LaRouchePACpatty -Tonight, 7pm edt/4pm pdt
Weekly Update with special guest, Michael StegerThe British Crown and COVID
Prince Philip in a 1988 interview: “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.” 7pm et – 6pm ct – 5pm mt – 4pm ptZoom LinkPasscode: 202145Specualtion about COVID’s origin is now whirling around the planet, and “lockdown salesmen” like Anthony Fauci and the main stream media are finally getting the scrutiny they deserve.But, one thing is left untouched. Who really is frogman Peter Daszak, the founder of EcoHealth Alliance which helped fund “gain of function” research on bats in Wuhan?Daszak is reported to be the “American” covering up for the Wuhan lab.News flash: He’s no American, although he has received massive funding, from Fauci (through NIH and NIAID), and from the Pentagon—up to $40 million over 10 years.This is just the tip of the iceberg. Daszak’s role points to a masquerade of false stories and lies, all of which have one common goal—to control and manipulate a fear-ridden population. Join us tonight for a special webcast with Michael Steger who will talk about the real Daszak, the British Crown, and the web of lies on COVID. (Michael has been on the case for months, check out his February 2021 article: “The Fanatical Frogman Who Stunk Up WHO’s China COVID Investigation.”)Tuesday, June 1Strategic Update, Michael Steger7pm et – 6pm ct – 5pm mt – 4pm pt 202145Or By Telephone: (for higher quality, dial a number closest to your current location):
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Passcode: 202145Or use “one-tap Smart Phone Dial in”
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