Canada Sponsored Neo Nazi Group in ’90’s

racetraitor.jpgFrom 1988-1994, Canadian taxpayers got their first taste
of government-sponsored terror.

The neo Nazi “Heritage Front” was financed by the Canadian Security
and Intelligence Service (CSIS) and led by its agent, Grant Bristow.

It was brought down by a gutsy 18-year-old street waif, Elisa Hategan.

and filmmakers don’t want you to know it.

By Henry Makow Ph.D.

“Race Traitor” was the epithet thrown at Elisa Hategan,18, by her former Nazi friends after she defected from the Heritage Front and testified against its leaders.

When Elisa was 16, she joined the group and was quickly recognized for her writing and speaking talents. A Romanian immigrant with an abusive mother, the poverty stricken Toronto street kid found a surrogate family in the motley group of neo Nazis.

She was trusted by its leader Grant Bristow and friends like Ernst Zundel to perform a variety of confidential tasks. But when Bristow launched a terrorist campaign against anti racist activists, ranging from psychological harassment (eg. telling employers and landlords they are pedophiles) to vicious beatings, kidnappings and rapes, Elisa defected to the other side. Her testimony was instrumental in putting some leaders (not Bristow) in jail and in later disbanding the group.

hf.PNGWith more than 2000 members, the Heritage Front was a potent subversive organization responsible for vicious beatings, arson and bombings. Its members dressed in the popular skinhead costume, accumulated an arsenal of illegal weapons and planned for a Day of Reckoning when all “race traitors” would have their throats slit. Their inspiration was Hitler’s takeover of Germany.

Toronto in the early 90’s began to resemble Berlin in the 1920’s with street battles between neo-Nazi skinheads and their anti racist opponents.

Toronto police actually collaborated with the Heritage Front. The head of the “hate crimes” unit met with a Heritage Front leader to identify anti racist activists from pictures. Some cops were Heritage Front members.

The Heritage Front also infiltrated and provided security for the Canadian Reform Party, the forerunner of Stephen Harper’s Conservative Party. Its leader at the time, Preston Manning has since spoken out against this government operation.


When Hategan and her anti-racist supporters provided enough information to arrest Heritage Front leaders and members, the police mysteriously refused to act. After testifying, Hategan went underground but she was stalked by a power far more capable than Bristow, who was a former strip club comedian turned private detective.

In 1994, Toronto Sun reporter Bill Dunphy revealed that Bristow was a CSIS agent, and that the Heritage Front was a CSIS operation known as “Governor.”

Since Bristow was not responsible for a single arrest, one can only speculate on the purpose of this operation. Governments initiate 90% of terrorism. It’s a pretext for a police state apparatus. It promotes fear and division, prerequisites for control. ISIS is a bogeyman like the Heritage Front was.


The Canadian government has stonewalled inquiries into its sponsorship of the Heritage Front. Grant Bristow has been given a new identity and a large pay-off and pension. Canadian Jewish organizations have honored him for his work!

hategan-article1.jpg(left, SIRC, the government committee that oversees CSIS whitewashed the operation.)

Meanwhile Elisa Hategan struggled not just for subsistence, but to be heard. She self-published Race Traitor in 2014 but Canadian publishers, like their police counterparts, won’t touch the story. It implicates the federal government in all terrorist activities. 

Race Traitor is gripping and poignant testimony to the resistance of the human spirit to tyranny.
Elisa Hategan should have been honored and rewarded. Instead she has been marginalized. Her treatment proves that the political, economic and cultural elite constitutes a colonial administration.

They don’t represent the people. They represent the Masonic Jewish (Illuminati) central banking cartel and its agenda for world government tyranny. 

Note: This book was an eyeopener for me. As you know, I believe race, religion, nation and family are the four legs of human identity. That’s why the Illuminati tries to destroy them. I have corresponded with Ernst Zundel and others linked to the Heritage Front (like Marc Lemire, Paul Fromm & the Canadian government) on the issue of free speech. It’s important never to cross the line between defending our human identity and behaving immorally. Unlike the Illuminati and their Communist spawn, I do not believe the end justifies the means.

Thanks to Ann Diamond for this tip.


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