was entitled: Framework for Advancing Transatlantic Economic Integration Between the United States of America and the European Union with the opening paragraph: “Believing that deeper transatlantic economic integration and growth will benefit our citizens and the competitiveness of our economies, will have global benefits, will facilitate market access for third countries and will encourage other countries to adopt the transatlantic economic model of respect for property rights, openness to investment, transparency and predictability in regulation, and the value of free markets; … [11] There is an Open Skies agreement that will take effect on March 30, 2008 and will allow EU carriers to fly to anywhere in the US and vice versa.” The conspirators reaffirmed America’s commitment to the 2005 U.S.-EU Summit Declaration on Enhancing Transatlantic Economic Integration and Growth in which they “resolved to pursue a forward-looking agenda to enhance transatlantic economic integration and growth, and our commitments from the June 2006 Summit to redouble our efforts to reduce barriers to transatlantic trade and investment and our pledge to keep our investment regimes open and to build on existing investment flows to boost growth and create jobs in the transatlantic economy.” [12]


Further it was stated: “We have identified … projects, selected from the existing work program and other programs within the existing transatlantic dialogue, that will significantly enhance transatlantic economic integration, and we resolve to achieve progress on these projects within six to eight months of the effective date of this Framework, and at latest by the time of the 2008 EU-U.S. Summit.” [13]


There are co-chairs on both sides: “The Transatlantic Economic Council is hereby established, to be co-chaired, on the U.S. side, by a U.S. Cabinet-level official in the Executive Office of the President (embedded January 2005), Allan Hubbard and on the EU side by a Member of the European Commission, Vice President Guenter Verheugen, collaborating closely with the EU Presidency.” [14] Where is our comatose Congress on this “treaty,” this plan to integrate the EU and the United States? Some Americans have been heavily distracted by the North American Union and the open-on-purpose southern border.


So what kind of individual is Allan Hubbard, a huge contributor to the Republican Party? He attended the Bilderberg meetings in 2004 and 2005. The Logan Act specifically states that it is against the law for federal officials to attend secret meetings with private citizens to develop public policies. However, the American government was represented in 2005 at Rottach-Egern by Allan Hubbard, assistant to the president for economic policy and director of the National Economic Council. Others attended as well: “William Luti, deputy under secretary of defense; James Wolfensohn, outgoing president of the World Bank and Paul Wolfowitz, deputy secretary of state, an ideologue of the Iraq war and incoming president of the World Bank. By attending Bilderberg 2005 meeting, these people all broke federal laws of the United States.” [15]So, what else is new? Laws are for the rest of us.


During the George H.W. Bush Administration, big business personalities were placed in key regulatory positions. An effort to weaken certain regulations was led by Vice President Quayle who employed a group called the White House Council on Competitiveness to spearhead the campaign. “In 1991 the Council’s executive director, Allan Hubbard, was accused of a conflict of interest because of his financial holdings in corporations that stood to benefit from a deregulatory agenda. One of those companies was an Indiana chemical producer of which Hubbard was a half-owner.” [16] This company has done business with third world dictators. [17]


“By quashing an EPA recycling regulation that affected his family’s newspaper business, Quayle violated the most minimal ethical standards. One expert bluntly described the vice president’s actions as ‘the common alley-cat breed of conflict of interest.”’  Quayle gave Hubbard a waiver from our conflict-of-interest laws. This waiver allowed Hubbard to participate in clean-air regulatory decisions that directly affected his financial interests. [18] Hubbard owned stock in an electric utility company, another industry subject to new Clean Air Act requirements. In response to these conflict of interest charges the White House displayed a waiver from conflict of interest laws that Quayle granted Hubbard in June 1991. [19]


Hubbard attended Harvard Business School with George W. Bush and appears to travel in like-minded company. Hubbard raised more than $300,000 for Bush’s presidential campaigns and was intimately involved in Bush’s 2000 presidential campaign, holding policy tutorials for the candidate and recruiting other policy advisers for the campaign. “An original Bush ‘Pioneer,’ Hubbard raised more than $100,000 for the president’s 2000 campaign, then made the list of 221 Bush supporters last year who raised more than $200,000 each. He also contributed more than $94,000 to Republican candidates and campaign committees since the 2000 election cycle, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. His wife, Kathryn Hubbard, gave nearly $20,000 more.” [20] Allan B. Hubbard has always been a big Republican contributorfor which he was undoubtedly amply rewarded.


War, financed on both sides by international bankers, desolates lives, destroys economies, depletes resources, moves massive amounts of money and promotes despair, discouragement and dependence within the population and creates more wealth and power for the corporate elite. To the elite, common humanity functions merely as cannon fodder and labor, the cheaper, the better! The purpose of war is profit. War-torn people easily fall prey to the suggestions of the elitists who have ulterior and highly profitable motives in offering security and solace.


People willingly give up their freedoms when threatened. World War II gave rise to the two new super powers: the United States and the Soviet Union, a new enemy, heavily financed by Wall Street and industrialized with our tax money and technology – in Hegelian Dialectical terms – thesis and antithesis. Owning both sides ensures success – like owning both political parties.


Economic warfare directed by the British in an effort to reclaim her American colony began with deflation through the New York Panic of 1920-21. Next was the Crash of 1929. The British banking cabal was instrumental in shaping the Federal Reserve whose policies led to the wild speculation and ultimate crash, during the Great Depression of 1929. [21] The deliberate catastrophic crash was world-wide creating joblessness, hunger, disintegration of production and national bankruptcies.


The U.S. government alleged that the Second World War was caused by serious obstacles to free trade, exacerbated by the financial events of 1929 manifested in Nazi fascism and responsible for the tensions that led to the Second World War. As a consequence of their questionable theory, the conditions of receiving American economic aid included the implementation of a free trade policy.


Winston Churchill, an agent of the British banking cabal, gave a promotional speech at Zurich University on September 19, 1946 which was the first step towards European integration. Europe found integration acceptable for three reasons: awareness of their own vulnerability, to prevent further wars, “to create a freer, fairer and more prosperous continent.” [22]


America gallantly began to fight the “war on communism,” a precursor to the “war on terrorism.” In March 1947, Harry Truman appealed to Congress for funds (tax money) to support anti-communist forces in Greece. He then proclaimed a broad new policy – The Truman Doctrine, to keep communism in check throughout the world.[23] The premeditated provocateur provided U.S. citizens with visions of Armageddon-style annihilation giving our corporate-directed government ample justification for numerous bloody wars, carnage-creating conflicts, clandestine operations and starving economic sanctions against nonconformist countries who wish to retain their natural resources.


On April 16, 1948, sixteen European countries responded to the generous offer of U.S. economic aid through the Marshall Plan, purportedly to impede the expansion of communism. [24] The Organization for European Economic Cooperation (became the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development – OECD in 1960) was established in order to restore Europe’s economy under the Marshall Plan, the economic carrot, but not without conditions. Each recipient had to sign a strict agreement promising to balance its budget, free prices, halt inflation, stabilize its exchange rate and abolish trade restrictions and allocate scarce commodities.  The recipients had to devise a scheme to allocate aid in collaboration with each other. From the beginning America encouraged West European political and economic integration. [25]


America’s economy grew during the war; especially the military/industrial complex – the shipbuilders, aircraft and weapons manufacturers – and they wanted new customers. Conversely, European and Japanese industry and infrastructure were ravished. The Marshall Plan money, by agreement, had to be used to purchase American exports. They would begin their marketing in Europe – what a radical concept for American business. [26] Bomb them and then allow campaign-contributing-businesses to reap the rewards of marketing and rebuilding.


The Treaty of Paris created the benign amalgamation of the countries of Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and West Germany. The treaty was signed on April 18, 1951 and expired on April 18, 2001. These countries were then referred to as the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) purportedly to pool their coal and steel resources, a plan wholly supported by the elitists residing in the United States. [27]


The European Community (originally called European Economic Community) was founded on March 25, 1957 by the signing of the Treaty of Rome. With such common interests as economic, social and trade matters, the manipulated countries easily morphed into the European Union which was created on February 7, 1992 in Maastricht, Netherlands, known as the Maastricht Treaty (formally, the Treaty of European Union, TEU), for the place where it was signed. The treaty was entered into force on November 1, 1993. Down with independence and personal freedoms!


It appears we are on the fast track to the One World Order. With George H. W. Bush giving or selling our infrastructure through an Executive Order and his son, things looks pretty dismal. [28]


Thomas Jefferson said: “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies . . . If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] . . . will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered . . . The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” — Thomas Jefferson — The Debate Over The Re-charter Of The Bank Bill, (1809)


Next on the agenda: the full implementation of The North American Union which began as a seemingly innocuous document called the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, just a collaboration to ensure prosperity for adjoining countries and safety from the terrorists, communists, Islamofascists or whichever enemy is currently targeted on the daily Two Minutes Hate segment distributed through the “fair and balanced”, everything-sounds-like-Fox-News, mass media by the Propaganda Ministry.[29]



The Transatlantic Community: Helping Build Peace, Prosperity, and Security in the Greater Middle East

EU/US Merger: New Global Order By Stealth

The New Transatlantic Agenda

There are arguments from both sides of the oil issue: either we are quickly running out of oil or we have adequate oil to meet our requirements for generations. Both sides offer evidence, witnesses, experts and documentation to validate their assertions. Some peak-oil projects, funded by oil companies, are highly suspect. The very credible Lindsey Williams maintains that the North Slope in Alaska has as much crude oil as Saudi Arabia. Governor Frank H. Murkowski said in 2005 that there is enough oil on the North Slope to supply the entire United States for 200 years. [1] Antony Sutton, author of Energy, the Created Crisis, is adamant that we have sufficient oil. Conversely, I have read reports which support the peak oil theory. I personally believe, after research, that “there is enough and to spare.” Doom and gloom, Chicken Little oil scarcity claims have been propagated from the beginning. A scarcity, authentic or manufactured, of any crucial commodity accomplishes the following:

1.     Increases profits to those who manipulate that commodity.

2.     Allows the controllers to determine availability to the “right” people.

3.     In the case of energy – severely impacts lifestyle, progress and prosperity.

4.     Extracts more money from an often overburdened consumer.


Henry A. Kissinger, Rockefeller’s well-compensated, multi-purpose minion and long-time member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) said: “Control the oil and you can control entire Continents. Control food and you control people.” [2] Michael Collon, Belgian author said: “If you want to rule the world, you need to control oil. All the oil. Anywhere.” [3]


The first very memorable “oil crisis” occurred in 1973. Nixon, obedient to his handlers, announced the demonetization of the dollar on August 15, 1971. This allowed time for the “real deciders” to plan their strategy. Eighty-four individuals, financial, corporate and political elitists, gathered at Saltsjöbaden, Sweden for the annual Bilderberg meeting. American attendee, Walter J. Levy, outlined the plan for a pending 400% increase in OPEC revenues, the exact percentage that Kissinger would demand of Saudi Arabian Shah. Their intentions were not prevention but rather a scheme on how to manage the projected abundance of oil dollars – what was later referred to by Herr Kissinger as “recycling the petrodollar flows.” The Bilderberg policy was to initiate a global oil embargo. [4]


An internal memo, dated January 8, 1973, from U.S. Bilderberg official Robert D. Murphy suggested a list of participants for the May 1973 meeting. He stated: “There will be room for only 20 Americans at Saltsjöbaden.” [5]


Those attending included Robert O. Anderson of Atlantic Richfield Oil Co., Lord Greenhill, chairman of British Petroleum, Sir Eric Roll of Siegmund G. Warburg (creator of Eurobonds), George Ball of Lehman Brothers Investment Bank, Henry Kissinger, William P. Bundy, Zbigniew Brzezinski (soon to be Carter’s national security advisor), David Rockefeller, Emilio G. Collado, Executive Vice President, Exxon Corp.; Gianni AgnelliOtto Wolff von Amerongen and Arthur H. Dean, CFR Director (1955-72) and a partner in Rockefeller-oriented Sullivan Cromwell. Kissinger had requested Warburg to develop the Eurobonds ten years before. [6] A very small scheming elite group, centered in New York and London, influence the economy of the entire world.


The reasons for the “oil shock” were:

1. Launch a colossal assault against world industrial growth.

2. Tilt the balance of power back to the advantage of Anglo-American financial interests.

3. Control the world’s oil flows, their most powerful weapon.

4. Increase the world demand for U.S. dollars. [7]


Egypt and Syria invaded Israel on October 6, 1973 which came to be known as the Yom Kippur War. This war was “secretly orchestrated” by Herr Henry Kissinger, Nixon’s national security adviser as well as Secretary of State. Kissinger effectively managed the Israeli response through his close association with Simcha Dinitz. Kissinger, “Nixon’s intelligence czar,” through privileged channels, misrepresented motives, suppressed communications, and intercepted intelligence reports ensured that the war would progress and end with his “shuttle diplomacy” as planned in May 1973 at Saltsjöbaden. The Arabs, scapegoats for the Elite, were the recipients of the world’s rage and Kissinger was the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize for 1973. [8]


A “fortuitous coincidence” was that, with oil’s huge price increase, British Petroleum, Royal Dutch Shell and other Anglo-American oil companies were able to substantially recoup the millions they had spent in the exploration of the North Sea oilfields. Meanwhile, in Vienna, OPEC countries met and decided to raise their prices by 70% and initiated an oil embargo on all oil sales to the U.S. and the Netherlands (major oil port for Western Europe) because of the U.S. support for Israel in the Middle East War. On October 17, 1973, OPEC demanded withdrawal of Israel from Arab territories occupied since June 1967 and the restoration of the legal rights of the Palestinians. Nixon was in the midst of Watergate, orchestrated by de facto president Kissinger and assisted by Alexander Haig. [9] There are detectable reasons for Kissinger, a Rockefeller asset, to “Watergate” Nixon, a man he detested and swore he would never work for – he didn’t. [10] In addition, the Watergate fiasco distracted the masses from the grave economic situation.


Uninformed Nixon attempted to get U.S. Treasury officials to force OPEC to lower oil prices but was bluntly instructed, via a memo, that the bankers had mandated the dollar “recycling” program to accommodate the higher oil prices. Jack F. Bennett, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Monetary Affairs (until July 1974), had counseled Nixon towards his 1971 dollar demonetization decision. Bennett, at Kissinger’s direction and according to an established agreement with the Saudis to finance the U.S. government deficits, had arranged for David C. Mulford to go to Saudi Arabia to act as an “investment adviser” to SAMA. His job was to “guide the Saudi petrodollars investments to the correct banks, naturally in London and New York. The Bilderberg scheme was operating just as planned.” [11]


Led by Exxon, some oil companies had created a short supply of domestic crude oil, supported by Nixon on advice from his aids. By January 1974, oil prices had increased by 400%. In December 1974, nine powerful bankers, including David Rockefeller, approached New York mayor Abraham Beame. They made him an offer he could not refuse – unless he assigned management of the city’s vast pension funds to them – the Municipal Assistance Corporation – then their complicit media cronies would financially destroy the city. This decreased the amount of money available for roadways, bridges, hospitals, schools and the laying-off of tens of thousands of city workers in order for New York City, the biggest city in the country, to service their bank debt. Similar circumstances occurred in other parts of the world: bank collapses, grave trade deficits, unemployment, inflation, and industrial and transportation depression in the more industrial nations. In third-world countries, the consequences were even more severe. [12]


While devastating to the populace, the oil companies flourished: Exxon, Mobil, Texaco, Chevron, and Gulf. OPEC’s petrodollars were deposited into the right banks in New York and London: Chase Manhattan, Citibank, Manufacturers Hanover, Bank of America, Barclays, Lloyds and Midland Bank. [13] These events set the stage for the debt crisis of the 1980s.


The globalist decision of August 1971 to remove the dollar from a fixed, gold-backed exchange rate system generated a shift to double-digit inflation, urban decay, mounting unemployment and excessive interest rates. The Kissinger-orchestrated Middle East oil crisis of 1973-74 was designed to de-industrialize and eventually transform the United States from the world’s largest creditor nation to the world’s biggest debtor nation.


A review of history further helps to reveal ruthless business patterns that have shaped current circumstances – including yet another war resulting in death and bloodshed for the benefit of the greedy, insatiable elite.


Beginning with the Civil War, the opportunistic, monopolistic John D. Rockefeller sold inflated-priced Harkness whiskey to the Federal troops. Recognizing the huge profitability in war with the right commodity, he built his first oil refinery in 1863 along the Cuyahoga River (Ohio) to accommodate the growing needs of the raging Civil War which he and others, like J. P. Morgan, had purchased their way out of for $300.


The Rothschild controlled National City Bank of Cleveland gave Rockefeller his first loan. In 1865 Rockefeller, for $72,500, bought out his partners (Henry Flagler, Samuel Andrews, Stephen V. Harkness) and price-chopped or otherwise destroyed his competitors by purchasing supporting industries such as pipelines, railroad tank cars, terminal facilities and barrel manufacturing factories. He soon incorporated the growing imperialistic Standard Oil Company in 1870 to fully exploit the growing Russian kerosene market as well as the curative “snake-oil” market in the U.S.


In what Ohio historian Christopher Eiben called “a brilliant stroke of corporate back scratching,” “Rockefeller sold shares to bankers who lent him millions and railroaders who gave him great freight deals, including rebates on rivals’ shipments.” [14] “Working through the Wall Street firms of Kuhn, Loeb Co., and J. P. Morgan Co., the Rothschilds financed John D. Rockefeller so that he could create the Standard Oil Empire. They also financed the activities of Edward Harriman (railroads) and Andrew Carnegie (steel).” [15]


By 1873 Standard Oil, by hook or crook, had acquired about 80 percent of the refining capacity in Cleveland which was about one third of the U.S. total. Interestingly enough, the stock market crashed on September 18, 1873 and created a six year recession allowing Standard Oil to seize refineries in Pennsylvania’s oil region, Pittsburgh,Philadelphia and New York. Rockefeller controlled approximately 90% of the oil refined as well as most of the oil marketing facilities in the U.S. by 1878. [16] Ruthless Rockefeller, who detested competition, founded the first global monopoly and was supplying 90% of the world’s oil, 70% overseas. Great Britain also experienced economic depression in 1873 replete with pandemic unemployment and bankruptcies. Two years later, the Rothschilds provided a sizeable loan (£4,080,000) to enable the British government to acquire a controlling share of the Suez Canal. [17]


Rockefeller had built the world’s biggest business in Cleveland, Ohio. Standard Oil sold over “300 refining byproducts” from Vaseline to chewing gum. In 1882, he created the Standard Oil Trust, suggested by Samuel Dodd, Standard Oil’s attorney, to eviscerate and devour all of the independent oil producers and refiners both nationally (250 competitors in the U.S.) and internationally. A trust is when stockholders in a group of companies transfer their shares to a single set of trustees who control all of the companies which constitutes a monopoly. “In exchange, the stockholders received certificates entitling them to a specified share of the consolidated earnings of the jointly managed companies.” [18] Rockefeller’s “trust” became an example to other “businessmen” who embraced the “trust” concept – always at the expense of the working man. Rockefeller took his growing Goliath to Manhattan in 1883 where he “influenced urban sprawl.” [19]


Russia’s oil industry accelerated in the latter part of the 19th century due to an oil boom at the Caspian Sea town of Baku, which had opened in 1873 and at Galicia (now in Poland). The Rothschild banking family had major interests in the oil-wells of Baku, Russia. Beginning in 1875, Ludvig and Robert Nobel built an oil empire known as the Brothers Nobel, or Branobel, based on oil deposits in Baku on the Caspian Sea. [20] By 1883, Standard Oil’s imports were not as essential to the Russian market for reasons that follow. [21]


Britain’s Marcus Samuel, future founder of Shell Oil, developed tankers capable of carrying oil in cost-cutting bulk transport through the Suez Canal. The maiden voyage of the “Murex,” the first tanker, was in 1892. Remember, Great Britain had a controlling interest in the Suez Canal, thanks to the Rothschilds. Marcus and his brother also established bulk oil storage at ports in the Far East. In addition, they contracted with a Russian group, controlled by the Rothschilds, “for the long-term supply of kerosene” which put them in high-risk direct competition, abhorrent to Rockefeller, with Standard Oil. The Samuel brothers named their company The Tank Syndicate but renamed it in 1897 to the Shell Transport and Trading Company. [22]


Rockefeller and his accomplices felt that they were above the law until the passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act on July 2, 1890, enacted by Congress based on their Constitutional power to regulate interstate commerce. It was signed into law by President Benjamin Harrison. In 1892, the Ohio Supreme Court ordered the disbanding of the Standard Oil Trust, an illegal monopoly. “Standard Oil was subsequently reorganized in 1899 as a holding company under the name of Standard Oil Company of New Jersey. That state had conveniently adopted a law that permitted a parent company to own the stock of other companies.” [23]


In 1896 Standard Oil contributed $250,000 to Republican William McKinley’s presidential campaign against Democrat William Jennings Bryan, a supporter of antitrust legislation. [24] McKinley was opposed to the imperialistic, expansionist Spanish-American War. Yet, to retain office in the next election, he asked Congress to declare war against Spain in 1898. He signed the Gold Standard Act in 1900.


In September 1901, William McKinley, allegedly a Rockefeller tool, was shot by Leon Czolgosz (son of Polish immigrants), labeled as an “anarchist” although he didn’t belong to any rebel groups. Czolgosz was immediately “tried and executed by the Establishment.” The assassination was manipulated by the Establishment to subtly discredit rebellion and anyone who might justifiably dissent. The Elite, in any age, would actually prefer to prohibit dissent. It is similar to our current administration saying: “Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th…” [25] and by implication – let us never tolerate conspiracy theorists.


Following the assassination, various anti-sedition and anti-conspiracy laws were passed by the Establishment. Who benefited by McKinley’s death – Teddy Roosevelt who was supported by the contending Morgan (as opposed to Rockefeller) wing of the Republican Party. Roosevelt immediately started using the anti-trust weapon to try to destroy Rockefeller’s Standard Oil and Harriman’s Northern Securities, both bitter enemies of the Morgan world empire. [26]


Woodrow Wilson, son of a Presbyterian minister, had the financial and political support of the Rockefellers, Jacob Schiff, Bernard Baruch, and others in his successful 1910 bid for governor of New Jersey. They also had the love letters he wrote to Mary Peck, his mistress while he was president of Princeton (1902-1910), for which they paid $65,000. [27] Therefore he later made the perfect, morally compromised presidential candidate. The following unconstitutional acts were engineered during the administration of the obedient Rockefeller minion, Woodrow Wilson:

1913: The Sixteenth Amendment – authorized income taxes (never ratified)

           The Seventeenth Amendment – direct popular election of Senators

           Underwood Tariff – lowered duties

           Federal Reserve Act – created the un-federal Federal Reserve System


Through the years, Standard Oil received bad press as a result of their cutthroat business practices and the muckraking reports of people like Ida Tarbell and writer/activist Upton Sinclair. Rockefeller hired Ivy Lee in 1914 as their public relations manager to clean up their image and appear philanthropic. [28] A public relations professional, with media complicity, also discredits or disgraces any national or foreign opponent.


For decades, voters merely decide to cast a vote – the actual decisions regarding candidates and the orchestrated consequences of those calculated choices are made in covert CFR committee meetings, Bilderberg assemblies, pentagon offices and corporate boardrooms. Voters ultimately suffer the extreme penalties and the elite benefactors, the “deciders” remain unscathed.


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