British troops could be killed in revenge attacks after Afghan massacre

“That trust is going to be eroded by this kind of incident, so not only
are we likely to see protests and possibly American, possibly British
soldiers killed over what happened on Saturday night, but also a very severe
weakening of the relationship between many of the people in Afghanistan who
were supporting us.”

The former commander said relations between international security forces and
the Afghan government would also be weakened as a result of the murders,
which took place in two villages close to a US army base in Panjwai,
southern Kandahar, on Saturday.

President Barack Obama yesterday offered his condolences to Afghan counterpart
Hamid Karzai and expressed his “shock and sadness” over the

US military officials vowed to bring those responsible to justice and launched
an investigation into the killings.

They said a service member, reported to be an Army staff sergeant, was being
detained in Kandahar with initial indications suggesting he handed himself
in following the massacre.

Mr Kemp added: “I think every soldier in Afghanistan, British, American
and other allies, will be sickened by a person wearing their own uniform
literally going door to door and killing people as they sleep in their

“These are the very people that this soldier and his comrades are
supposed to be in Afghanistan to protect not kill.”

Asked if mental strain may have led to the massacre, he added: “You would
have to make a very persuasive case that these actions were due to mental
stress, that’s not to say that the stress isn’t there for every soldier in

The UK ambassador to Afghanistan Sir William Patey said the incident had
nothing to do with Nato operations and was a “completely
out-of-the-ordinary event”.

He told BBC Radio 4’s The World This Weekend: “It’s obviously clear from
what we know so far, and we obviously have to await the outcome of an
investigation, that this looks like the apparent act of a single individual
and is no part of any Nato/Isaf operation. So we proceed in that context.

“This is not something that has characterised Nato/Isaf’s presence over
the last 10 years in Afghanistan. It’s a unique event, out of the blue.”

In a statement released by the White House, President Obama said: “This
incident is tragic and shocking, and does not represent the exceptional
character of our military and the respect that the United States has for the
people of Afghanistan.”

Nato officials also apologised for the killings.

Lieutenant General Adrian Bradshaw, deputy commander of Nato forces in
Afghanistan, said: “I wish to convey my profound regrets and dismay at
the actions apparently taken by one coalition member in Kandahar province.

“One of our soldiers is reported to have killed and injured a number of
civilians in villages adjacent to his base. I cannot explain the motivation
behind such callous acts but they were in no way part of authorised Isaf
military activity.”

American troops sparked public outrage last month after burning copies of the

Barack Obama immediately condemned the attack calling it a “tragic and
shocking incident”, with Nato pledging to conduct a “rapid and
thorough investigation”.

Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, is currently in Afghanistan on a
surprise visit to the country as officials said a pact between Western and
Afghan forces could be delayed. The strategic pact was expected to enable
the long-term deployment of US troops in Afghanistan.

Anti-western sentiment is already at boiling point following widespread
demonstrations less than three weeks ago after the discovery of burned
copies of the Koran at a US airbase. More than 40 people died during the
protests, including four Americans.

Only one month before that, video footage emerged of four US soldiers
urinating on the bodies of dead Taliban fighters, provoking fury across the
Arab world.

Yesterday’s deadly rampage, where a lone US soldier broke into three houses
and shot 16 civilians, was described as unprecedented by Western officials.

Hamid Karzai immediately condemned the killings as “unforgivable” and said the
deaths, which included nine children and three women, were “an

The soldier’s motivation was unclear, the Nato-led coalition said, but the
American embassy in Kabul vowed the individual responsible would be brought
to justice.

Once there he entered three houses and opened fire, killing 11 from a single
family in one house alone. Many of the bodies were also burned neighbours

“No Taliban were here. No gun battle was going on,” one woman from
Alkozai told Associated Press.

“We don’t know why this foreign soldier came and killed our innocent
family members. Either he was drunk or he was enjoying killing civilians.”

American military officials in Kabul denied reports from villagers that more
than one soldier had been involved in the attack.

A spokesman for the coalition said: “It was one US service member acting
alone. This was not part of any operation. He walked out of the compound and
fired on civilians, then returned to his compound and handed himself in.”

The Koran-burning protests have already set back aid efforts after hundreds of
foreign advisers were pulled from their jobs in Afghan ministries following
the shooting dead of two American officers in reprisal.

Both Nato and Washington tried to limit the damage with a series of condolence
statements and promises to investigate fully what had happened.

The American embassy in Kabul said: “We deplore any attack by a member of the
United States armed forces against innocent civilians, and denounce all
violence against civilians.”

“We assure the people of Afghanistan that the individual or individuals
responsible for this act will be identified and brought to


Lt Gen Adrian Bradshaw, deputy commander of the coalition, added: “I cannot
explain the motivation behind such callous acts, but they were in no way
part of authorised [coalition] military activity.”

The Taliban posted a statement calling the killings “genocidal”.

It said: “The so-called American peace keepers have once again quenched their
thirst with the blood of innocent Afghan civilians in Kandahar province.”

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