Burma releases 651 prisoners in major step towards democracy

After his meeting, he said: ”All the ministers affirmed that they will release
political prisoners. I urge them to do so quickly.

“The world is watching now and making up its mind now about events in
this country. It’s important to proceed without delay. The EU makes its
decision in April, so the government here will want to bear that in mind,”
he said.

Burma’s leadership, including powerful former army generals, appears to have
moved quickly on his advice.

Those released included Min Ko Naing, the student leader known as the “conqueror
of Kings”, who has spent 19 years in prison since he was arrested in

They also include prominent Shan minoritiy leaders, including Sai Nyunt Lwin,
secretary Shan Nationalities’ League for Democracy (SNLD), who was released
from Kalaymyo prison.

He told Reuters news agency all other leaders of his group, including its
chairman Khun Tun Oo, were released from prisons throughout Burma this

He was later quoted on the Democratic Voice of Burma website saying he should
never have been jailed. “I feel no emotion at all to be released because I
wasn’t supposed to be arrested in the first place.

“I didn’t commit any of the crimes they accused me of – there was no
national treason. I have wasted seven years of my life for something I
didn’t do and there’s nothing to be happy about now,” he said.

Shin Gambira, the Buddhist monk and leader of the 2007 “Saffron Revolution”,
said he had been beaten up and put in solitary confinement during his

“It was very bad in the beginning,” he said. “I was kept in solitary
confinement when I arrived in Insein prison [in 2008], then also in Mandalay
prison. I was beaten up and then put in solitary confinement in Khamtee
prison. I was also in solitary confinement for the first month I arrived in
Kalay Prison. And then I was transferred to Myaungmya Prison on December 16
and now I’m out.

“The conditions in the prisons initially was very bad – there was no
sufficient medical supply and no doctor. I think [Burma] has still a long
way to go. Although they are releasing prisoners now, they still have the
characteristics of a dictatorship. What kind of democracy is this? They had
to wait until today to release us,” he told DVB.

But another released prisoner, Nilar Thein, who was released Along with her
husband from Thayawady Prison, spoke of her joy and determination to rejoin
the democracy movement.

“I’m happy, and I will be very happy to see my family. We will get involved in
democratic reform with Auntie [Aung San Suu Kyi]. The reforms introduced by
President Thein Sein and Auntie Suu are what we have so long been waiting
for,” she told The Irrawaddy.

Officials from Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy and the
Association for Political Prisoners Burma (AAPP) were this morning combing
through their ‘prisoner lists’ to establish how many and which prisoners had
been released.

Differences between the two groups over how many political prisoners are being
held in Burma appear to have been a factor in the government delaying

NLD officials believe there were 591 political prisoners, while the AAPP
claims there are 1600. NLD officials said the government feared making a
significant amnesty announcement which could be denounced as insufficient by
the ABPP.

One official told Reuters the 651 prisoners who appear to have been released
include 308 ‘prisoners of conscience’ and 148 former intelligence officers,
including the former prisme minister and head of military intelligence
General Khin Nyunt, who was released from house arrest.

Local media however said 591 – all of those on the NLD’s list of political
prisoners – had been released.

Western diplomats in Rangoon today said the amnesty amounted to a “very
significant” move by the Burmese government which would bring the lifting of
European Union sanctions closer.

“This is a very significant day and a big step towards meeting the concerns of
Western governments and the international community. They have not defined
how many are political prisoners but it would appear there are potentially
500 political prisoners. Everyone is still collating information,” one
Western diplomat in Rangoon told The Daily Telegraph.

General Khin Nyunt was reported as telling crowds outside his home he was
happy to be released but was concerned that some of his men remained in

The Irrawaddy website quoted him voicing support for Aung San Suu Kyi. “I
welcome Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s efforts. If she is in the Hluttaw
[Parliament], it will be better than it is now because she is brave and
outspoken,” he said.

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