Boudica’s Uprising Against the Romans (Part 1 of 2): Boudica’s Fury!


Boudica, the famous British warrior queen of the Iceni, is on the warpath against the Roman occupiers! She has a massive rebel force behind her and appears unstoppable, burning one Roman city to the ground after the other! It is now only a matter of time before the Romans are either driven out of Britain, or destroyed completely.

Alas for the ancient Britons, however, as Boudica’s rebellion would eventually be crushed at the famous Battle of Watling Street, leading to one of the greatest human tragedies in Britain’s history.

But Boudica herself lives on, and will never die. She is immortal, and will live on forever in our hearts as a symbol of resistance to tyranny.

Such is the fate of other patriotic heroines and heroes throughout history who have willingly sacrificed everything in order to stand up to tyranny. Those who triumphed are celebrated, while those who failed are martyrs.

Both the victorious patriots and the martyrs of our history serve a vital function in helping to shape the identity of our people. This is human psychology in action.

However, martyrs are looked up to with a special kind of reverence in comparison to the victorious patriots. The martyr sets the example of the ultimate sacrifice. And so, the human psyche, fixed as it is in its immutable and primal ways, is instilled with inspiration by the martyr.


What is covered in this article

This particular article is the first of a two-part examination of the entire Boudica saga, and covers the events leading up to Boudica’s uprising, in addition to the events which unfolded during the rebellion.

This particular article wraps up events just before the final showdown at Watling Street commences. It does not examine the actual Battle of Watling Street itself.

However, the follow-up article to this one (“Boudica’s Uprising Against the Romans (part 2 of 2): Could It Have Succeeded?”), will not only focus on the Battle of Watling Street itself, but will take the military analysis even further by examining alternate scenarios whereby Boudica and her field commanders consider different strategic and tactical options to defeat the Romans.


The layout of this article and the contents section

The layout of this particular article will be in straightforward chronological order of developments, with a breakdown of events being divided into numbered sections. This is intended to make the article more reader-friendly.


Contents section

1. The Roman conquest and governance of Britain
2. The Roman occupation of Britain
3. The Iceni tribe
4. Prasutagus’s death and dramatic events
5. How much do we actually know about Boudica?
6. Boudica’s council of war with the Trinovantes
7. The Roman governor Suetonius Paulinus
8. Paulinus’s strategy to destroy British religious culture
9. Boudica’s plan to defeat the Romans
10. The destruction of the Druids begins
11. Camulodunum (Colchester) is razed
12. The 9th Hispana legion is destroyed
13. Word of the rebellion reaches Paulinus
14. Londinium (London) is razed
15. Verulamium (St Albans) is razed
16. Boudica searches for Paulinus
17. Watling Street: The final showdown looms


1. The Roman conquest and governance of Britain

Britain was conquered by the Romans in 43 AD under Emperor Claudius.

Prior to this however, Julius Caesar had attempted two invasions of Britain in 55 and 54 BC. Although he was unsuccessful militarily, Caesar did establish alliances with some of the British tribes, marking the beginnings of a system of “client kingdoms” within Britain, bringing the island closer to Rome’s sphere of economic influence. Gradually, closer ties allowed for permanent conquest, which was achieved under Claudius in AD 43.

The Romans defeated some kingdoms militarily, occupying them, while others became allies of Rome by treaty and remained independent (“client kingdoms”).

Many British tribes chose to become client kingdoms of Rome for reasons of self-preservation or protection against other hostile tribes. A client-kingdom arrangement also granted Roman citizenship to the respective tribal leaders.


2. The Roman occupation of Britain

Eventually, however, Roman rule across Britain was consolidated, exerting a stranglehold across most of the country, with total exploitation of resources, enforced land seizures, occupation, enforced slavery, and heavy taxes. The Britons were forced to pay for the Roman roads, settlements and fortresses that had spread across their lands.

Most of Britain was quickly under Roman control, up to borders of Cornwall and Wales, and up north to the border of Scotland. And to enforce their rule, the Romans had stationed four of their best legions in the country, giving them a total strength of over 20, 000 men.


3. The Iceni tribe

Queen Boudica’s kingdom consisted of the Iceni tribe, and was located in the lands corresponding to modern-day Norfolk and Suffolk. The kingdom was ruled by Boudica’s husband King Prasutagus, with its capital thought to correspond to today’s Thetford. The Iceni people were quite wealthy, as evidenced by hoards of precious metals found by archaeologists. In fact the Iceni leaders had been minting coins for nearly a century.

King Prasutagus had concluded a treaty with Rome, making his kingdom a “client kingdom”, and thus allowing both he and Boudica to claim Roman citizenship, as well as allowing Prasutagus to retain his throne.

But then, in the spring of 60 AD, King Prasutagus fell gravely ill. Preparing for the worst, he made a will whereby he left half of his wealth to Rome, and half to his family, hoping to appease the Romans while at the same time securing his family’s position of authority on the throne.


4. Prasutagus’s death and dramatic events

Prasutagus’s death came soon after this, putting into motion a whole series of events that would eventually lead to the cataclysmic showdown at Watling Street.

Upon the death of Prasutagus, all “client kingdom” arrangements made with the Romans were brutally swept aside. Prasutagus’s will was completely dishonoured and ignored, and the Romans moved in and seized the lands of the Iceni, claiming the entire kingdom in the name of Rome.

When Boudica vehemently protested this, the Romans turned on her. No doubt being back answered by a woman, queen or otherwise, was not something the Romans would have been used to, nor willing to tolerate. Boudica would be made a brutal example of.

And so, in the most horrid and vulgar way, the Romans humiliated Boudica and her daughters in front of the assembled Iceni tribe, firstly by tying Boudica to a stake, stripping the garment off her back, and flaying her back raw.

And then, unbelievably, the Romans took Boudica’s two daughters, aged ten and twelve, and raped them in a very public, very sickening act of humiliation and cruelty.

These beastly acts were no doubt put on display before the Iceni tribe to let them know in no uncertain terms that the queen’s royal lineage had now come to an abrupt end. The Romans were now in control of the kingdom, and the status of the Iceni tribe was to be reduced to that of slavery.

But Boudica had other ideas. With her daughters, her person, her late husband’s will, and her entire tribe being dishonoured in this manner, Boudica vowed vengeance!

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”
– William Congreve (paraphrased)

There is surely no better example of this truth in all of human history than the precedent set by Boudica!


5. How much do we actually know about Boudica?

Surprisingly, not much at all is known about Boudica. She was described as “a formidable woman of high intelligence”, and famously had striking red hair. Cassius Dio described the Iceni queen as follows:

Very tall in stature, in appearance most terrifying, in the glance of an eye most fierce. Around her neck was a large golden torc. She wore a tunic of diverse colors which a thick mantle was fastened with a brooch. She grasped a spear to terrify all beholders.”
– Cassius Dio

Events would show Boudica to have a sound grasp of the realities of battle and a good understanding of the situation the Britons faced. However, like so many other warrior leaders before and after her, she would in the end completely underestimate just how difficult it was to defeat the mighty Roman war machine.


6. Boudica’s council of war with the Trinovantes

In a secret council of war, Boudica met with leaders of the Iceni’s neighbours to the south, the Trinovantes, who were themselves edging closer to revolt against the Romans.

Roman veterans had not only been treating the Trinovantes with cruelty and oppression, but had also been driving out many Trinovantes from their homes and their lands. Despite this mistreatment, however, arguably the greatest insult of all to the Trinovantes was the presence of the Temple of Claudius, built in the their very own capital city of Camulodunum (modern-day Colchester) with the sweat and blood of their own people. To the Trinovantes, the temple was nothing more and nothing less than a detested symbol of oppression and slavery of their people.

The leaders of the Trinovantes decided to join forces with Boudica.

Tacitus quotes Boudica as saying:

I am not fighting for my kingdom and wealth. I am fighting as an ordinary person for my lost freedom, bruised body, and my outraged daughters.”
– Boudica

Cassius Dio’s account tells us that at the war council with the Trinovantes, Boudica put much of the blame for the Britons’ situation at the door of the Britons themselves:

But to speak the plain truth, it is we who have made ourselves responsible for all these evils, in that we allowed them to set foot on the island in the first place instead of expelling them at once as we did their famous Julius Caesar, – yes, and in that we did not deal with them while they were still far away under Augustus and with Gaius Caligula.”
– Boudica

Boudica was chosen by the war council to lead both tribes into battle.

However, it was not just Britons from the Iceni and Trinovante tribes who were keen to join the revolt. Many other Britons from other tribes also eagerly joined the ranks.

It is not known exactly how many British rebels had joined Boudica’s ranks by now. An estimate of 75,000 would not be unrealistic.

And so, with supreme irony, Boudica was transformed from being a Roman citizen (by virtue of the “client kingdom” agreement previously made) into a wrathful enemy of Rome overnight.


7. The Roman governor Suetonius Paulinus

The Roman governor of Britain at the time, Suetonius Paulinus, would be the man Boudica would face at the final showdown at Watling Street.

Paulinus was an utterly ruthless commander of about 50 years of age. A Roman aristocrat, he had served in the Roman Army for over 20 years. He was a very highly-driven man, very tough, formidable, cunning, and a highly experienced military commander. Paulinus was definitely not the kind of opponent one would ever voluntarily choose to engage!

Paulinus was highly ambitious and meticulous, and his strategy in Britain was simple and brutal: to seek out and totally crush every last vestige of anti-Roman dissent from every corner of the land.


8. Paulinus’s strategy to destroy British religious culture

To assist Paulinus in his goal of wiping out all anti-Roman dissent, he had decided upon a ruthless strategy of cultural terrorism which would begin the dismantlement of British Celtic culture for its eventual replacement with Roman culture and values, to spread Roman civilization – the only civilization – across all of Britain, for the glory of Rome, and to help refine the Celtic barbarians.

Paulinus’s first act of cultural destruction was to wage a campaign of total extermination against the priesthood of the Druids on the Isle of Anglesey.

Paulinus understood the Britons’ culture, and knew that the Druidic priesthood was the very lifeblood of the British religion itself, providing and maintaining an open link with the gods for the Britons. He also knew that the Druids were fiercely anti-Roman. But just as importantly, however, Paulinus knew that the Druids were the real keepers of power within Celtic society, even above that of the British kings in a sense.

The Druids were simply too inviting a target for Paulinus to turn down. He knew that if he were to be rid of them, he could, with one swift stroke, achieve three goals simultaneously: (1) Rid the lands of a powerful anti-Roman element; (2) Cause a total implosion of the whole Celtic religion across all of Britain; (3) Cause a sudden swing of power back towards the Celtic kings, who were elements he could control far more easily.

This reasoning behind Paulinus’s plan to destroy the Britons’ religion was simple: the Britons, once Romanized, would be far easier to control.

The fact that the collapse of the Britons’ religion would cause widespread despair and collapse of moral all across the land, and would probably take years if not decades for the Britons to come to terms with, was probably not even considered an issue of any importance to Paulinus.

And so, Paulinus took two of his best legions – half of the entire strength of the Roman Army in Britain – up to the Isle of Anglesey to wage his war against the Druids.


9. Boudica’s plan to defeat the Romans

Meanwhile, Boudica and her advisors had decided upon what their ultimate goal should be: to destroy Roman power in Britain, drive out the Roman legions or destroy them, and keep the Romans out thereafter. It was that simple.

However, there was a problem. Wanting to drive the Romans out or destroy them would not be a popular notion at all amongst many of the tribal leaders in Britain, who had made the same kind of “client kingdom” arrangement that King Prasutagus and Boudica had initially agreed to.

However, if Boudica could persuade enough British tribes to side with her, this might well put enough pressure on all of the other British tribes to conform.

But future dealings with other tribes was something for Boudica to consider at a later time. Right now, she needed to concentrate on the task at hand: a Roman-free Britain.

Boudica’s strategy for a Roman-free Britain was ambitious but achievable: (1) To devastate Roman Britain – ie. the Romanized cities and centres of Roman power within Britain; (2) To engage and either drive out or destroy the Roman legions by amassing an unstoppable force.

Boudica certainly did demonstrate a realistic grasp of strategy and an understanding of the situation the Britons faced.

The Roman capital city of Camulodunum (modern day Colchester) stood out as the most obvious target to strike at first.

This Romanized city was home to thousands of retired Roman Army veterans and their families, and had been built on the very capital of the Trinovantes themselves, and was therefore surrounded on all sides by a hostile native Trinovante population anxious for revenge. And, by being on Trinovante soil, Camulodunum was therefore close to Boudica’s lands. It was quite literally a city sitting in the lion’s den.

And so Camulodunum, the Roman capital, had singled itself out as the most sensible initial target to strike at first.

Despite their treatment of the Britons, the Romans living in Camulodunum were supremely confident that their conquest of these lands was complete and that their Romanized cities and lands were quite safe. They were so confident about their own complete dominance and the total impotence of the docile Britons that they had neglected to take any defensive measures whatsoever – they had no garrison, no guards, no walls, no evacuation plans, nothing.

To make matters even worse for the Roman families living in Camulodunum, there were no Roman legions anywhere near the area. Paulinus and his two legions were 430 km (270 miles) away to the north-west in Anglesea, while a third was all the way down in Exeter. By far the closest legion – the 9th Hispana – was 240 km (150 miles) to the north of the city.

This was the perfect time for Boudica to strike!


10. The destruction of the Druids begins

As Boudica’s plans for rebellion were falling into place, Paulinus was at the Isle of Anglesey with his two best legions ready to wage his war of annihilation against the Druids. Anglesey was the sacred territory of the Druids, which contained their sacred shrines and sacred groves.

It didn’t take very long for Paulinus to begin his campaign of annihilation. Before long, many Druids had been slaughtered, and Paulinus had plenty of men to scour the rest of Anglesey with.

Paulinus was edging closer and closer to ripping the heart right out of British religious culture once and for all.


11. Camulodunum (Colchester) is razed

Now was the time for Boudica to strike hard. And strike hard she did. By the time her force had reached the Roman capital of Camulodunum, her rebel horde was now at least 100,000 strong.

The rebels took Camulodunum by storm, venting their fury in full and unleashing the beast that had been building up within them. What followed was an orgy of absolute destruction. Everything in sight was set on fire, and torture, rape and murder were unleashed everywhere. Every single Roman that was found was butchered.

Amidst the fire, smoke and chaos, the remaining inhabitants of Camulodunum fled for their lives into the last remaining bastion of the city: the Temple of Claudius. They were hoping that the temple would offer refuge until a Roman legion had arrived to relieve them.

How ironic that the terrified Romans would be forced to take refuge in the very structure that the Britons, and especially the Trinovantes, hated with a passion, and saw as the very symbol of Roman oppression itself: the Temple of Claudius.

There would be no Roman soldiers coming to save the day, however. The nearest legion (the 9th Hispana) was 240 km (150 miles) to the north. Even by marching at a near-impossible, back-breaking pace of 45 miles / day, it would still have taken the legionaries almost 3 ½ days to reach Camulodunum, and the Romans inside the temple simply didn’t have 3 ½ days.

After about two days, time had run out for the terrified Romans huddled together inside the temple. The Britons showed them no mercy at all. All of those inside the temple were burned alive.

Even today, if one digs around the city of Colchester, there remains a thick layer of dark ash left over from this terrible act of retribution some 2,000 years ago.


12. The 9th Hispana legion is destroyed

Upon hearing the news about their capital city a day or so before, the 9th Hispana legion broke camp immediately and headed south to relieve the Roman citizens of Camulodunum. Their column of 5,000 men would have stretched for over a mile.

But the British rebels knew exactly where the 9th Hispana was stationed, and exactly which road it would take to march to Camulodunum. And so, upon entering a wooded area, the 9th Hispana legion was ambushed from both sides of the road by British foot soldiers and charioteers. The attack came so suddenly that the legionaries had no time to get their armour on, nor any time to get into formation.

The 9th Hispana was annihilated. Only the commander and a few cavalrymen escaped.

Following the destruction of the 9th Hispana legion, Tacitus claims Boudica to have made the following speech to her followers:

But now,” she said, “it is not as a woman descended from noble ancestry, but as one of the people that I am avenging lost freedom, my scourged body, the outraged chastity of my daughters.

Roman lust has gone so far that not our very persons, nor even age or virginity, are left unpolluted. But heaven is on the side of a righteous vengeance; a legion which dared to fight has perished; the rest are hiding themselves in their camp, or are thinking anxiously of flight. They will not sustain even the din and the shout of so many thousands, much less our charge and our blows. If you weigh well the strength of the armies, and the causes of the war, you will see that in this battle you must conquer or die. This is a woman’s resolve; as for men, they may live and be slaves.”
– Boudica


13. Word of the rebellion reaches Paulinus

When Paulinus finally received word of the rebellion, he was still finishing off the Druids in Anglesey, some 430 km (270 miles) north-west of where the rebel action was taking place. And to his horror, he had been informed of the annihilation of the 9th Hispana legion, and that Boudica’s rebels were now heading towards Londinium (London).

This put Paulinus in a terrible situation. With the 9th Hispana destroyed, the only legions now in the country were his two in Anglesey, and a third all the way down in Exeter (II Augusta legion), which was just as far from Boudica’s rebel force as Paulinus was.

Even if Paulinus broke camp immediately, and then embarked on a forced march at a gruelling pace of 35 miles / day, it would still take 8 – 9 days for his legions to reach Boudica. More realistically though, it would have taken a Roman legion about 12 days to cover this distance.

Paulinus finally made his decision: his two legions (consisting of 10, 000 men) would strike camp and head down Watling Street towards Londinium. Meanwhile, word would be sent to the II Augusta legion in Exeter to march up the Fosse Way in order to effect a link-up with Paulinus’s two legions. This would give Paulinus a total combined force of 15,000 experienced, trained, disciplined soldiers against Boudica’s massive but disorganized force of 100,000 rebels.


14. Londinium (London) is razed

Buoyed up by their successes so far, Boudica went on the attack against the the Roman financial capital of Britain: Londinium.

New recruits were still joining Boudica’s ranks as she made her way to the city.

Londinium had developed so quickly that there had been no time for any defences to be constructed. And as was the case with Camulodunum, Londinium also had no garrison nor any soldiers.

And so Londinium was sacked and burned to ground, with horrific cruelty being unleashed upon the Roman citizens before every last one of them was butchered.


15. Verulamium (St Albans) is razed

After the destruction of Londinium, Boudica swung north onto Watling Street and attacked the Romanized city of Verulamium. This incident involved more of the same, with horrific treatment being dealt out to the Romans, every house set on fire, and every Roman killed.

By now, Boudica had cut a swath of destruction throughout the south of Britain, essentially destroying Roman financial and political power in this part of the country.

Over 80,000 Roman civilians had so far been massacred.


16. Boudica searches for Paulinus

So far, Boudica’s strategy had delivered nothing but stunning success. The Romans were finished, and Boudica knew it! Morale within the ranks of her massive army would now have been at an all-time high, and celebration would no doubt have traveled throughout the ranks of the Britons. This rebellion was as good as won! Everyone could see it!

And now Boudica was about to embark on the final phase of her plan: the destruction of Roman military power in the land.

Boudica continued north along Watling Street, determined to find Paulinus and confront him in an epic final showdown, which would finally crush Roman power in Britain.

Given that Watling Street was the only feasible route along which a large number of troops could travel north to south, Boudica knew where to find Paulinus. That is, of course, if Paulinus hadn’t already chosen to flee!

And so now we have the ironic situation where Boudica, travelling north along Watling Street to hunt Paulinus down, is herself being hunted down by Paulinus, who is travelling south along the very same road!

The news of Boudica’s victories had spread, and were attracting more and more volunteers to her army. In fact, the ranks of Boudica’s rebel force had now swelled to a colossal 230,000! However, a number of these were women, children, and other non-combatants. But even if we were to generously assume that a mere 20% of this number were to take part in the fighting, this still gives us a total fighting force of 46,000 men.


17. Watling Street: The final showdown looms

Upon continuing north along Watling Street, Boudica eventually neared the entrance to the Whittlewood Forest, a thickly-wooded area which introduced the very real risk of ambush from both sides of the road.

And so, rather than entering the woods, Boudica decided to wheel her massive force away from the entrance of the woods, and onto a nearby plain running along a river.

But as it happened, the river plain along which Boudica’s army was marching eventually led them out onto a much wider plain, directly across from the position Paulinus had chosen to make his stand! Obviously, Paulinus must have been sending out scouts in order to keep a lookout for Boudica’s approach.

It would seem that Paulinus, drawing upon his extensive military experience, anticipated that Boudica would avoid the Whittlewood Forest altogether and move on to the river plain instead – exactly where Paulinus wanted her to go, in order to draw her onto the larger open plain.

Unknown to Boudica however, the II Augusta legion from Exeter had failed to show up at Watling Street, leaving Paulinus with only 10,000 men instead of the hoped-for 15, 000.

And so the stage was set and all of the pieces were in place. 10,000 professional Roman soldiers against a horde of 230,000 disorganized British rebels! The final battle to decide the fate of Britain was about to begin . . .



Historical sources: the Roman historians Tacitus (1st century AD), and Cassius Dio (2nd century AD)

Battlefield Britain (DVD) – Episode 1: Boudicca’s Rebellion Against the Romans


Boudicca – Warrior Queen of the Iceni:

Celtic Heroines – Boudica’s Revolt Against Romans:

Wikipedia – Gaius Suetonius Paulinus:

HISTORYNET – Boudica: Celtic War Queen Who Challenged Rome:


YouTube video of Battlefield Britain – Episode 1: Boudicca’s Rebellion Against the Romans:

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