More than 1600 people have signed an online petition demanding Aboriginal protesters be allowed to return to a Brisbane park.
Hundreds of police moved in to evict the group from Musgrave Park on Wednesday, with more than 30 people arrested.
The Brisbane City Council called in police after protesters at a make-shift tent embassy in support of indigenous sovereignty ignored an eviction order.
Brisbane resident Steve Skitmore said he started the petition, on the social action site on Wednesday after watching police forcibly remove the protesters.
“I work right near Musgrave Park and was horrified to see how heavy-handed the authorities were in removing a peaceful community living on their own land,” Mr Skitmore said in a statement.
The petition calls on Brisbane Lord Mayor Graham Quirk to allow the protesters to return to their site.
Each time the petition is signed an email is sent to Mr Quirk’s office.
Some protesters spent the night at an alternate, council-approved location adjacent to the park.
Organisers are expected to address the media about the future of the tent embassy.
The council has said the protesters had to make way for a Greek festival being held this weekend.
A council spokesman told AAP parties had negotiated an agreement that protesters would use the site they were currently on, adjacent to Musgrave Park.
The protesters would not be returning to the original protest site even after the Greek festival concluded, he said.
He said he was not aware of any email traffic issues associated with the petition.
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