Blair is to appear alongside Labour leader Ed Miliband at a dinner promoting British sports before the Olympics later on Wednesday in a move that is seen as a return to domestic politics after five years of waiting for the storm of illegal intervention in Iraq to pass.
Blair had to cancel an address to Labour party activists in Lambeth, south London, on Monday at the last moment when anti-war protesters found out about the venue of his speech and warned he will face a large demonstration if he goes on with his plan.
Anti-war activists have now planned another rally against Blair outside Arsenal Stadium in London where the dinner is planned to be held.
“Tony Blair is on the comeback trail to rehabilitate his political career. Help give him the welcome he deserves when he speaks at Arsenal Stadium on Wednesday 11 July: War Criminals are not welcome here… or anywhere except at the International Criminal Court facing war crime charges,” the Stop the War Coalition, which has organized the protest, said.
The group also called on Arsenal football club to “uninvited” Blair from the event.
Stop the War’s convener Lindsey German said Blair is globally discredited for his war crimes in Iraq, which eventually led to his forced resignation in September 2006.
“Blair has confessed that he would like to be prime minister again. Conveniently he forgets that he was forced out of office three years before he wanted to go,” German said.
“The problem for Blair is that the one issue that he wants to forget – Iraq – is the one issue that everyone remembers. It is the decision which will dog him for the rest of his life,” she added.
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