This phrase originates from Rome in Satire X of the Roman satirical poet Juvenal (circa A.D. 100). In context, the Latin panem et circenses (bread and circuses) identifies the only remaining cares of a Roman populace which no longer cares for its historical birthright of political involvement. Here Juvenal displays his contempt for the declining heroism of contemporary Romans.[5] Roman politicians passed laws in 140 B.C. to keep the votes of poorer citizens, by introducing a grain dole: giving out cheap food and entertainment, “bread and circuses”, became the most effective way to rise to power.
As we are fully immersed in this current electoral cycle, whether we would like to be or not, I thought some reflection on just how utterly absurd the whole “democratic” process has become was appropriate. What we are witnessing is the Roman equivalent of Bread & Circuses. To distract, mollify and pacify the American citizenry. The aim is to keep the populace from full-scale revolt. Overthrowing the entire corrupt political establishment, with all their attendant taxes and privileges that bleed the rest of society dry.
Our politicians are nothing but self-serving parasites, and nothing more. With all of the conflict between whatever side you support, there is near universal agreement on this point. This is about the only thing that society in general can agree upon. The underlying anger directed towards anyone associated with Washington is very real. Congress has an approval rating of 13%, the President at 40%… if you can believe that.
What we are witnessing with the rise of candidates like Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump is nothing less than the American Public raising the proverbial middle finger to the Establishment.
And there is So Much drama! On one hand you have leftist Protesters being as disruptive and angry as they possibly can be. On the other hand you have Supporters resorting to physical violence to express their own opinions and views of how things should be in the society in which they live. Are you not entertained? ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!!!!
This whole event lasts a staggering 2-years. 2 entire years folks! Can you really comprehend that as Americans we spend nearly 2 out of every 4-years campaigning, and letting the media and the establishment attempt to appeal to the masses? It was PT Barnum that famously said “If you can dazzle them with facts, athen baffle them with bullshit!” It really does boggle the mind. It’s common for our sister democracies in Europe to be done with the process in 3 months, and then it’s back the business of plundering the masses. It is a much more efficient process that they have over there in the EU.
But this is how we are sold on the concept of the Ownership Society. The dream of the rapidly shrinking middle class. Don’t have a job? No problem. We will find something that you can feel ownership of. Don’t own a house? No problem. You too can feel included in the ownership society by feeling really proud of the local sports franchises! Like football? GO PATRIOTS! Basketball? YAAAY LAKERS! Don’t worry about things like you have to go into debt to attend college. Don’t worry that you are struggling to make ends meet with rampant inflation and stagnation of incomes. Don’t worry that you are being shut out of the middle class. You are a great fan!!!!! You have a common bond with that poor schmuck that stood right next to you in the crowd, in the exact same boat as you.
It’s all a grand distraction. It’s entertainment. It’s what you want after all, isn’t it? You don’t want to know what your government is really doing, all in your name, do you really? I mean, they do act on your behalf. You knew that right? It’s the Social Contract. Legitimacy is bestowed upon the government with the consent of the governed. That’s how this game works, every 4-years. Isn’t this great?
Donald Trump is an entertainer. He is a very wealthy entertainer for sure, but an entertainer, nonetheless. I just watched a clip of his WWF performance where he body slammed Ed McMahon, and then had him tied up and shaved his head! You can see that for your own viewing pleasure HERE. It took me back to my younger years where I thought wrestling was real. I believed in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, and that elections actually mattered. But I was always so entertained by those things. It made childhood something to be remembered nostalgically. Life was much simpler then. Yes the Donald is entertaining. You never know what he is going to say or do next. He was great in the Apprentice. I mean, who didn’t secretly relish the famous line, “You’re Fired!”
We’ve heard some great slogans like “Make America Great Again” or “Fighting for You”, or my favorite – “Get Free Shit”, but we’ve heard very little about the specifics on real issues like the state of the economy, monetary policy, foreign policy or the palpable anger that is just radiating from the American People. That’s the whole point. The Media would much rather you sit in front of your TV, and watch your programming like a good little debt slave. They know the whole House of Cards(no pun intended) would come falling down if the American people started to wake up and talk with each other about the real state of affairs in our country and the world in general. When the next economic crash happens later this year, it might very well be the flashpoint where the frustration and rage boil over into outright Civil War.
Trump has been foreshadowing the real possibility of violence if and when the establishment tries to foist a candidate upon the majority of the Republican base that isn’t the one of their choosing. Consider how divisive this election cycle is on both sides. 33% of Sanders Supporters said they would not support Hillary Clinton, and what happens if she wins her parties nomination and is indicted? This is a very real possibility, despite what she and her campaign says if you believe what Intelligence and FBI insiders are saying.
The feelings of Revolt are in the air. How it ends will depend largely on whether or not the Media and Government can keep us entertained, and absolutely not talking about the important issues. Bread & Circuses for all! ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED????
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