Bull S#it Head Line – Most young Americans want Israel given to Hamas – poll- BUT THERE IS NO “STATE” CALLED ISRAEL, JUST CRIMINALLY, ILLEGALLY, MILITARILY OCCUPIED PALESTINE

“Over half of US adults from ages 18 to 24 believe the ongoing crisis in Gaza should be resolved by abolishing the state of Israel and turning it over to Hamas and the Palestinian people, a new poll has found.”

The poll is flawed.

In my younger years I wasted much time in classrooms at Institutions of Higher “education”.
One class I took was Statistics.

Part of the class was when they taught us how to use loaded questions used in such a way to arrive at the results those paying for the poll wanted.

Kind of like the old example of entrapping someone as a guilty scum bag even if they have never hit their wife by asking the question “DO YOU STILL BEAT YOUR WIFE”, yes or no?

In the above poll false words, the BIG LIE

was used to try to underhandedly try to give the appearance of legality to an illegal crime cabal.

There is no modern day Israel.
There is only occupied Palestine.

The Rothschilds

run Britain, LOCK, STOCK & BARREL.

had the UK which they run, instigate World War One for the Rothschilds

In due time Germany which DID NOT start the war, DID NOT WANT the war, from a position of being on top generously told Britain why don’t we just stop killing each other and everyone go home?

The Rothschilds told Britain, hold on.
They told Britain if you agree to steal Palestine for the Rothschilds, we will drag America into the war to save you from defeat in the war you started for us.

Britain agreed.
It was called the Balfour Declaration.

Winston Churchill who was owned by the Rothschilds LOCK, STOCK & BARREL who was Lord of the Admiralty at the time, arranged for the HMS LUSITANIA, a passenger ship illegally loaded (illegal to use passenger ships to transport war materials under Admiralty Law or the Law of the Sea) with illegal war materials (US was claiming neutrality in the war) to kill Germans to be sunk by German U Boats off the coast of Ireland with American passengers on board.

Germany had taken full page ads in major US newspapers warning Americans not to sail on the ship as it was illegally loaded with illegal war supplies to kill Germans and this was a legal war target.

US “government” which was in on dragging America into the war assured Americans it was safe to sail on the ship.
A bit over two hundred Americans drowned and the US and US newspapers controlled by Rothschild interest started screaming about the evil Germans killing Americans and dragged America which did not want to be involved in the war into the war.

Britain won the war because of America entering, and then stole Palestine for the Rothschilds.

There is a time tried and tested Legal Axiom:

The acts used to get Britain to steal Palestine for the Rothschilds, and the stealing of Palestine for the Rothschilds were all illegal acts.


Thus there is no Israel, only illegally stolen and illegally occupied Palestine.

A better wording of the poll would have been:
Do you favor hanging

all the war criminals illegally occupying Palestine while Holocausting the Semitic Indigenous Palestinian Descendants of the Biblical Judians, or throwing them in prison in the Gulags of Russia and Ukraine which is their ancestral home land?

Words can be used wrongly through ignorance or purposely for criminal purposes.

Either way criminal bullshit or ignorance cannot be used to make the POISON FRUIT OF THE POISON TREE, Un-poison.

The Ole Dog!



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