Speaking at a meeting at the Argentine Senate in Buenos Aires on Tuesday, Alicia Castro attacked David Cameron as “foolish, dumb and completely useless”, the Buenos Aires Herald reported.
The ambassador added, when the prime minister highlighted the Pope Francis’ past comments in support of Argentina’s sovereignty over the Malvinas, he made a big mistake.
“We are extremely lucky to have an Argentine, ‘Malvinero’ Pope. Above all because prime minister Cameron was so foolish, dumb and completely useless when [Jorge] Bergoglio was named Pope: because he let slip that Bergoglio had made a historic speech about the Malvinas”, Castro said.
According to the paper, the ambassador added: “Prime minister Cameron was dumb, if I may use the word dumb before Congress.”
Earlier, the Pope had stressed that the Malvinas Islands were part of Argentine soil that were “usurped” by Britain.
In March, Cameron noted his disagreement with the pontiff, “respectfully, obviously.”
“There was a pretty extraordinarily clear referendum in the Falkland Islands, and I think that is a message to everyone in the world that the people of these islands have chosen very clearly the future they want and that choice should be respected by everyone”, he said.
However, Castro told the Tuesday meeting that the British position on the Malvinas was “not rational” and derived “from the imperial politics of the UK and their need to hold a strategic position in the South Atlantic that gives them dominion of the seas”.
Earlier, Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner had urged the UK to abide by the UN 2065 resolution that demands both parties to sit at the negotiating table and discuss the sovereignty of the South Atlantic archipelago.
To describe what she called a “new” world order that can no longer be ruled by the Cold War logics, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner likened the struggle of Palestine for a free and independent state with Argentina’s own 180-year row with London over the Malvinas Islands.
Source Article from http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/08/21/319841/dumb/
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