Cannabis Oil Eradicates Malignant Tumor in Baby – Confirmed by Physician

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Cannabis Oil Eradicates Malignant Tumor in Baby – Confirmed by Physician

Can cannabis oil aid in the eradication of malignant tumors? There is a steady stream of research indicating its powers to cause programmed cell death, that is apopotosis, of a number of cancer cell tissues. A California doctor, William Courtney, claims to have a case of a real full-fledged cure.

Per the Huffington Post saying he was “quite a skeptic 5 or 6 years ago,” Courtney continued, stating that his “youngest patient is 8 months old and had a very massive centrally located inoperable brain tumor.” The child’s father insisted upon using cannabis oil versus traditional therapy. As a result, the tumor was eradicated. Currently, the child is being called a miracle baby.


The brain scan/MRI shows complete eradication of the tumor, which was originally the whitish-creamy-colored lesion in the center. Using high cannabidiol oil (CBD oil), measuring some 3.8%, ultimately and, in fact, in short order the tumor mass was eradicated.


The high CBD oil worked on the naturally occurring cannaboid receptors in the brain, leading to an improvement in the local immunity and resistance as well as the systematic destruction of the tumor mass. A more likely mechanism is a direct action of the oil on tumor cells themselves. Like brain cells these cells also have cannaboid receptors. It is believed that cannabidiol oil acts directly on these recepters, causing an alteration in the cell membrane that leads to the shunting of calcium into the cells. A high influx of calcium within cancer cells distrupts their endoplasmic reticulum, leading to cell death.

Wild oregano has the same action, as it, too, acts directly on cancer cells’ cannbidiol receptors. A combination of wild oregano crude herb with Rhus coriaria, along with CBD oil, would be an ideal therapeutic model in naturalistic cancer treatment. Another powerful remedy for acting on these receptor sites is the water soluble fraction of wild oregano extract, the hydrosol or juice of wild oregano, as well as the wild oregano oil itself (edible type, high-mountain, non-GMO; beware of cheap imitations made with high thymol herbs, thymol being toxic to the liver).

Recent research demonstrates that wild oregano contains a substance known as beta carophyllin, which acts powerfully on cannaboid receptor sites. Incredibly, beta carophyllin is also one of the key active antiinflammatory compounds in cannabis oil. In fact, like wild oregano, in cannabis oil extract it is the key aromatic, volatile cannaboid receptor agent. Regarding beta carophyllene according to recent scientific investigations it is a “major component in Cannabis.”

Like cannabis oil wild oregano oil, whole crude herb, and wild, aromatic water-based essence causes rapid apoptotis in cancer cell lines. In a study conducted at Long Island University it was found that the active ingredient of wild oregano oil, carvacrol, caused program cell death of prostate cancer cell lines. Wild oregano contains some 34 highly active aromatic substances, carvacrol and beta carophyllene merely being two of the most well studied. It is hoped that in the future these powerful sources of cannaboid receptor agents will be combined in a therapeutic agent for use as an alternative agent in degenerative diseases, including cancer, arthritis, inflammatory disorders, diabetes, and far more.

It is not implausible to achieve eradication of tumors in a rather short period of time. Spontaneous remissions are well-published. In some cases significant, regular doses of wild oregano-based natural medicines have achieved precisely such results, that is a rapid destruction of tumor masses, along with the restoration of health.

Note: this is not an endorsement for the smoking of marijuana. Such smoking has known, proven toxicity and must never be recommended as a treatment of choice, in particular for youths. The exception is those who must use the drug for palliative purposes, as in the treatment of nausea and vomiting or pain associated with AIDS, neurological conditions, and cancer. Even then, there are far safer natural therapeutics available for treating such pain syndromes, as well as nausea and vomiting, than smoking a drug-like plant complex.


How Cannabinoids Kill Cancer – Dennis Hill

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