Blue Pill Normie Conservative Calls Out Jew Privilege

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 14, 2017

As far as I can tell, this YouTuber, Cult of Dusty, is blue pilled as they come. Unless he’s totally hiring his power level, he comes across as a totally mainstream “conservative.”

Yet, at 1:22 in the above video – a blue pilly basic bitch reply to “white privilege” nonsense – he straight-up calls out “Jewish privilege,” and talks about their wealth and over-representation in positions of power.

He just does it totally casually, without even thinking about it, alongside talk of “tall privilege” and other normie-tier replies to the “white privilege” narrative.

This is because we are penetrating the narrative across the entire internet.

And whether you want to admit it or not, the internet is real life.

It is arguably more real than real life at this point.

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