Bull S#it Lies They Told You-COVID-19 Linked To Long-Term Decline In Sperm Quality

“Months of exhaustion, persistent loss of taste and smell, blood clotting issues, and now low sperm count. The list of long-term side effects of COVID-19 continues to expand.”

If you took a Killer Jab, they F##KED you up the ass.
Probably killed you unless you were one of the lucky ones who got a placebo jab.

There was and is no “COVID-19”

Some folks fall down kicking as soon as they get the Killer Jab.
Others die within days or weeks.

Still others will last a year, two or three and die of “unexplained sudden deaths”, heart attacks or turbo cancers.

The third killer jab seems to be when the deaths really ramp up.

In Seden where the Killer Jabs were not FORCED on people, the unjabbed did not die with “COVID”

In order to have identified a new “virus”, samples must be taken from sick persons you believe to have some “new” illness.

Those samples have to be identified, purified, isolated.
You must be able to reproduce the virus in the absence of other organic material.

Test subjects then exposed to the identified, purified, isolated virus, must get sick with the same illness.

This never happened with “COVID-19”

216 health/science institutions worldwide all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever

No Worries No Virus


And this masking shit!

A few minuets researching mask studies will prove to all but the really stupid dust and surgical mask are as useless as teats on a boar hog for stopping viruses, even if the mythical “SARS-COV-02 “virus” really existed.

“Personal Distancing” and communistic Penal Code Lock Downs?

So how much more of the evil F##ks sh#t are you sheep going to take?

Every thing they try to say you are suffering from due to “COVID-19” which has been proved no to exist, is because you dropped your pants, bent over and spread the cheeks of your ass so they could F##k you up the ass with a killer jab.

I wear a Tee shirt sometimes with a wolf on it and the caption “REVENGE IS BENEATH ME, BUT ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN”.


The Sheeple committed suicide in mass-
Bleating frantically to be injected in their sheep’s ass-

The herd shook in fear of an imaginary foe-
So that straight through the slaughterhouse door they did go-

They delivered their lambs up for the slaughter to save themselves-
Believing in a mythical “virus” same as they did honest government and garden elves-

They clambered to get to the front of the line for the killer jab-
Of a biological kill weapon developed in a Ratschild controlled & funded lab-

They bleated angrily at any who did not want to comply-
With the mass suicide pact, any who refused to buy-

The lies of the “Health Experts”, media and government whores-
Any who did not bow down to group think, of the mass hysteria mores-

In the end when the vaxxed sheep had left their bones bleaching in the sun-
When those guilty of the farce had been by crazed & grieving relatives run-

Into blind alleys, places with no exits, back rooms and such-
As the guilty whores pleaded their innocence and for mercy so very much-

The survivors who lost friends, lovers, children, spouses, grandparents to the lying Rats-
Beat the evil sons of bitches brains out with rusty tire irons and base ball bats!

The Ole Dog!

Source of Deceptive headline and quoted lie:


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