Blair’s ‘secret deal’ to give Gibraltar to Spain

Tim Shipman

Last updated at 7:24 AM on 24th January 2012

Tony Blair agreed to a secret deal to hand joint sovereignty of Gibraltar to Spain, according to explosive claims by a former Labour cabinet minister.

Peter Hain reveals in his memoirs that he struck the deal with the Spanish government in 2002 to end the UK’s 300-year control of the vital strategic outpost.

He makes clear that he and Mr Blair were both prepared to ride roughshod over the objections of the people of Gibraltar in order to get their way, describing Mr Blair’s attitude to the inhabitants as ‘contemptuous’.

Former Prime Minister Tony Blair was prepared to ride roughshod over the objections of the people of Gibraltar in order to get his way, Peter Hain has revealed

Former Prime Minister Tony Blair was prepared to ride roughshod over the objections of the people of Gibraltar in order to get his way, Peter Hain has revealed

Former Prime Minister Tony Blair (left) was prepared to ride roughshod over the
objections of the people of Gibraltar in order to get his way, Peter
Hain (right) has revealed

Deal: Gibraltar has been a British overseas territory since 1704

Deal: Gibraltar has been a British overseas territory since 1704

The former Europe Minister revealed Mr Blair sanctioned the deal because he wanted to win the backing of the Spanish government – then led by Jose Maria Aznar – to help Britain take on France and Germany in EU negotiations.

The agreement was only shelved when what he called ‘hardliners’ in the Spanish government – who wanted only full sovereignty – objected.

In Outside In, published yesterday, Mr Hain says he joined forces with then Foreign Secretary Jack Straw to make private overtures to Spain during 2001.

Mr Hain and his Spanish counterparts looked at an ‘Andorra solution’ which would have seen co-sovereignty between the UK and Spain.

Rock's role

In February 2002, Mr Hain says he was given the green light by Mr Blair to proceed.

He quotes Mr Blair as saying: ‘It is really important to get a better future for Gibraltar, to secure a better relationship with Spain and to remove it as an obstruction to our relations within Europe.’

But Gibraltar’s first minister Peter Caruana told Mr Hain: ‘There is no prospect of me agreeing with such an approach.’

Mr Hain accused Gibraltarian leaders of being ‘stuck in the past’.

The deal unravelled with Spain’s ‘conservative, nationalist government getting cold feet at the last moment’, he says. Mr Blair then urged him to ‘park’ the agreement.

Gibraltar then held a referendum in which 98.48 per cent voted No to a deal with Spain.

Labour’s willingness to sell out the people of Gibraltar stands in contrast to the firm line taken by the Coalition. David Cameron has repeatedly said Gibraltar should stay British.

A spokesman for Mr Blair said: ‘Tony Blair has never said or thought Gibraltar should be “run by Spain”. Nor was he “contemptuous” of it.’

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Tony Blair is completely contemptible, this only reinforces my views.

Vote labour….. Get labour. Need I say more

I hope this is true. Why would we want to hang on to this dump of a place? It’s a hole. It belongs to Spain, always has, always will. We have no right hanging on to it. Get rid of it once and for all and at the same time get rid of the vile Falklands Islands. They too are vile. I’ve lived and worked in both places and was VERY glad to leave both. Oh just look at all those red arrows from all you blinkered people. If you think both places are so great then I suggest you go and live there for a few months. You’ll soon change your tune. I’m no great fan of Blair but totally agree with him on this. He’s no traitor, but YOU are all criminals, in possession of stolen property. Britain is squatting in those places. Wake up.

Is Spain negotiating to give back its North African colonies of Ceuta and Melilla? No, I didn’t think so.

Blairs famous words “Labour is the party of law order in Britain today.Tough on crime tough on the causes of crime.” For a man who was a lawyer before going into politics it’s a disgrace. This man is self-centred in whatever he did. Too many secrets have been revealed has no respect for the electorate.

A spokesman for Mr Blair said: ‘Tony Blair has never said or thought Gibraltar should be “run by Spain”. Nor was he “contemptuous” of it.’
Well somebody is being careless with the truth.
Blair or Hain? I don’t suppose the appointment of an EU presidente had anything to do with it.
I expect the documents were shredded along with the expenses.
I don’t trust either of them but evidence is in favour of Mr Hain.After all why admit to such an unpopular idea.

When is this odious scheming little man going to be brought in front of the courts so we can find out exactly what he did during his disastrous time in office!!!

– Clayton Eccleston,……………………………………………………………………………………………….spot on Clayton. Invade Iraq? ‘Right thing to do.’ Sell out Gibralter? Way to go. I’m sure the Falklands would have been next…unless it turns out there are oil reserves there of course.

Why do we bother having a Parliament if deals like this can be cooked up in private without it being debated and a vote taken ? Some Democracy we’ve got !

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