Can We Really Trust the Internet to Make Us Smarter?

Orig.src.Susanne.Posel.Daily.News- Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | The US Independent
December 9, 2014


The Pew Research Internet Project (PRIP) conducted a poll that showed the reason why print media is dying – because everyone is online.

Of the 1,066 participants in the survey, PRIP showed statistically that 75% (or 1 in 7) agree they are “better informed due to online websites” used on a daily basis.

The researchers wrote that “87% of online adults say the internet and cell phones have improved their ability to learn new things, including 53% who say it has improved this ‘a lot.’ Internet users under age 50, those in higher income households, and those with higher educational attainment are especially likely to say the internet and cell phones help them ‘a lot’ when it comes to learning new things.”

Seventy-two percent of those polled said “having so much news and information available whenever, wherever was a good thing.”

Last year a previous study conducted by the Pew Research Center (PRC) showed that trends changing with the times drastically effect how Americans get their news.

  • 50% said the internet is a main source of national and international news
  • 71% of 18 – 29 year olds said the internet is their main source of news
  • 63% of 30 – 49 year olds get their news online
  • 19% of users say social media is a source for news
  • 64% of tablet owners and 62% of smartphone owners said they got news on their devices
  • 60% of tablet news users and 61% of smartphone news users get news mostly from their device’s browser
  • 65% of those who consider the internet a main news source say news organizations are politically biased
  • 34% of the Twitter discourse about Hurricane Sandy was news and information

The internet has had a big impact on consumerism and how purchasing decisions are made. Social media also plays a role as an “integral decision-making” influencer when customers are on the lookout for new products.

During the 2014 mid-term elections social media had a big influence. Facebook asked users to either confirm they are “a voter” or prompts users to find “more information”.

A button revealed a map of the US provided by the website, Get to the Polls, which will assist any voter in locating their polling place with a map of the route provided.

To assist their users, Google altered their home page to become a directory for those voters who may not know where to go. By inputting their private data, potential voters could find “election-based search results” and find the fastest route to their respective voting polls place.

Having an internet-savvy mindset can also help with interconnectedness as another report released earlier this year by Fortinet showed .

The findings revealed that 61% of Americans expect to have a connected electronics, appliances and homes by 2020.

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