Bird flu: Details of deadly H5N1 will inevitably leak, says bioterrorism expert

  • ‘The infrastructure to stop a pandemic is not there,’ says Professor Paul Keim

Ted Thornhill

Last updated at 1:19 PM on 8th February 2012

H5N1 warning: Professor Paul Keim

H5N1 warning: Professor Paul Keim

Details of secret experiments by scientists who have created the most deadly form of bird flu in the lab will inevitably be leaked – potentially into the hands of terrorists – an expert has warned.

A furore erupted in December over the decision by the U.S National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB) to censor details of the virus being made public, which can be transmitted by coughs and sneezes.

But now the head of that board claims they will enter the public domain anyway.

Professor Paul Keim has issued a stark warning to governments to begin preparing for an outbreak.

‘We recognise that, in the long term certainly, the information is going to get out, and maybe even in the midterm,’ he told The Independent.

‘But if we can restrict it in the short term and motivate governments to start getting busy in terms of building up the flu-defence infrastructure, then we’ve succeeded at a certain level.’

Chillingly, he added: ‘The infrastructure to stop a pandemic in this area is not there. We just don’t have the capabilities. Even if we spotted it early on, I don’t think we have enough vaccines. The vaccines aren’t good enough, and the drugs are not good enough to stop this emerging and being a pandemic.’

When H5N1 bird flu erupted over seven years ago, out of the 584 people known to have caught it, 335 died.

What stopped it from becoming a world-wide killer was its inability to jump from birds to humans easily.

However, a mutation of the virus was made by Ron Fouchier and his team at the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam in Holland, which was just as deadly and passed easily between ferrets, the animal that best indicates whether humans will catch it.

In December, the NSABB asked the journals Nature and Science to censor publication of the study, and similar research conducted by American scientists, setting off a furious debate in the scientific and public health communities.

The move followed a voluntary 60-day suspension of a study into the virus by the researchers themselves, who became worried that their work could lead to a pandemic.

Fears were raised that the engineered
viruses may escape from the laboratories – not unlike the frightful
scenario in the 1971 science fiction movie The Andromeda Strain – or
possibly be used to create a bioterror weapon.

In a letter published in Nature and Science, 39 scientists defended the research as crucial to public health efforts. 

Deadly: The new H5N1 virus can be transmitted by coughs and sneezes

Deadly: The new H5N1 virus can be transmitted by coughs and sneezes


Among the scientists who signed the letter were leaders of the two teams that have spearheaded the research, at Erasmus Medical College in the Netherlands and the University of Wisconsin, Madison, as well as influenza experts at institutions ranging from the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to the University of Hong Kong.   

The letter in full can be read here

The researchers, however, were critical of the NSABB’s decision to partially censor their work.

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Strange they do the work and only then dothey worry about the consequences. They knew what they were doing and it doesn’t require anything but common sense to see where it would lead.
Unless, of course, this is a put up job to lead others to believe something exists when actually it does not. We know all about WMD and how easy they are to find.

So instead of curing illnesses and diseases, we create them without cures? Clearly the government have their priorities right…

Have we got a cure for cancer or heart disease? No we didn’t bother we were too busy researching a virus to wipe out mankind. Where does the funding come from? Can’t this type of research be prevented under counter terrorism laws? I live on this planet too and I don’t want some idiot scientist killing me just because he can.

Well ofcourse it`ll get out, that`s the whole idea of designing killer diseases.

Wish my wife would catch it

I hope I catch this little beauty and I hope it kills me.

Maybe these fab little pathogenic inventions are why we’re not hearing any alien chatter out there in the cosmos.

They must be bonkers creating this thing, then insisting the details are published.

Can we choose were we use it?

Well this is one way to take care of over population.

This is completely unethical. These scientists in the US could be certifiably mad – all it takes is a simple error and they and their loved ones are dead. I think we in the UK should re-evaluate our relationship with the US. Even the lies told by Tony Blair about Saddam Hussain were never as bad as this.

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