Cameron pledges to speed up crackdown on City fat cats¿ pay

  • PM says pay shake-up is as important as reform of benefit system
  • Firms could be forced to publish pay of top executives and lowest paid employees

Jason Groves

Last updated at 10:36 PM on 1st January 2012

Fast-track: David Cameron is to speed up plans to curb fat cat pay as he pledges to tackle 'excess' in the City

Fast-track: David Cameron is to speed up plans to curb fat cat pay as he pledges to tackle ‘excess’ in the City

David Cameron is to fast-track plans to curb fat cat pay as he today pledges to tackle ‘excess’ in the City.

Proposals to give shareholders greater control over top pay – including powers to claw back unwarranted bonuses – could be brought forward ‘within weeks’.

The move follows mounting government concern about the ‘corrosive’ impact of huge pay awards at a time of austerity.

But it also comes only days after Mr Cameron found himself embroiled in a fresh row about his party’s links to the City following the award of a knighthood to Tory donor and hedge fund boss Paul Ruddock, whose firm made £100million speculating on the collapse of Northern Rock.

In a sober New Year’s message today, the Prime Minister says the shake-up of executive pay is as important as reform of the benefit system in making Britain a fairer society.

‘I will be bold about working to cure the problems of our society,’ he says. ‘While a few at the top get rewards that seem to have nothing to do with the risks they take or the effort they put in, many others are stuck on benefits without hope or responsibility.

‘So we will tackle excess in the City just as we’re reforming welfare to make work pay and support families.’ Mr Cameron is said to have approved the moves on executive pay after a report in October revealed that the pay of FTSE-100 directors soared by 49 per cent last year and now averages £3.8million.

Ministers are also considering measures to make the pay of top executives more transparent and strengthen the links between pay and performance.

Firms could be required to publish the pay ratio of their top executive compared with their lowest paid employee.

The Prime Minister says the shake-up of executive pay among City bankers is as important as reform of the benefit system in making Britain a fairer society

The Prime Minister says the shake-up of executive pay among City bankers is as important as reform of the benefit system in making Britain a fairer society

Aides believe the measures will help counter criticism that ministers have been too soft on the banks and the City.

A government source said Mr Cameron recognised the ‘corrosive’ effect on society of huge pay awards that were not linked to performance. ‘It’s about fairness,’ the source said.

Today’s message also contains a fresh warning about the dual threat posed by the eurozone crisis and Britain’s own debt mountain.

Mr Cameron says the Coalition’s deficit reduction programme has protected Britain ‘for now’ – but warns of the need to ‘do more to bring our economy back to health’.


He adds: ‘We’ve got clear and strong plans to bring down our deficit, which gives us some protection from the worst of the debt storms now battering the eurozone. We have gained security for now – and because of that we must be bold, confident and decisive about building the future.’

Later this week Mr Cameron will hold a series of public meetings around the country to spell out the continuing need for austerity measures.

The Prime Minister also uses today’s message to pledge a new drive to reform public services following the neutering of radical health reforms last year by his Liberal Democrat Coalition partners and the medical professionals.

In provocative comments that are likely to anger public sector unions, he says: ‘I am determined to do the bold things it will take to sort out public services, too.

‘Too often our schools aren’t up to scratch, our hospitals aren’t always clean enough and our police don’t catch criminals. Brilliant and committed people work in public services – but somehow the system stops them doing their job. So we’ll change it.’ Government sources said tight budgets made reform of the public sector more important than ever if better services were to be achieved.

Mr Cameron stresses that ministers are fully aware of the impact of the financial squeeze on ordinary families who are ‘worried about what else the year might bring’.

He says: ‘There are fears about jobs and paying the bills. The search for work has become difficult, particularly for young people. And rising prices have hit household budgets. I get that. We are taking action on both fronts. I know how difficult it will be to get through this. But I also know that we will.’

He also urges businesses and individuals to seize the opportunity provided by the London Olympics and the Queen’s diamond jubilee to sell Britain to the world. ‘It gives us an extraordinary incentive to look outward, look onwards and to look our best: To feel pride in who we are and what – even in these trying times – we can achieve,’ he says.

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How can you feel proud of a country that looks after everyone else in the world before it looks after it’s own aged and sick? A country that takes so much from people who work hard and pay their taxes to give to lazy good for nothings that constantly hold their hands out for benefits they don’t deserve? A country that lets it’s young men and women die in wars that are not justified? Make this country better for it’s citizens first and then we can help the countries that need our help.

We have been hearing about this in one form or another ever since the last election. I doubt if anyone seriously believes a single word of it. It will go quite for a few months until the Goldfish memory of the public ‘kicks in’ before the Government make the same announcement all over again!

‘It gives us an extraordinary incentive to look outward, look onwards and to look our best: To feel pride in who we are and what – even in these trying times – we can achieve,’ he says.
**************** Not according to the photographs which the DM has recently posted showing the Best of British draped over and around the lampposts and in the gutters Dave, the whole country should be absolutely ashamed.

MPs’ pay and perks are in the public domain but that doesn’t stop THEM from awarding themselves huge pay rises and increased perks. More empty bluster from Cameron.

Sorry mate, but this is just more knee jerk political rhetoric. You will never do it.

Same old story, all words and no action. The City must be quaking in their boots!!

Blah Blah Blah – cover your ears and wait for the whoosh as the U – turn passes by.
Heard it all before Dave.

Dream on!

Cameron needs to put a stop to the mass Colonisation of OUR Country.

‘Could be. within weeks?? What’s taking so long?? I don’t believe a word. The British politicians are in big businesses pockets…. and the British public know it. Nothing will happen.

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