As part of our Blended Family Friday series, each week we’re spotlighting a different stepfamily to learn how they successfully blended their two families together. Our hope is that by telling their stories, we’ll bring you closer to blended family bliss in your own life!

This week’s blended family story comes from Wendy Wood-Neeson. Though Wendy is the first to admit that blended family life is not without its hiccups, she’ll also tell you that it’s all worth it when her family of seven come together. “Our life is not perfect, we all have transitions, and moments of frustration,” she says. “Our life is full and crazy and wonderful and best of all, we are sharing it together!”

Below, Wendy tells us more about her family, including how they deal with scheduling conflicts and what makes her proudest of her five kids.

Hey Wendy. Please introduce us to your family.
There are seven members in our family. My husband, George, and I have five kids all together. George has three sons from a previous marriage: Cade, 14; Bode, 11; and Gage, 9. I have two daughters from a previous marriage: Savanna who’s 18 and Madison who’s 15. George works as a firefighter/EMT and I am a family nurse practitioner.

How long have you and George been together?
Almost three years. We met through a mutual friend in January 2011 — although it seems that our paths should have crossed earlier, as I was in the same elementary school class as his little sister, we both worked in the medical field, and we only lived a few miles apart. We have been living together since January 2012, and “officially” became a family just this past July 5, 2013. But if you ask anyone of us, we were a “family” even before we started living together or signed the marriage certificate.

What are some of the challenges you’ve all encountered as a blended family?
One ongoing challenge of our blended family is visitation and scheduling. The girls live with George and me full time and the visitation schedule with their father is flexible, which has worked well. On the other hand, the boys are not with us full time, but they live in the same town as we do, so distance is not an issue when it comes to visitation. Their visitation schedule is very rigid with no flexibility. With seven of us in the house, and a few schedules having no flexibility, it has at times been challenging to plan activities and make sure that we always have family time. Our priority is to have one family dinner, one family movie night, or one evening in the front yard playing together during the week. When we’re all together, it’s easy to see that dealing with some rigid scheduling is all worth it. Nothing in the world is better than being with your family: laughing and smiling and building memories. No challenge is too big that it can not be overcome by simply being together and making each other a priority.

What are some of the perks of blended family life?
One of the best things about being in our blended family is that we have been able to challenge, complement and complete each other! For instance, recently the boys took us to a monster truck show and then turned around and helped us shop for a prom dress for Savanna! What a crazy weekend and a way to blend our two worlds! A cross-country trip to Disneyland? We did it, and we all survived! Camping and hiking and “roughing it” was not really something the girls and I did, but now it is a family activity. George and the boys did not spend much time around horses, but since that is an activity the girls and I do, they accepted the challenge and now that is part of their world too! Bode even won a round of steer riding at the rodeo this year. And just like a family does, we were all there cheering him on and watching him “cowboy-up”!

Another perk? George and I have both been divorced before, and as a result of that our children were not able to see firsthand a loving relationship between two people. Without some type of role model, they may have grown up to repeat a divorce pattern that neither George nor I want for them. Now, they are able to witness affection, compassion, and compromise and perhaps, as a result, there is a chance that as they grow into adults, they will know that these things do exist and these things can be achieved in their own relationships.

What makes you proudest of your family?
I love watching how each and every one of the children take care of and support each other, just like “real siblings” do. Don’t get me wrong, that also means that they argue over things like who is supposed to do the dishes, but they are also the first to support and encourage and be there for each other.

It is also nice to see that they like to be with each other and support each other. Even with our oldest just starting college, she made sure to take time to attend our little guy’s football game, to support her “little brother.” It makes me proud to know that everyone knows that they are an important part of the family, and that everyone makes sure that everyone is included.

I am also so proud of my husband for being the head of our amazing, wonderful, family. He has taken on this responsibility with more compassion, love and kindness that anyone could ever imagine. It amazes me how all five children look at him with such respect. He is the one that any of them can go to with any problem or concern and he will help them through it — from a flat tire, to a math homework problem, to a friend problem at school, he is the one with the patience and insight to guide them through it.

What’s your best advice for blended families struggling to “blend”?
Be it by chance, by fate, or by choice, every member of a blended family has so many great gifts to offer; take time to treasure and nurture each of those gifts. As a parent of a blended family, you have been given the greatest opportunity of all: you have the opportunity to shape the character of your children and stepchildren simply by the way you act and react to the world around you. Be selfless, be positive, be kind. They will live and learn by example, so make it a good one. This is now your family, and you can create your own happiness!

If you’d like your own family to be featured on a Blended Family Friday, please email us at [email protected]. We’re looking forward to hearing your story!

Click through the slideshow below the see photos of Wendy and George’s family.

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  • Meet Rochelle And Philip’s Family

    “The best part of being a blended family is that you have a bond with another partial nuclear family who shares your pain of going through a divorce and you just get each other. You grow to love each other and over time you heal and start to feel like a whole family again.”

    <a href=”” target=”_blank”>Read Rochelle and Philip’s full Blended Family Friday profile</a>

  • Meet Justin’s Family

    “When my stepdad and I went out to gather wood, we would talk about everything from school and sports, to girls and manhood. He also let me drive the truck, which was one of my first experiences behind the wheel. At the time I hated going out in the cold and gathering wood, but looking back on it now, I would not have traded it for anything. I would not be where I am now without my stepdad.”

    <a href=””>Read Justin’s full Blended Family Friday profile</a>

  • Meet Beth And Dominic’s Family

    “We are happy overall, but still struggle on many day-to-day issues. My only advice would be to remember why you chose to come together in the first place — the love that you have for your partner. Your partner’s children are an extension of them and this makes them just as important to your happiness.”

    <a href=””>Read Beth and Dominic’s full Blended Family Friday profile </a>

  • Meet Raiye And Tobias’s Family

    “Remember “this, too, shall pass.” The good, the bad, the ugly — don’t get too attached to any one feeling. Also, use a chore chart, for the love of all that’s good in the world. Seriously, it changed everything.”

    <a href=””>Read Raiye and Tobias’s full Blended Family Friday profile </a>

  • Meet Andi And JD’s Family

    “Some of our kids have all their parents looking out for their best interests, and some of our kids have a biological father or mother who gives them no emotional or financial support. Everyone comes from a different place, and carries different hurts. Our job as their parents is to love them through all of that, and to provide consistent boundaries no matter what.”

    <a href=””>Read Andi and JD’s full Blended Family Friday profile </a>

  • Meet Kate And Chad’s Family

    “The love is the best part. There is so much love in our family; it is breathtaking. Holding the love of a child that you did not create is an amazing thing to experience. Both of us agree we could not love each other’s biological children more. ”

    <a href=””>Read Kate and Chad’s full Blended Family Friday profile </a>

  • Meet Pam, Mac And Tony’s Family

    “I’m proud that we all made a conscious effort to put our differences aside, forgive what happened in the past and commit to raising a child who feels ‘whole.’ It has never been about what I want or what he wants as much as what is best for our daughter.”

    <a href=””>Read Pam, Mac and Tony’s full Blended Family Friday profile </a>

  • Meet Matt And Nicole’s Family

    “It takes a lot of work but it’s worth it. Every hug proves you are doing something right! Every laugh shows there is joy in the family. And every time someone wants to hold your hand or sit with you on the couch, you are building your connection to each other.”

    <a href=””>Read Matt and Nicole’s full Blended Family Friday profile </a>

  • Meg And Jeritt’s Family

    “The ‘blending’ will test the bounds of your compassion, but you want to come out of this feeling like you did the very best that you could. You are helping the children to write the story of their lives. You want it to be as positive as possible.”

    <a href=”″>Read Meg and Jeritt’s full Blended Family Friday profile </a>

  • Meet Clarissa, Keith And Rick’s Family

    “My advice would be to take a few steps back, try to think outside of the box and look at the potential for minimal drama and maximum happiness for your family, especially for the children involved. Sometimes you need to look past yourself, and be very selfless.”

    <a href=””>Read Clarissa, Keith and Rick’s full Blended Family Friday profile </a>

  • Meet Ivy Lifton’s Family

    “If you can envision two trees so close together that their trunks and branches touch one another, you will see the connection but still see two trees. Blended families are like the two trees. The outside world sees two trees while the family strives to make it one by intertwining the roots, by nurturing it.”

    <a href=””>Read Ivy Lifton’s full Blended Family Friday profile </a>

  • Meet Michele And Barry’s Family

    “Make your marriage your top priority. This is a new marriage and it needs time and energy and nurturing. If you ignore it, it will fail and you have already done that once to your children and do not want to do it again.”

    <a href=””>Read Meet Michele and Barry’s full Blended Family Friday profile </a>

  • Meet Katie And Kurt’s Family

    “Do your best to be respectful to the other parent and <em>always</em> keep your word or promises to the kids. They’re struggling with the loss of their family and they need to build trust with you as their stepparent.”

    <a href=””>Read Meet Katie and Kurt’s full Blended Family Friday profile </a>

  • Meet Kara And Richard’s Family

    “Give it time! We have only recently arrived at a place where we all feel secure in our role in our family but it took years, tears and lots of flexibility. It might take one family a few months to have the wrinkles ironed out or it might take years.”

    <a href=””>Read Meet Kara and Richard’s full Blended Family Friday profile </a>

  • Meet Harriet And Joe’s Family

    “When Joe and I first blended our family, our six kids were our number-one priority. Treating our kids like individuals and not as a ‘herd,’ as we called it, was a key component to making each of our kids feel special and feel like an important part of the family, which they were.”

    <a href=””>Read Harriet and Joe’s full Blended Family Friday profile </a>

  • Meet Chelsea And Jeremy’s Family

    “My husband and I refuse to treat any of the children any differently. We see them all as ‘ours,’ which I think is very important. We try to make sure all children feel equal and included in our family and our lives.”

    <a href=””>Read Chelsea and Jeremy’s full Blended Family Friday profile </a>

  • Meet Maureen And Tom’s Family

    “Our children have really become true siblings. They love (and hate) one another just like regular siblings. They have taken a tough situation and made it into something beautiful.”

    <a href=””>Read Maureen and Tom’s full Blended Family Friday profile </a>

  • Meet Stacee’s Family

    “Both of my dad’s exes and all the kids lived under one roof. My brothers and I were raised as siblings — not half siblings but just siblings — and we had two moms (although Goonie and Mikey call my mom auntie). On the weekends, dad only had to make one stop to pick up all his kids!”

    <a href=””>Read Stacee’s full Blended Family Friday profile </a>

  • Meet Anessa And Keith’s Family

    “Do not beat yourself up for making a mistake — after all, we are human. Just love one another and be there for the kids especially when they push away — that is when they need and want you the most.”

    <a href=””>Read Anessa and Keith’s full Blended Family Friday profile </a>

  • Meet Wendy And Arlando’s Family

    “Our children are all grown and out on their own, but when we get together there is no greater feeling. Sitting around a table and watching our adult children interact with each other is the best part of having a blended family. They look out for each other; in fact, sometimes we joke that they know more about each other than we do.”

    <a href=””>Read Wendy and Arlando’s full Blended Family Friday profile </a>

  • Meet Samara And Jeff’s Family

    “My stepkids have realized over the years how blessed they are to have a family situation where there is peace between their parents, where we all live within the same community and school district and where there is genuine love for all of the kids.”

    <a href=””>Read Samara and Jeff’s full Blended Family Friday profile </a>

  • Meet Susan And Peter’s Family

    “The kids are really the ones who wanted us to get married. I think they need to feel like this is forever. Recently, Jake, Peter’s son, told me he wants my son Jamie to be his best man someday. I get teary thinking about it.”

    <a href=”” target=”_hplink”>Read Susan and Peter’s full Blended Family Friday profile</a>

  • Meet Amy And Eric’s Family

    “Think of a blended family as being made or ‘cooked’ in a crock pot, not a pressure cooker. Each person has to find their comfort level and will do so on their own time. Be willing to give your biological children your blessing to love their other parent and spouse.”

    <a href=”” target=”_hplink”>Read Amy and Eric’s full Blended Family Friday profile</a>

  • Meet Mimi And Stu’s Family

    “My advice to anyone working on blending a family is to always put the child first. Never, ever, say a negative word about your ex in front of your child. Be flexible and patient. It takes time. Always remember when the kids are acting out it’s because they are hurting. Take a deep breath and think of a way to lift them up.”

    <a href=””>Read Mimi and Stu’s full Blended Family Friday profile </a>

  • Meet Valerie And Brandon’s Family

    “Finding time to love and pay attention to everyone as they need is the biggest challenge. Some days there isn’t enough of me, but it’s fun feeding, clothing and loving all these people. They make me crazy, but I like it!”

    <a href=””>Read Valerie and Brandon’s full Blended Family Friday profile </a>

  • Meet Jen And Ryan’s Family

    “The best thing about being a part of a blended family is being able to show the children what a real, loving marriage and family looks like … The lessons that they learn though the adjustment and the tough times are good ones. They see that two people who love each other can weather the storm of life and stay together.”

    <a href=”” target=”_hplink”>Read Jen and Ryan’s full Blended Family Friday profile</a>

  • Meet Nicole And Nick’s Family

    “Let kids be kids. Don’t expect too much of them. Don’t push new family members on each other but work hard to find in each a common interest and build on it. Our two girls bonded over the new ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles’ series and spent hours collecting gear and acting out each of the characters.”

    <a href=”” target=”_hplink”>Read Nicole and Nick’s full Blended Family Friday profile</a>

  • Meet Crissy And Jimmy’s Family

    “We feel fortunate to show [our kids] what a healthy, loving partnership looks like. No one goes into marriage thinking they will be divorced one day. It is even more painful when there are children involved. The best thing, we believe, we could do is show our children that it is possible to be in a loving, stable relationship built on mutual trust and respect.”

    <a href=”” target=”_hplink”>Read Crissy and Jimmy’s full Blended Family Friday profile</a>

  • Meet Karen And Shawn’s Family

    “Every blended family has a different make-up of people and personalities and paths they have to take to arrive at the door to success. I’ve chosen to take one day, (and sometimes one glass of wine) at a time and here we are six years later.”

    <a href=””>Read Karen and Shawn’s full Blended Family Friday profile</a>

  • Meet Elizabeth And Donald’s Family

    “We are proudest of the fact that we are a family — blended or not. When one has an event (swimming, lacrosse, dance, band) we all show up. It’s not always possible to be everywhere for everything, but we show up for each other and everyone knows they are important.”

    <a href=””>Read Elizabeth and Donald’s full Blended Family Friday profile </a>

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