Bullied schoolgirl leaped to her death from bridge over main road amid rumours of ‘promiscuous behaviour’

Gavin Allen

Last updated at 4:19 PM on 5th January 2012

A schoolgirl leaped to her death from a bridge over a main road after being bullied by people at school and around her family home, with rumours circulating that she was ‘promiscuous’, an inquest heard today.

The inquiry into the death of Simone Grice, 15, heard that there were suggestions she had been meeting men in a supermarket car park for sex.

She had also been the subject of bullying by people living around the family home and was being home-taught after being taken out of school because of bullying there.

Vulnerable: Simone Grice, 15, threw herself from bridge after being bullied at school and by people around her home

Vulnerable: Simone Grice, 15, threw herself from bridge after being bullied at school and by people around her home

On the night she died in July 2009, the hearing was told, she came home and asked her mother Linda to call the police and a doctor, before changing her mind and disappearing from the house in Mennaye Gardens, Redruth, near Cornwall.

Simone claimed she had suffered bleeding but the post-mortem examination found no evidence of injuries. The inquest heard she had previously feared she was pregnant, but it was a false alarm.

She threw herself off a bridge over the A30, dying instantly from chest injuries. With her were a rag doll and a picture of a man.

Text messages she sent that day to two people known as Jay and Robert X, were read to the hearing in Camborne, Cornwall.

Tragic scene: Simone Grice threw herself to her death from the Tolskithy Bridge over the A30 near Redruth Cornwall

Tragic scene: Simone Grice threw herself to her death from the Tolskithy Bridge over the A30 near Redruth Cornwall

One from Jay, sent the morning of July
13, the day she died, read: ‘I have a major problem at 8 this morning 2
police came they are watching me and my car. If I’m seen with you I
will be locked up. Plz don’t call again.’.

Later she replied: ‘4 f***s sake! I look older than 15 my mum didnt ring the police, wasn’t Babs (her aunt). How?’

Confession: Simone told her mother Linda Grice, pictured here at Camborne Magistrates Court, about seeing something she couldn't live with

Confession: Simone told her mother Linda Grice, pictured here at Camborne Magistrates Court, about seeing something she couldn’t live with

In a text to Robert X shortly before she
died she said: ‘I cannot wait until I am 16. I hope my life will be more
easy and il have a better understanding of things.’

Linda Grice, the teenager’s mother, told the inquest her daughter was not promiscuous.

But she added that Simone had recently split up with her boyfriend, who was not named, and had been associating with two other men. The nature of those relationships was not made clear.

She told the inquest that when her daughter came home that night she seemed troubled and had experienced ‘something she couldn’t live with’.

‘I tried to get her to talk to me about it but she wouldn’t tell me what it was,’ she said.

The inquest heard that Simone’s home life was ‘chaotic and cluttered’ and she had previously briefly been placed on the council’s register of vulnerable children.

She had also seen her GP over mental health problems linked to school bullying, which had improved after she left the school.


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Gosh this is sad.How many stories of teens killing themselves do we hear in the papers?Poor girl rest in peace.

She must have been so distraught to choose such an awful death.

The poor girl is dead, there’s no need to air her laundry in public.

The poor, poor girl. How tragic that the emotions can be so strong as to mislead one into the final sacrifice.

Poor girl how bad must she have felt to do that. No doubt social networking had a hand in this, it makes things so much worse.

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