Two books written in the 1800’s predicts that a man named Donald Trump will be “the last President” of the United States.
In 1890, author Ingersoll Lockwood wrote two books that highlighted with pinpoint accuracy our current political situation. These two books are “Baron Trump’s Marvlous Underground Journey,” and “The Last President.”
In “Last President (1896)”, there is an underdog that ran for President who no-one believed he would win. He lived on 5th Ave in New York (Trump Tower is actually on 5th Ave). There were riots and protests all over the land as a result of his Presidency. His Secretary of Agriculture was named “Lefay Pence” (check out pg. 16).
In “Baron Trump (1893)”, he lives in “Castle Trump,” and is a wealthy aristocrat guided by “The Master of all Masters” called “Don” to find “Goggle-Land” somewhere in the middle of Russia, which is described as a “World within a World” where everything is made of silver with marble roads.
Disreputable fact-checking site Snopes attempted to debunk these books, but were forced (reluctently) to admit they are real.
Some conspiracy theorists have concluded that Trump and his son must be time travellers, pointing out uncanny connections to John Titor’s story and Tesla. reports:
The Last President opens in New York City on November 3rd, 1896, with the announcement of the newly-elected president of the United States, who happens to be an outsider candidate – the candidate who represented the “common man,” who would liberate the people from the grip of the bankers, and “undo the bad business of years of unholy union between barters and sellers of human toil and the law makers of the land.”
Aka, an anti-establishment candidate.
The very first page describes New York in turmoil over the announcement, with mounted policemen yelling through the streets:
“Keep within your houses; close your doors and barricade them. The entire East Side is in an uproar.
Mobs of vast size are organizing under the lead of Anarchists and Socialists, and threaten to plunder and despoil the houses of the rich who have wronged them for so many years.”
As the riots advance upon Madison Square, the book reads,
“The Fifth Avenue Hotel will be the first to feel the fury of the mob.
Would the troops be in time to save it?”
According to Newsweek, Trump Tower now sits where The Fifth Avenue Hotel used to stand.
There are many theories floating around the internet; some say Barron Trump is actually Lockwood, who traveled through time to write about his adventures; others believe Steve Bannon is a 50-year old Barron Trump and they’re time-traveling together; another believes “we are all Barron and Barron is all of us,” and some of us are simply chalking it up to 2017 having a competition with itself to see just how weird it can get.
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